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A/N - Yes, it's been forever since I've written for this, I fell out of the undertale fandom, but as I predicted it's dragged me back in (willingly) and I really want to finish this story. I reevaluated the story and I'm going  to do a few things slightly different. It's planned to be a long story so I'm splitting it up to make it easier for me and this will be the last chapter to part one! But worry not, I will be starting part 2 very soon!

She bolts upright, golden flower petals flying into the air. Breathing hard she looks around, "No, no, no, no..." she shakes her head, 'this can't be happening, why, why!' "CHARA!" she yells,

"What's wrong partner? You seem upset?" and there he was, floating and circling around her, 

"Why? Why did..." Frisk chokes out staring up at him, he settles down in front of her, 

"Oh, Frisky, you will understand," he smiles and it does nothing but scare her, he seemed different, colder, "you had your fun, now let me show you a different way to play this game," his smile becomes wider,

"No..." Frisk shuffles back before scrambling to her feet and running away,

"Where are you going partner! You know I can find you anywhere!" Chara laughs after her, but Frisk keeps running, past the place where she had first met Flowey, through the entrance and into the ruins, she stumbles to her knees as a Froggit jumps out at her, with a gasp she pushes back to her feet and barely avoids its attack. Chara settles behind her and wraps his arms around her shoulders, "We are going to do things a little different this time Frisk," Chara takes the girls hand and presses a stick into it, Frisk stares at the stick and then at Chara,

"What do you mean... different...?" Frisk trembles a little,

"You're going to take that stick, and attack that Froggit," Chara grins, his eyes becoming a deep darker red, 

"I don't want to.. I won't do it," Frisk says adamantly, Chara clucks his tongue,

"Let's make a deal, just this one Froggit, that's all you have to do," Chara pushes Frisk towards the small monster, "don't you want to make me happy Frisk, this will make me very happy. If you don't like it, we can reset again after and begin all over again, you have nothing to lose," Frisk stares at the Froggit, gripping the stick tightly in her hand,

"No, I refuse. Chara please, please let's not do this, we freed everyone, the barrier was broken!"

"And who says they deserved to be free, they killed the fallen children Frisk," Chara snarls, his voice full of dark hatred, Frisk tenses up, she did not like this, she did not like this angry Chara, "they are killers Frisk, no better than humans, they should all be punished, humans and monsters. Now kill the Froggit!" 

"No!" Frisk yanks away from Chara and throws the stick away, "Run!" she yells at the Froggit as she watches the sclera of Chara's eyes turn black, 

"Oh, Frisky," he shakes his head and smiles wide, "you should just play along like a good partner," he starts laughing, "I can see that determination in your eyes, but Frisk, you're not the one in control anymore!" Frisk yelps in fright as Chara runs at her, spinning around she tries to flee but it is too late. Chara forcefully possesses Frisk, taking control of her movements, "sleep now, I'll do what is needed, don't you worry," Frisk tries to fight back as her vision darkens, a suffocating, insidious and unnatural hate swarms her mind, she knew this could not be Chara but what was it then? Laughter bubbles out of her from Chara as her consciousness fades, 'No, please... why...'


Sans shuffles down into the basement and looks around the room, he half expected it to be in ruins, "Huh, maybe something that happened last time?" with a small shake of his head he moves over to the corner and reaches to pull down the sheet covering the machine his father had created some years ago. As he does so, he pauses spotting something on his sleeve, bringing his arm closer to his face he finds a small red stain, "it's not ketchup..." he frowns after sniffing it, "it looks, like... ink..." a sharp pain erupts in his head, with a gasp he grips it and stumbles back. Slamming into the side and slumping down to the ground, papers that he had left on the side flutter down to the floor around him. Images flicker across his vision as the pain increases, he squeezes his eye sockets closed tight, a small moan of pain escaping him. The one last image shimmers across his mind. He was reaching out and wiping red ink from their face, golden eyes blinking at him with surprise and a small blush spreading across their cheeks. And in that instant the pain was gone, "Frisk..." he gasps out. He runs a hand down his face, "Frisk was here last time... and... we got out..." he tries to stand up but a wave of dizziness hits him and he collapses back down, his vision blurring before he passes out.

His bones ached and he had to wonder just where exactly he had fallen asleep. Opening his eyes he winces at the dull throb in his skull, why was he on the floor in the secret lab. He pushes into a sitting position, spine cracking as he stretches, "What happened... I passed out?" he glances around the room, "What was..." he rubs his neck, "something about the kid.." he gets to his feet, "I don't remember, why?" deciding to shake it off he takes a shortcut to the doors to the ruins, figuring it was best to start there. Something was telling him he needed to go there, "Is it that promise or... something else?" he comes to a stop at the door. The snow had recently been disturbed signalling that the door had been opened. A chill runs down his spine though as he spots what looks like dusty footprints, "maybe the ruins are just... dusty," he moves his gaze, tracking the footsteps to a young human form some distance ahead, he begins to follow them finding them to have stopped at the bridge. They seem to be contemplating crossing. Taking his time, Sans walks up behind them, "Human, don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." He holds out his hand as the human turns around slowly and grips it with their soft and suspiciously dusty one. A loud farting noise echoes through the air, "heheh, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, it's always funny," he chuckles but the human does not react, just looks up at him neutrally with those crimson red eyes as Sans puts his hand in his pocket and discreetly tries to wipe the dust from his fingers, "that's, uh, your cue to laugh. Or, uh, to emote at all...?" those eyes unnerved him, and seemed wrong, 'Why do I get the feeling they should be golden?' he tries to shake off the eerie feelings, "OK, that's fine. Everyone's got their own sense of humour." He scratches his cheek, "Anyways, you're a human, right? That's hilarious. I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton," still no reaction from the human. "I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now," he has to glance away from them, "But, y'know, I don't really care about capturing anybody, Now my brother, Papyrus, he's a human-hunting fanatic, hey, actually, I think that's him over there. I have an idea, go through this gate thingy," Sans ushers the kid through as Papyrus makes his way towards them in the distance, "Yeah, go right through, my bro made the bars to wide to stop anyone. Quick, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp," but the kid does not move, simply stare blankly at him, "uh, ok, I guess you don't have to..."


"Yeah..." Sans was not quite sure this kid was human the more he looked in their eyes, it set off warning bells in his head.

"REALLY!?!? WOWIE!!! GUESS THAT'S SETTLED!!!" Papyrus hurries back off without another word.

"That worked out, huh?" the kid just looks at him once more then starts walking but Sans causes them to pause, "Well, I'll be straight forward with you, my brother'd really like to see a human. So, y'know, it'd really help me out... if you kept pretending to be one." Sans watched as a small smile tugged at their lips but they moved on. Deep into his soul he knew, he knew he had to watch this one carefully, and he knew he had to figure out things quickly.

A Different Kind of End - Book One - ResetWhere stories live. Discover now