For anybody who is still in high school, college is a trap. Don't do it.
Just kidding.
Or am I?
Claire Maureen Leonora Wilkes
"Yes, you have my mother in here, Angeline Wilkes," I said, speaking to the nurse at the front desk.
"Ma'am, if you will give me a sec--"
"Taylor, you know who I am, and you know who my mother is. Don't you 'ma'am' me. Where is she?" I said, clearly not in the mood for games.
"Third floor, room 308," she said finally.
I rushed into the elevator with Rome right behind me.
"Hurry up!" I screamed, getting overly agitated with the speed of the elevator.
Rome put his arm around me to assure me that he was here for me. He didn't bother to say "it's gonna be ok," or anything like that, because he honestly doesn't know that. He just lets me know he's here.
Rushing into the room, my mother laid was a bruised face, arms, and legs, but she wasn't sleeping. Instead, she was just staring into space.
"Mom," I said, walking over to her as I let my tears flow freely.
"Quit crying, child. I'm fine," she said to me.
"Mommy, who did this to you? What happened?"
"Your father."
"I've always hated him, mom! We should've left! He was always angry with us no matter what we did, mom!" I exclaimed, crying hysterically.
"Sweetie, I never told you this, but your father has IED. He's had it a long time, but it became more frequent as we got older. I just wanted to stick with him, dear," she said as she began to cry. "Everyone always neglected him, but I just wanted to show him that I would be there for him no matter what. I may have done well with that, but I certainly failed you as a mother. No parent wants to see her child getting abused, especially by her significant other. I certainly failed you. I should've left a long time ago," she said crying more now than before. "I'm sorry. I never wanted this to happen. I figured he would stop, but he didn't, and I promise you I'm sorry!"
I cried with my mom. She had never apologized to me for anything that has ever happened. For me to hear her say she was sorry really meant a lot to me.
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Time went by and I just sat with my mom while Rome went out to get us food. She apologized to him for her actions and actually took time to listen to him and learn what he was about. Needless to say, she began to like him.
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"Claire, I think he's a good guy," she said with a smile on her face.
"Yea, he is. That's what I've been trying to tell you," I said, laughing, though I was serious.
"You love him?"
"I do," I said as I smiled confidently.
"Is he the one you want to spend the rest of your life with?" she asked as she got more comfortable in her bed.
"He is. I can see myself being with him forever and it's a beautiful sight," I smiled.
"Well, I'm happy for you baby."
The doctor came in and said she'd need to spend a few nights in the hospital, but she's doing fine. She was back to herself, just... happier.
Rome returned with food. We sat and talked, which was basically my mom trying to see if Rome knew anyone she did.
"You know Will Rogers? Mae Rogers's son. Everybody call him Lil' Will"
"No, ma'am," he responded again. This was going on for quite a while and my mom received the same answer. She felt that despite him being from someplace else, he knew somebody she did.
"Well, goodness, son. Do you know anybody?" she asked sarcastically, causing us to laugh.
Before we could continue the conversation, in walked two women and three men behind them. They were quite beautiful.
"Doctor Wilkes, these people said they are here to see your mother and that they know you."
"Thank you, Nurse Taylor," I said with an obvious look of confusion plastered across my face.
"Can I help you?" I asked as I stood up.
"Wow," said the tall, light, straight-haired one.
"Shannon?" my mother called out with tears falling down her face.
"Hi, mom," the lady said. She looked as if she was fighting back tears.
I turned and faced my mom. Her hands covered her mouth as tears streamed from her eyes.
"'Mom? They're your kids?" I asked, pointing and looking back at them.
"Last I checked, we were your brothers and sisters, too," said the man in the back.
Confused as to what to do, I ran and hugged each of them. I'd dreamed of this day for so long. It was just sad that these were the conditions and circumstances it had to happen under.
I held each of them for what felt like dear life.
I had so many questions and so many things I wanted to know.
I was ready for that brother and sister bond.
I know, I know, I know.
I've been gone for 12 years and 2 nights, but I've been thinking about this book nonstop. I'll try my absolute hardest to update since school is still out.