Chapter 1

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   It's just another nightmare. It's just another nightmare. I'll wake up and it will be just us in bed. Or us on the island. It's just another bad dream.
    He takes a step forward. Staring between Ninfa and I. His eyes clearly read anger but also sabotage.
    He's searching for ways in his mind he can kill her before he goes for me. She's my heart, I can never allow my love to ever get harmed by this dickhead. I won't allow it.
"Aren't you going to introduce us, mutt?"
"No. I'm sure you don't care anyway."
"You would be correct." He agrees with an ugly smile.
     I try everything I can. Everything. And finally tap into Ninfa's mind.
    I need to speak to her. If I slow time, it won't work too long on him. She needs to go. To get away before he dies find a way. Before he does and tries to end her...because he knows it would end me.
"I need you to run."
     Her hand becomes sweaty quickly in the tiny moment that I'm able to slow time. I know something was going on in heaven but couldn't figure out what. And I am not fully in her mind, only enough to speak.
    There are so many things I'm worried about in this moment. I'm with so much anxiety but I cannot let it show. I won't let her see me so fearful. I won't because she needs to stay strong if I die and I may.
"Nin, if you love me, you will do as I say. I cannot lose you and I don't know my power to his. Please, for me, for yourself, don't be damned like me. Go. I'll find you when this is over." I beg of her.
"I won't leave." She denies. I knew she would but there is no other way.
"Ninfa. Please? I'm begging you. I don't want him to hurt you. The longer you stay. The more he will try to find a way."
"I'll be here but stay hidden. I love you." She finally agrees. Though I don't believe she wants to at all.
    She blinks out and I resume the slowed time. His eyes look over to where she was and then back to me.
"Send your playmate home?" He does a poor and ugly pouty face.
"She would be my wife. But I don't know where she went." I say proudly but also sadly.
"Wife? You know, I picked you for more of a mouse type."
"Just because you locked me up my whole life doesn't mean I have to settle for the choices you gave."
    While in those dungeons, my only friends were mice and rats. All of which I was able to speak and understand. I hated it because it just made me feel like I was one of them and to Lucifer, I was worse than one.
"If it were up to me, you wouldn't even have a love, mutt." He smiles.
    His smiles make me sick. His face. All of him. A being I faced all my life but now he's threatening my love, I cannot allow him further.
"Well, that's all beside the point. I came back for my throne and I don't need my little pathetic excuse of a offspring to be killing all my minions." He speaks in my silence.
"Your choice in words haven't changed in over a thousand years. But one thing has. I'm free."
"Not for long."
    His hands wave in the air. A magic trick he would use once and it would bring me to my knees with sheer pain. But he looks like he just karate chopped air.
"Got anything else?" I challange. Nothing behind one thing that use to take me down easily.
    His eyes turn into flames. Flames that coat the black pearls. He's getting angry. Or more so.
"I've missed.. What, 3, 4 birthdays? Maybe I should be giving you punishments instead of gifts."
"Don't you do that like every single year? Your words are the same. Don't you get tired of repeating yourself?"
   He throws a spell to me that I dodge. It hits behind me and explodes. I feel a small heat on my back but nothing else.
    Rage only grows in his eyes. A look I've seen when I refuse his jolly ass a cry to the pain he gave me.
"That's my sword." He looks at Sekia and then to me.
     I raise Sekia to his throat, almost touching his skin. "I think not."
"She can't kill me." He says without fear.
"No. But we could." He should fear.
     He laughs and pushes the sword back. It stings him but he ignore it to act a lot tougher than what he seems. But between me and the blade, I feel so much raw power that has been unused and is ready for any given moment.
"You play child's game, mutt."
    Child's game is an odd way to put this but I suppose if I continue this, it could be called as such. Nothing but his child playing with a deadly sword and magic and about to destroy.
    I hate that he calls me that. I'm not a mutt because I'm his child. My mother was no bitch, so I am no mutt.
"That is not my name, you fucking bastard."
"YOU DARE SPEAK TO YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT?!" He yells. His eyes and their fire burn brighter with anger.
    He quickly steps forward and has his hand to my throat. He lifts me from the ground fairly easy. I do not give in, though I see spots in my eyes. I will not die, only pass out and return a short bit next but I can't this time, I need to be here.
   I jab the sword into his side and he releases me. A loud growl comes from him as I rip the sword from him. He laughs loudly to it after and begins morphing into the true devil. A form that even I cannot mimic... I mean I can try? But so don't want to and will not.
"Such power for a weakling." He says to mock me.
    I summon up all the ways I had died to memory. Bringing chains from underground that lock his arms down. The spikes drive through his wrists as I force my mind to make them do so.
    This view of him make me slightly happy. It only looks right to see this. To see the panic and fear take place in his eyes.
   The ground shakes as he tries to pull from this but fails to break free. His fire grows hotter in is aura. And I do the one thing he locked me in for over 15 years for. I drown him. I fill his lungs constantly with water.
    He manages to laugh through it all. Manages to mock me. But I'm far from done.
    A cut by a thousand knives. And I bringforth a thousand blades. They carve into him bit by bit until the last cut. I'm looking for the scream I refused on giving him. But he only laughs and chokes on the water.
    I feel my energy drain quickly but I keep with it. Once my energy is gone, it will drain my humanity. But I have Ninfa. She will bring me back. She did it before.
