Chapter 12

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I don't think I'm ready for birth. But I'm in the ninth month and it's any time now. Things have been going okay.
Okay. So. No. Good. Things have been going great.
It's almost like it's back to normal. Almost. We still have some things to work through.
Joel has voiced Valerie's concerns because Valerie has closed up to me for certain parts of detail. I never knew her birthday, until recently. I knew not to mention it because of her dreams.. And now I understand why she never said anything to anyone on that day in the years that we had together.
She fears that the baby will be born on her birthday. And the way it looks, it might be that way. It's been 41 weeks... And to a human standpoint, she should have been born by now.
I feel her ready. I feel more and more ready as the days pass. Valerie grows more worried.
She grows worried of what could happen vs what will be given. Neither of us know what this baby will look like. Neither of us know what this baby will become.
"I still like Dakota."
I suggested the name. I held it with me for a little while, wondering if it would fit our child right. A name with light hidden behind it. A smiling l8hht. A deserving name for who I believe this babygirl will become.
"But you haven't given any names."
I try to get her to suggest more. She doesn't do much, really. She agrees with me and my name. But I still want her opinion because she is the father but also mother too.
"But I like the one you said. I think she would be happy as Dakota."
She presses her hands lightly against my belly and the baby kicks. She always kicks when Valerie touches my belly. It's an interesting reaction.
"Do you have any names at all?"
"I had a few. But I know Dakota means 'forever smiling'. And that holds way more meaning than my names."
She kisses my forehead. As she does, I get a list of all the names she had in mind. And I'll be honest, a few are really cute. But she changed her mind to Dakota.
"Isn't that what you wanted, Ninfa? I could see her being happy as that."
"Hm." I stand up slightly and kiss her cheek.
"Are my loves hungry?"
"I literally just ate an entire pizza like an hour ago."
"I know but you eat for two."
"You know that's actually not a thing, right?"
She sighs heavily. "I just want you to have everything you need."
"I just need you."
"And I'm here. I think we should do the birth in the hospital, though. I'll make it safe and everything. I just think it's more sanitary and could be healthier for both of you."
"You worry so much."
"I have reasons."
"We can. But I doubt highly it will be a normal child birth."
I can see so much worry in her ruby eyes. I'm honestly not ready for this. But.. I know if I have her, I'll be alright.
"I'll compel the hospital. Whole place. Make sure no one but a selet amount of people help."
"I don't want you wasting energy."
"Ever since you brought me back, I've founded something. I've spelled this house so many times. I don't feel the power each spell should normally drain. Or when I teleport, I don't feel it. It's different, like I've detached from some ties of a limitation."
In some way, that should strike fear. For anyone it should. To know the daughter of Lucifer killed him and then now has few limitations to her powers, one should be afraid. But I am not. Far from it.
I know she would never hurt me, not again anyway. I know there are at least 50 different spells protecting the baby and I. I am well protected, as well as this child of ours.
"That's interesting. It's a good thing, I think." I support her, though not sure what else to say. I'm just glad we're back together and things are good again.
I never cared for her power. I only want her for her love and the light she holds because of it. I don't hold much care for anything from her other than her love.
"I want you to sit. I'll cook dinner."
"Seriously, we just ate."
"Nin, sit. Let me be a worrying wife and cook my loves some goodies."
I feel kicks of the baby. Which she does only when she hears Valerie say the word cook. She likes Valerie's meals over summoned foods.
I don't blame her. Valerie cooks epic foods, though she doesn't have faith in any of her artworks. I guess that's a reason I'm here, to love her in ways she denies love for herself.
I'm lifted and gently placed on the barstool. She kisses my cheek before heading off towards the stove. Something just feels off though.
"Would it be so bad if she was born on your birthday?"
Her silence seems a lot longer than it is. It's heavy though, a very heavy silence.
"It's not that. It's hard to explain."
"I know. You've given me enough of your dreams, enough of your memories. But your birthday has a different meaning now. You're free, fully free. You don't have to worry about him ruining the day. So if she was born, she can add joy to the day."
She sighs heavily. "I know what you mean. But the day is a scar. She shouldn't have to bare the day I killed her grandma. And if.. if you go.. I won't be able to handle it, Ninfa. I'll break." The way her voice cracks, I know her words are far more true than I wish them to be.
"I doubt anything will happen."
I can't be sure of my own words but they comfort her, I will speak them. I fear for the worst but also look forward to the best. I trust she would take care of our baby if I had died. I trust she would love her even if I was gone.
