Chapter 2 - Ruins Exit

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After more exploring, they find a spider bake sale, sadly neither of them has money but later they were given some off a Loox for sparing him. Frisk held up the golden coins grinning at Chara,

"You could have gotten more than gold if you fought him," he grumbles,

"No, no fighting," Frisk scolds, "let's go back to the bake sale,"

"Must we?" he whines,

"Yes, it's for an important cause!" Frisk giggles while skipping along. Once they had purchased a spider donut, which Chara cringed at, they get back on track and shortly after the phone rings again, Frisk answers it quickly,

"Hello? I just realized that it has been a while since I have cleaned up. I was not expecting to have company so soon. There are probably a lot of things lying about here and there. You can pick them up, but do not carry more than you need. Someday you might see something you really like so you will want to leave room in your pockets for that." Toriel ends the call,

"What was that all about, plus does she not say goodbye like ever?" Chara frowns,

"What that means is, treasure," Frisk's golden eyes sparkle in excitement, "and goodbyes always seem so very final, I don't like them," she adds on, remembering the sadness off passing through the barrier leaving her friends behind, and that phone call,

"Hmm," Chara just continues to frown as he follows after her.

They did indeed find what Frisk dubbed as treasure. They found a faded ribbon, which she failed to put correctly in her hair and it resulted in Chara fixing it for her, he nods satisfied, "If your cuter, monsters won't hit you as hard," he comments. They bumped into Napstablook briefly again but he went away pretty quickly, then they go through a series of rooms with colourful switches in which they had to pick the correct one to continue forward, luckily there was signs telling them which one to choose. Frisk was beginning to get tired, "Do you want to stop and rest for a while?" Chara asks her, concerned because she had lost a little health during recent encounters with many Loox, yet she still refused to attack even when they hurt her, he did not like that, he could not understand why she would not fight and it upset him that she was hurt as a result,

"No, I'm okay, we're close now," she gives a determined grin and keeps moving. She lets out a relieved sigh though as a large tree comes into view,

"Oh dear," Toriel's voice can suddenly be heard, "that took longer than I thought it would." she came into view pulling a phone out, obviously to ring Frisk, her eyes widen when she spots them, "How did you get here, my child? Are you hurt?" she asks with deep concern, "There, there, I will heal you."

"Heh, I guess she's kind of useful," Chara mutters, Frisk ignores him,

"I should not have left you alone for so long, it was irresponsible to try surprise you like this... err..." she pauses, "Well, I suppose I cannot hide it any longer, come small one!" she guides them over to a small purple bricked house and steps inside, Frisk smiles up at the building,

"Seeing such a cute, tidy house in the ruins gives you determination." Chara whispers in her ear making her giggle and push him away slightly, she let the feeling of a save point flow through her before stepping inside the small home to find Toriel waiting with a smile,

"Do you smell that?" she asks, "Surprise! It is a butterscotch-cinnamon pie."

"Of course it is," Chara responds with sass, Frisk is glad Toriel cannot hear him, that having been rather rude,

"I thought we might celebrate your arrival, I want you to have a nice time living here. So, I will hold off on snail pie tonight,"

"Ew," Chara cringes, Frisk tries not to laugh,

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