Chapter 13 - Dates and Determination

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A/N - Hey guys and gals and all those in-between! Yeah, it's been like waaaaaaaaaay over a year since I last updated this story. I apologise from the bottom of my heart for that. Between health problems and falling out of the fandom for a while I just couldn't wrap my head around the story. But! It's back! And hopefully you're still reading it. For new readers, WELCOME! I hope you're enjoying it.

Will be trying for one chapter a week, as I'm also currently writing a story, I hope to be actually published one day. Anyways, I won't keep you, on with the story!

He stood wondering what he should say once they turned up, it would be soon surely. It would not take that long to get through Hotland, although, they had been stopped constantly by that tin can, he sighs and rubs the back of his skull while leaning against the wall. "They will be here soon," he mumbles to himself, as if on cue, they appear, he finds himself grinning and waving as they come hurrying over, "Hey, I heard you're going to the core. How about grabbing some dinner with me first?" he is kind of worried they will say no, but to his relief they smile and nod,

"Yeah, I'd like that,"

"Great, thanks for treating me." He jokes and winks at them, grinning when they giggle, "Over here, I know a shortcut," he takes their hand and leads them around the corner and then, they are by a fancy table, a single candle gives off a soft light. Could this look more like a date... what if they think it is a date, what if they do not. Sans could not figure out which bothered him more, "well, here we are." He sits down opposite them pushing the thoughts aside, "So, your journey's almost over, huh? You must really wanna go home." He watches a flicker of sadness cross their face, "Hey, I know the feeling, buddo." He did not like how sad they looked now, "Though... maybe sometimes it's better to take what's given to you. Down here you've already got food, drink, friends... is what you have to do... really worth it?" he looks away so he does not catch the flicker of panic or the few tears that slip free only to be wiped away quickly before he turns back, "ah, forget it, I'm rootin' for ya kid," she gives him a sad smile as he glances away again. Trying to change the subject he turns back to her, "Hey, let me tell you a story. So, I'm a sentry in Snowdin forest, right? I sit out there and watch for humans. It's kind of boring, fortunately, deep in the forest..." he leans back in his seat and stares off, "there's this HUGE locked door, and it's perfect for practising knock, knock jokes. So, one day, I'm knocking 'em out, like usual. I knock on the door and say 'knock, knock' and suddenly, from the other side... I hear a woman's voice. 'Who is there?' So, naturally I respond: 'Dishes.' 'Dishes who?' 'Dishes a very bad joke," he winks at Frisk making her giggle lightly, "then she just howls with laughter, like it's the best joke she's heard in a hundred years. So, I keep 'em coming, and she keeps laughing. She's the best audience I've ever had, then, after a dozen of 'em, SHE knocks and says... 'knock, knock' I say, 'who's there?' 'Old lady,' 'old lady who?' 'Oh! I did not know you could yodel!' wow, needless to say, this woman was extremely good, we kept telling each other jokes for hours. Eventually, I had to leave," he grins a little, "Papyrus gets kind of cranky without his bedtime story, but she told me to come by again, and so I did, then I did again, and again. It's a thing now, telling bad jokes through the door. It rules..."

Frisk just smiles, she has heard this before, but she was starting to feel different than last time. Last time she found this quite sweet, this time, it made her feel off, almost, jealous? But that was not possible, how could she be jealous, and of what exactly. Chara still had a tight grip on her shoulder and had been grumbling about Sans throughout his story, oblivious to how Frisk's emotional state kept fluctuating. Then Sans continues and she meets his gaze again, "One day though, I noticed she wasn't laughing very much, I asked her what was up. Then she told me something strange. 'If a human ever comes through this door... could you please, please promise something? Watch over them, and protect them, will you not?' Now, I hate making promises and this woman, I don't even know her name. But... someone who sincerely likes bad jokes... has an integrity you can't say no to. Do you get what I'm saying? That promise I made to her... you know what would have happened if she hadn't said anything? Buddy..." She watches Sans glance away, an empty expression on his face, the white pinpricks usually present in his eye sockets vanish and she feels a deep sadness fill her at his next words, "You'd be dead where you stand..."

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