Chapter 49

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     I sigh loudly. "You. Ripped. My. Boxers."
"You're going to be mad at me over boxers?"
"N..No. They were my favorite though."
"I'm sorry. But also sort of not?"
"But they were my fav.." I hold them up, torn in half by the seams.
"It was you fault for teasing me. You cannot put blame on me."
     Clothes come at a cost of teasing foreplay. But in a way it's worth it. Just these were my favorite..
"They were my favorite.."
     I pull on a clean and intact boxers. Her eyes staring at me as I dress. Can't blame her for that when it goes both ways, I don't mind watching her dress or undress. Undress is my favorite though.
"How about I fix them?"
"I do not ask my wife to do such tedious tasks."
"But they were your favorite." She now mocks me.
"It's just clothing, I suppose."
"Why were they your favorite?"
"First time I met you. First time we kissed. First time we had made love. First time you said you loved me. First time I kissed my wife. First time I held Dakota."
     I picture each moment perfectly and smile to each. The way her teal eyes struck me, I was mesmerized as much as I still am today by them. Not silver like the rest of the angels, but something I'm thankful I get to see every day.
    A kiss that brought me back from numbness. It was a sweet kiss that lead to many more. A sweet kiss that took over my life.
     The first time we made love. So gentle to both of us, neither knowing what we were doing but we figured it out together. And I'd gladly admit, I'm more knowledged now. Way more.
     The first time she said she loved me, it was a surprise in a way. I hadn't believed it was possible. I hadn't believed she ever would and with the 2 month split, I knew it wasn't meant to be. But now... Now I have no doubt that she loves me.
    The day we got married. I remember how beautiful she was in the dress. How perfect it fit her curves. I owed her that day for so long but never did I ever think we would have lasted for that long. Or that I had the ...balls... to propose.
    Then the day of Dakota's birth. My birthday was given a new meaning. All because of an angel giving me a new reason to see the day as happy.
    All these days, one of a kind on each. Each hold their own level of happiness. But at the top is when she said she loved me and Dakota. The others mean as much to me but those are the days my life changed forever. In a good way.
     The worrisome look in her eyes confuses me. And I finally hear her speak.
"Are you alright? You're spacing out..."
    I lean in and take her lips quickly. I give all of me, my thoughts, my love  my heart and soul. The passion within the kiss is as strong as it always is and I love it. I love the feel of her soft lips, I love the warmth of her holds. I just love her.
"Oh." She says in heavy breath from the kiss. A red blush rises in her cheeks and it makes me smile... probably a witty smile.
"You're so ridiculous."
"I try." I smirk.
    A dark cloud rolls into her eyes. She breaks eye contact to hide her blushing cheeks. It still amazes me how beautiful she is.
"Sadly, my love. We best get the day started. We have room for whatever you wish for tonight, I promise."
    She leans up and kisses my cheek. In the kiss, she blinks us back to the school. Such a shame.
"See at lunch, love." I kiss her forehead and resume time.
    A kid in her class burps loudly. Loud enough to be heard through the door.
"Nice." I laugh out.
     Dakota finds it just as funny and I can hear her laugh through the door. The look in Ninfa's teal eyes just shines with happiness. So many elements around us, I cannot tell what is causing her so much joy.
"Pizza. Chicken nuggets and fries. Cause you did right."
    I laugh and nod. "Damn right. He's going to love pizza, though. I bet."
"You bet? I bet against it."
"What are we betting? I was sort of joking, sort of not."
"Your virginity."
     The small words she's spoke into my mind are words I fear. But a bet is a bet and I believe that he's going to like pizza and not mine.
    I have thought about it. The idea of role switch. I think I could get through it because the love we have and share but I just don't know. Once she had told me why she thinks I'm scared of it, is because of how many times I had been impaled. I don't know.
"You have little to worry about, Valerie. We both know no one can pass up pizza."
    I burst into laughter. Always knows how to make me feel better. Always.
    I open the door and push her in the class. Dakota waves to me and I to her.
    Now to start my work for the day. I wave my hand in the air, summoning the butler demon to follow me around. He bows to me instantly before we start walking again.
"Are we to do a lesson plan with the Elder dude thingy today?"
     I so love how everyone has adopted my way of speech. I didn't know? I'm lucky I was able to learn the real world education in less than a month. I had to know this world's education and learned it in a month of getting out of hell. I had no choice.
"Yes. Working with the Elder and his work plan." I say and turn into the class where he is.
"Ah, Valerie. Good to see you. Are you doing better?"
     I smile and bow to him, he does in return. "Very well, Elder. I've come to help gather a plan for your classes."
"Oh thank goodness. I was wondering how to go about it all."
"What have you got so far?"
"Controlling. Light or dark."
"Usage. Self defense. Energy and stamina." I suggest.
"Yes. Yes. Of course." He nods and his pen writes without him even touching it.
"Possibly explore bounds between each light and dark. I do accept some dark to be useful for good reasons. But I mainly use light."
"You'd have to get me those spells."
     I nod to him. The butler demon dude inturupts my thought.
"My lord, the council has requested your immediate attention."
     I regret my gift for him speaking through realms. I sigh and turn to him. "Let's go then?"
     He nods quickly and I take us to hell. Yay. The council finally got a new room, which I'm glad for because hitting guard every time I exited, was annoying as shit.
"What is the meaning of this meeting?"