"I'm just a worrying wife."
"She could be born tomorrow. Or the day after your birthday. It doesn't have to matter which day she is. I wish the day wouldn't haunt you so much."
"It's a day I regret. I didn't mean to."
"Val, I am in thanks to your mother. You know that, don't you? Because without her and that day, you wouldn't be here. She wouldn't be here." I rest my hands on my oversized babybump. I feel so damn fat.
She turns to me and I see a small smile grow to a bigger one. "How do you know how to make me feel better?"
"I have no clue."
She turns back to the stove and begins dishing the plates. Of course the left overs are given to Misty. And she eats them way faster than anyone could.
"I'm sure she will be an angel as you are."
"Who knows? She could be the loving and caring demon."
She laughs for a moment. "I hope not."
"Oh come on. Can't you imagine her being as beautiful as you? Ruby eyes. Black wavy hair. Slight fangs. She would be perfect."
I hear Misty laugh. It's mixed with a choke. It catches me off guard.
"You guys are ugly. If she looked like me, she would be perfect."
We laugh to her. Completely confusing but okay.
"Is that even possible?" Valerie asks in laughter.
Something in the look of Misty eyes makes Valerie choke.
"No, no, no, no. Don't want to know. I take it back. I take it back. I don't believe in that." She speaks quickly to Misty.
"It's a thing. Technically Ninfa believes in its practice."
"Hey. I am not an animal in bed."
I raise my eyebrow. I honestly miss that badly but she won't with me like this.
"She means literally, Ninfa."
I mean... She's damn good in bed. Drives me crazy. So, figuratively is an animal. But literally is a major no.. I beg to differ though, she keeps me over the moon with satisfaction. Animal in a sense but far from literal.
"That's weird, Misty. Why? Just why?"
She licks her paws and ignores me. That conversation ends. And I grow tired to the massive amounts of food I had ate. I don't know how I have managed to keep skinny, apart from the giant baby bump.
Valerie lifts me after she's cleaned the kitchen. Heading upstairs, she's careful. She's been this way for the pass few weeks. It makes sense.
I like it but also feel really useless. She won't really let me do anything but watch tv, movies, stay in bed, eat and cuddle. That's become my life, it's great, yeah, I just feel useless for other things.
She kisses my cheek. "Look who's lost in their thoughts now."
Her words true. We go back and forth with getting trapped in deep thought. Hers I normally have to really get her attention to get her out of them. Mine, I'm merely drawn back by few words.
"I'm just thinking about life, Val. It's okay."
"Anything I can do? Am I doing good?"
"Yeah, babe. You're good." I laugh lightly to her overreacting.
She sits me down on the bed and I lay back. After a moment she lightly kisses my belly. I love how she does this. I love how she is, how gentle.
"Are you doing okay? Is she?"
"Yes, Valerie. I am okay."
I listen to the baby's heartbeat. Peaceful, strong and much bigger from the first time I had heard it.
"And baby?" She asks again, impatiently for the answer.
"She's good too, babe. Stop worrying."
"She should have came already. I'm worried, okay? Let me worry."
I laugh and push her slightly. "No worrying."
Though she says she will try not to, I still see the same amount of worry in her eyes. I know how she feels. Like if she lost me, she wouldn't know what to do. But I'm protected well, by her. Very well. I doubt anything bad will happen.
I begin falling asleep to her. Her warm arms hold me from behind now. She seems to be falling asleep too.
"It's forever and always, right?"
The question catches me off guard. But I know where it as come from. Her worry that I will leave her, I won't.
"Forever and always, Valerie."
She kisses the back of my neck lightly before digging her face between my shoulder blades. She's so cute. She's my everything.
I start my fall to sleep again and fall quicker. I'm warm, home and it's forever. All I have ever wanted.

It's.. A dream? It's a dream, I can tell. The walls are of the castle in heaven, God's castle.
"I just wanted to see you before it all happens, Ninfa."
"It's good to see you." He steps from the bright light into view.
"Why a dream? Could you not visit physically? Or even take back heaven?"
"There are things I cannot explain to you. And I am sorry for those things. I am working on something, preventing something, something big."
"That doesn't make sense."
"You need to prepare yourselves. An uproar will take soon after the birth. I will give protection of the birth in case of if your mothers tragedies pass on. This child, she is the worlds new savior."
"What do you mean?"
"Valerie will be faced with a choice. A choice that will change the world. Your child is the key to the success of this mission, Ninfa. And in the future, you will see the magical being she will become."
"I don't understand."
"Restart this day for Valerie. Give her the best gift for her birthday she could ever ask for. Remember that you're not alone."
"Why can't you stay?"
"Because I'm in a battle, much bigger than one that rages on earth. But I promise you, one day I will return. One day."
"Prepare yourself, Ninfa."

The biggest kick wakes me. One that causes pain. A great pain. And I know it begins.

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