Chapter 11

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    I think I'm scared. I'm afraid that if I do something wrong, I could hurt her and the baby. But she's right, I want this too.
"Just go slow. I'll be okay." Like she is assuring me I should and could do this. Would do this?...
     After a sound barrier. A invisible spell. And a body change.. I'm here.
    I slowly slide myself into her tightness. She and I both moan out loudly to her. Her moan by far louder than mine.
"Is this okay?"
"Yes." She says with a plea to continue.
   I begin to slowly thrust inside her warm wetness. Both in moans to this love. Both in moans to this bliss.
    Her moans drive me to want to continue through my worries that are fading away. I've missed this feeling and I can tell she has too. I can feel that she has.
    I feel her squeeze around me and I know she's going to come for me. So easily to please this woman, it makes it more fun to give her more than what she asks for. But I've never came inside her, so the baby was just a creation from precome.
    I'm not much getting a good angle this way... I pull out and lay beside her. I slowly enter her again and she moans loudly to it.
   Pulling her back close to my chest, I kiss the back of her neck lightly as I slowly thrust my hips. This is a reason I like being taller. Easier to stay fully in her and keep thrusting with no issue of position but also still kiss her neck.
    She moans to me. Her hand gripping to my arm. Nails digging in, it's a good pain.
    I keep my kisses along her neck and shoulders. Light hickeys that are pointless cause she heals. Heavy bites that are pointless because she heals. All a good foreplay that makes her crave more of me. And I've been craving this moment for a long time.
    I still fear of us splitting. But we should be okay. I'll move in. We will be okay. And this. This is blissful.
   I keep my thrusts slow to her asking. But not too slow. Fast enough to cause her constant moans to each in and out.
    After a short time, she does come for me. And grants me my moan.
     But I'm willing to give more and I have a feeling she won't care. A feeling that she will be more than willing to accept it. I'll give this woman every ounce of my energy, draining it into this.
    Her moans only fuel me. Only fuel the fire that she's caused. They make me grow closer to coming but I will hold myself.
    It doesn't take long before she reaches another orgasm. I feel her legs lightly tremble to it as she calls out my name.
    I'm always going to find pleasure in knowing I can make her yell my name as she does. I'm always going to find enjoyment out of how I'm making her feel. Everything about these moments are precious and valuable.
   I'm ready to come. I'm ready but I want to give her another release before I take my own. And I'm glad that it doesn't take long with her to come.
   I speed myself up slightly. Her moans become louder. And I'm not sure how that's possible because she's already moaning loudly for me.
   I take it as fuel anyway and continue my thrusts, aiming for a release. She grows tighter around me and I know she's almost ready.
"Can we together?" She speaks between her moans and intakes of air.
    I'm confused slightly. In order to do that I would ha... oh.
"You want me inside?"
"Don't think it matters."
    I laugh lightly. I guess she's right. I begin my thrusts again.
    To each in and out, I get closer but she does too. To each in and out, our moans mingle. I want to come inside her... I want to.
    Her hand quickly grabs on to my arm. Her nails dig into my skin again and I know she's began her spiral down to release.
"I'm.. c.."
    I was right. And I feel myself just as ready as she is.
"..oming.." She says and her walls tighten around me. The feeling of her throb, the warmth, the feel of her juices...
     I come inside her and she gasps to it. Giving her name as I come. Stopping my hips, she sort of falls back against the bed more.
     I lay back. Too tired to pull out, honestly but I do so anyway. She lays against me. I wrap my arm around her and lightly kiss her shoulder.
"Thank you." She says in a heavy breath.
"Why are you saying thanks?"
    She laughs lightly. "I don't know."
"Was is bad?"
"It was wonderful."
    I can tell by the time in her voice that she's beginning to fall asleep. And I'm close to sleep too. I just want to hold on to this moment.
    In this moment, I do not feel pain for the past. I do not feel the heartache. I feel normal again. I feel happy again. I feel.
    I lightly kiss the back of her neck. She sighs to it. She's so tired, I can feel her energy is as low as mine.
"I love you, Nin. You know?"
"Yeah, Val. I know. And I love you too."
   I hold her close to me. So close to me. I feel if I would let go, this moment would not exist.
    While resting my hand on her stomach, I feel a small thump against my palm. It's an interesting feeling. It almost makes me laugh.
"She knows it's you."
    Her words catch me off guard. I thought she had fallen asleep..
"Weren't you..."
"Baby woke me. She does that a lot actually."
     I kiss the back of her neck again. She sighs. "Will you please sleep? Don't leave until I wake? I don't like waking alone."
"If that is what you wish, love."
    Her hand rests on mine. After a short while we both fall asleep. And I finally get a good, great, night of sleep. One where I'm home and I feel like I belong. One where I'm well rested when I wake.
    A deep sleep. Her in my arms and a little bit of forever is all I need.