"A roit, my lord. Giants, imps, demons, and plenty of other beings. They've gone crazy in the above. Somewhere in Missouri."
"Get me a location. Time for a little fun." I summon Sekia. All the beings in the room tense and it makes me smirk.
    I teleport back to the school. Stopping time, I walk into Ninfa's class.
"Wanna have a little fun?"
"What do you mean?"
"Riot in Missouri."
     I resume time for a moment. As expected, the council gave me the message through thought. I stop time again.
"Ever been to St. Louis?"
"I don't think so, actually."
     I summon her dragon blade. I size the sword up for a moment. I like a challenge so I toss her Sekia.
    She nearly drops it but quickly regains her posture. "I hate when you do that."
"Come on, babe. Be badass with me."
    I offer my hand and she takes. Within a second I blink into the crowd of angry faces of monsters. She clears some of them and I do too. Rather large crowd.
    The amount of heads, the strength I have to use to wield this sword. It's insane how much this sword sucks compared to Sekia. It's close but with Sekia, we feed off each others power.
    For Ninfa, the blade is just heavy. For me, it's lighter than a feather. And this sword easily weighs 15. It's weird.
     Blue handle in the shape of a dragon. Long and sharp as Sekia but takes longer for killing. I wonder if I can buff it for her. Though we don't really need the blades much anymore.
    Our blades crash into each other mid swing. Both taking off half the head of a demon. The spark lights his body on fire and he doesn't turn to ash as he would from Sekia.
"Hi there."
"You're doing good with her."
"Yet you still outkill."
"Oh, love. I've done this everyday since I had gotten from hell. Me being leader now only gives me more reason to enjoy taking out the rogues."
"You make it sound so sadistic."
"Isn't it?" I raise my eyebrow in question.
"I suppose so? If it is, I'd be a damned angel."
"And you're not cause you're still the light of my life."
   She evades our blades and continues our spree. She struggles taking heads off the giants, I help in the ways I can, mainly stabbing into their hearts. Within minutes, the area is swept of all monsters. Now to clean up it all.
"Remember the time I was a baby dragon?"
"You were so cute."
"Are. Are. I said are."
"Did you just lie?"
"I meant in an animal way. I don't want to have you think I meant you're no longer cute. You are. Sometimes even adorable. Just caught me off guard."
     I kiss her forehead. "My love, you're ridiculous."
"We say that so often to one another."
"We do, indeed we do. But with meaning each time."
     She's in smiles. I love her damn smile. I adore it.
    I take flight into the air and morph into a giant dragon. Ninfa's breath does a gasp. Maybe I'm too big.. not sure.
     Flames and fire at a heat to a high enough strength it even turns the teeth to ash. I morph back once the mess is cleaned up. The ashes rise to the air and stay. Like someone had stopped snowflakes from falling. It looks cool, to be honest.
    I land in front of Ninfa and her eyes grow light with a familiar love I can't live without seeing. Though her stare is long and really without reason.
"Is something the matter?"
"No, you're just amazing."
      I snicker to her words. "Sure."
     She hovers to my level. "I ha.."
      Her lips stop mine from voicing. And I don't care anymore if she didn't stand on her tippy toes for the kiss. I wrap my arms around her tightly and continue the long and passionate kiss.
    Leaving both out of breath, she clings onto me as I teleport back to her class. A sadness comes over me like normal when she can no longer be in my arms. For good reasons, I have to remind myself.
"See you at lunch, baby."
"Pizza and nuggets and fries. Yes." I kiss her forehead and take Sekia back.
    I go invisible and resume time. The class looks around in confusion. I almost laugh to it but do not.
    Taking my leave seems to be the only real thing that hurts me. Well, that's a lie. Balls, and kids. Though getting my groin hurt makes no sense because I'm amune to all other pain except that?
    And the few times Ninfa had teased me so bad. Gotten me so close to coming and it hurt me. It was confusing but damn hurt.
    I shake the thoughts and return to what I had been doing. Helping the Elder until lunch time comes. The gameplay for his class is coming along well..
"I want it to be an extra class that they can take or not."
"Like an after school class?"
"Makes sense. Have them learn the human education, ours and any other beings and then come here learning about magic."
"What of the magic lures that they're going to be taught already?"
"They're not learning spells or anything of the sort, Elder. The lesson plan here is far different than the given lessons on witches in regular school."
"Good. Good. When will this all start?"
"Do you prefer ages?"
"Mature. The right time they come into their age will be within the first 5. But mature in it more and gain full strength at teen."
"So 13+."
"If that wouldn't be a problem?"
"Not at all. Sounds good."
      Dakota has shown signs of magic. The day she was born I felt her raw energy. She's the second most powerful being in this school, I being the first. It's just... when she gets to be a teen, she will be able to tap into it all more and I fear she may turn into her grandfather... he doesn't even deserve to be labeled as such.
    I'm just unsure of everything. I just want what's best for her. Her and her safety is all I ever want.
"When Dakota begins using her power more, I would like to have her in your class, if you do not mind."
"Why would I? I love her as much as you guys do."
"And you're the only.."
"Grandfather.." he cuts me off quickly.
"Yes. Only grandfather she holds. And I wouldn't wish for anyone else besides us 3 teaching her the light of magic."
     I bow to him and he returns to me. "See you later, Valerie."
"Indeed, my friend."
     I teleport out. Now for lunch with my girls. Food sounds amazing.

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