"What is this? The Mutt's revenge?" He spits out words with water.
    I thought maybe the water would stop him from speaking but I guess not. His voice annoys me so. His mocking annoys me. Him calling me that again annoys me.
    My rage takes over and I force the crucifixion on him. He hangs with nails in his hands and a nail in his feet. Thornes on his head. No cross against his back to hold him up. Chained and drowning.
    He laughs more to it. The list of all the things he had done to me goes blank and all I can think about is his death. How it could bring me peace. How I have the option of pure freedom.
"Wait. Wait, wait. How did you return from the other realm?" I ask in confusion of how this is possible.
"Using a battle to get your blood. All easy." He says and laughs again through the water choking him.
    I drive Sekia into his chest. He laughs loudly. Him and his laughs are annoying me.
    I slowly turn Sekia into his chest, twisting it in his heart like he had with me.
"You're never free of me. Always will be haunted. Always will look over your shoulder to make sure I'm not coming with whips. Even if you kill me. You are me."
    I'm just someone trying to be free. Someone whom fights for love. One who fights for love is not the devil for fighting for what's true and real.
"I am not you."
"Like father like daughter. Like daughter like father."
"Difference there would be love. If you loved mom, you would have loved me."
"Do you dare talk of your mother?" He tries against his chains but gets nowhere.
"My mother would be proud of me."
"She would find you sick. Your lover is an angel for crying out loud. And a girl. It's just wrong, mutt."
    I force my power into Sekia and he cries out to her pain.
"You think you can kill me? You're wrong. You think you're stronger than me? You're wrong." He spits out in chokes of water.
    I do another power to Sekia and he yells out again. The cry makes me feel good to hear. To cause a man, who caused me pain, pain from my raw power.
"Your mother would be ashamed of she was here. Your mother would hate you for who you love. For who you are." He's just buying time. Trying to get inside my head so I doubt I can do this. So I doubt in myself.
"I don't think she would."
   He laughs loudly. "So when this is over. If you can kill me. What will you do next? Go be with your angel? Go have a family? Or go take the crown? Maybe rule all the monsters." He fake gasps. "I think you could save the world."
   I force more water into his lungs and he begins choking more to it.
"You can't kill me. You're weak." He spits out with water.
"You're nothing as he has said, Valerie. You're bright and beautiful. You're kind and gentle. You're my heart and soul. If you can't believe in yourself, believe in me."
    I almost want to look around for her but if I do then he could pull something and I can't afford this. I'll be lucky if I can do anything with the little I have left. I have to do this.
"Goodbye, Lucifer." I give though he doesn't deserve it.
     He laughs loudly. "You dare try?"
    With a small start I begin giving all my power to the sword. Sekia glows brighter. It's as if everything that was happening around us stopped for this one moment.
    I feel my energy draining quickly. His yells of pain only make me more pleased. To bring a man pain whom had me isn't what I would morally give advice to do but in my case, I deserve this. To bring a MAN, Satan, down.
    I deserve this. To hear him yell in pain. To inflict the pain. To watch him begin to crumble down.
    I've given my energy to the blade and he only cries in pain. It's beginning to drain my humanity and I fear that when this is done, when this is over and he is dead... I won't be me.
    My tank is running low. Really low. I'm hanging on to the small sliver I have and trying to find the power elsewhere but I can't.. I have to drain my humanity.
"I love you." I give to her a last time before giving myself to the sword fully.
    I keep enhancing the power of the sword and almost laugh to his pathetic cries of pain. He acts like this hurts or something. It probably doesn't. But I would know, would I?
"Valerie. Please. Have mercy."
"Valerie has no mercy." I speak plainly.
     I push harder. I can feel the sword slowly drain my physical being. I'm growing weak to my own power but I have to see this through. It has to be done. I can't have him take me back to hell or hurt that angel.
    I won't have any of that. Not again, nor ever. I must do this, even if it means I die with him.
    I force all I can into the sword. It shines brighter than any light I have ever seen. He cries out in a louder plea for help but no one will.
    It's almost as if the world stops spinning as the devil began to glow. To radiate. To emplode.
    I keep the sword in and give any energy I can and it is almost complete. He begins to make small crackle sounds before I get flung back in the air as Lucifer explodes.
    My back hitting the building behind me. Hitting my head and feeling all of me begin to crumble on its own to the thrown when I am weak and other factors. I will not back down.
    I search high and low for the devil but find nothing but guts and sparks of flames. Looking to Sekia I see the strobe flashes turn to dull flashes and then stop entirely. His magical presence is gone but I'm skeptic that he is fully gone.
    The monsters circle me and all look defeated. Maybe a bit of petty. Or maybe praise, I am unsure.
"Hail Valerie."
     I laugh to their chants. "Fools. I'm not going to take the crown."
    Nothing could make me take that place. I am free now. I am free like this too.
    I slow time and take off all their heads. As I stand still, I resume time. But this is all I get. This is all I get to, to kill them all but not finish the battle.
    The strain I had given my body was just too much. Every bit of energy gone, humanity gone and physically if I were human, I would be dead. I think I'm dying though.
    With the way my body is rapidly decreasing, I would assume I have little time left in life. I did my part So it won't matter. I did my time.
    I collapse. The angel picking me up is the last thing I feel or see before I fall into the abyss. My fight is done.
     My war is over.

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