Chapter 8 - Spear of Justice

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The darkness was fuzzy, she hears a voice, "It sounds like it came from over here... oh! You've fallen down, haven't you..." she wants to respond but cannot move, "Are you okay?" she wants to scream out that she was not okay, but when she thought about it, she felt no pain, she felt, nothing. "Here, get up... Chara, huh? That's a nice name. My name is..." everything became blinding and Frisk sat bolt upright, all her senses rushing back over her body,

"Chara!" she shouts out,

"Chill out you don't need to yell," he was there, sat right in front of her on the small patch of golden flowers, for a moment she thought she had reset to the beginning again but the sound of rushing water told her otherwise. She launches herself forward, tackling Chara with a tight hug, the ghostly boy hesitantly hugs back, "calm down it's okay,"

"Where were you!" Frisk cries into his shoulder, refusing to let go,

" left me remember..." he huffs, "Can you let go now?"

"I'm sorry...I should have listened to you," she starts to cry hard now,

"Aww come on Frisky don't cry," he frowns glancing away uncomfortable with her tears,

"I thought you were gone for good, I rushed back to waterfall but you weren't there..."

"Well I was around..." he was not about to mention he was following her most of the time and as he had, his hatred for that constantly smiling skeleton grew, "You called for my help and I came, didn't I?" Frisk looks up now, it had been a long drop and yet she hardly felt anything, just a little achy. Falling underground in the first place had hurt like hell,

"Wait, you saved me?"

"Yeah... I told you I can numb pain and my reflexes are much quicker than yours are, you just had to willingly let me in," he grins, it looks a little disturbing, "and you did, finally," Frisk finds this a little worrying but chooses to push it aside for now, simply happy to no longer be alone again. They get up and move on, not long after they fall into a fight with Mad Dummy, "You should just attack it, it's only a dummy,"

"No Chara, I don't want to hurt anyone," Frisk hisses as she tries to dodge its attacks,

"But what if you get hurt!"

"Then help me?" Frisk looks to Chara almost pleadingly, "but we don't hurt anyone,"

"Fine," Chara rolls his eyes before running right at Frisk, the girl lets out a small yelp as he possesses her, for a moment he has to fight against a dark impulse to ignore what Frisk said and just kill the dummy, 'whoa I feel nothing...' her thoughts fill his head and he snaps back, a smile spreading on Frisk's face in response to him, "told ya," he moves around flawlessly, making the dummies own attacks hit it, but it got more and more angry. Both Frisk and Chara were left stumped at what to do, until milky droplets fell down upon the dummy. Chara let Frisk have control again as the dummy storms off muttering something about acid rain.

"Napstablook!" Frisk grins as the ghost they had met back at the ruins floats down,

"Sorry, I interrupted you, didn't I? As soon as I came over, your friend immediately left..." he looks down,

"Did he seriously not see all the rockets and the dummies, the knife!" Chara hisses shaking his head in disbelief,

"Oh no, you guys looked like you were having fun, I just wanted to say hi," he said so forlornly, Frisk's soul moves back into her body and she smiles at Napstablook in an attempt to cheer him up, "Well... I'm going to head home now, oh, umm... feel free to 'come with' if you want... but no pressure... I understand if your busy," he starts to float away, Frisk glances at Chara as if asking for permission,

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