    Didn't miss this. Not one bit. Just the opposite. Why? Why does everyone insist on this?
    Didn't miss the feeling of like I'm going to die. Like all the pain in the world centered in one area. Makes me wonder why the fuck I sleep like this.
"I can.."
"No..." I don't want her healing me.
"I'm sorry." Misty jumps off the bed and walks out. She doesn't even stay, just hits and fucking leaves.
   I put a pillow over my head and breathe in slowly. Her hand touches me and the pain disappears.
"Niiiinnnn. I said no."
"You were in pain. It didn't take much out of me."
   I quickly remove the pillow and pin her to the bed to my best ability without hurting the baby.
"I asked you not to."
"So what are you going to do?"
    I climb off of her and start my walk to the bathroom.
"Valerie. You can't do that. That's not fair."
"I didn't do anything though." I walk into the bathroom.
  She's quick and is behind me. I turn and raise my eyebrow to her. Her eyes show something I haven't seen in a while. Happiness.
"What are you doing?"
"I was going to shower." I point behind me with my thumb to the shower. "If that's alright."
"Not at all. Go right ahead."
     The shower begins. And it really is like nothing ever happened. My heart feels happy again.
     I can tell she's happier. From all the times I would watch her, she always seemed to have been crying. It made me sad to witness I caused her that... But now, she smiles.
     Her smiles light up my world. Make me feel whole again. Just one look into her teal eyes and I can breathe properly again.
      I rinse off and turn to her.
"You seem lost in thought. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, no. Just thinking about us. Thinking about you. Everything is okay."
"Care to tell?"
     I lean down and kiss her forehead. I give her my previous thoughts. She instantly smiles. Instantly blushes.
    I climb out of the shower and help her out. I know I protected her and the baby but I don't ever want her to fall. I never want this woman hurt and I'll always regret hurting her.
     After the shower I start a fire and we cuddle on the couch. She turns on the tv and ends up landing on spongebob. We're old, to a common human anyway, and yet we watch spongebob like it's nothing.
"I fear there might be something going on in the background. There is no fights going on."
"I know, Ninfa. Don't fear though. This island is guarded and so are you and our baby. If anything does happen, I will handle it."
    She falls silent. I understand her worries though. It has been silent since Lucifer's death.
    If anything does happen, I may have no choice but to take the throne just to stop it all. And I fear if I do that, I will have my freedom taken away. And I need my freedom from that place in order to be with my love and child.
    She begins to fall asleep. I have missed holding her as she sleeps. Or her holding me.
    I'm glad we are back together. And it still feels fragile but it's mending. The pain is fading. It sucks that she can't take away my pain but with my powers I could take her pain away by making it an illusion that the pain was there.
    I feel bad that I hadn't taken her pain away before this. But. I had some hope, some hope she would find a way to actually reach out. Prove she wanted me more than by her words.
    It sounds bad, it really does but she did push me away after I came back. It was so complicated but also easy. It would look like the madness had no reason, but it did to each of us.
    I'm just glad that's over. Glad it's alright now. Glad to have my home back again.
    I put a spell over the fire, though the house is guarded from fire anyway, I do it just in case. I don't know how many spells I have casted to keep protection of things, but somehow, I no longer feel the giant pull of energy it use to drain. It's as if when I lost myself and came back, my power is much more stronger to be used without energy at all. That can be a good thing or a bad thing, I'm unsure of which.
    I begin to fall asleep with her.
"I love you, Ninfa."
"I love you, Vaaallleeerriiieee."
    I laugh to the big kitty. "How could I not love you, Misty? You only made my life hell for the first few weeks. Now I have no doubt that I love you. Though you hit my balls a lot." I whisper to her.
    She headbutts my hand before flopping down by the couch. I resume my fall to sleep. I wish I could hear our child's heartbeats as she can, it would be.. comforting more than just this moment, so I can monitor the baby in all ways possible.
    To this I fall fully asleep. A good sleep. One I'm greatful for.

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