Chapter 21

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    Should have known. I should have fucking known. I don't know why I don't change back.
"I'm sorry. I love you. Forgive me." She lightly kisses my cheek and takes the pain away.. Her voice in a light sleepy mumble, I love this so much.
"Least it wasn't the 600 pound tiger. Hundred percent shocked this bed hasn't broke yet." But I did build it well.
"Mm." She's so tired.
    I lightly kiss her cheek and brush her hair gently from her face. "My beautiful angel."
     Turning her head into the pillow she lets out a sleepy laugh. I took quite a lot out of her, out of me..but I find stamina rather...unlimited.. Froze time just so we could be alone. When we actually went for a good few hours.
     Surprised Dakota hasn't woke since I resumed time. Like 4 hours ago. I'm grateful, honestly because I think Ninfa and I really needed the rest after all that.
"No." She mumbles.
"You don't even know what I was going to ask."
"Let me sleep."
"You're so meeeaaann." She whines and it's fucking adorable.
"First off, that was fucking adorable. But. I wanna take you and Dakota out."
"Can I sleep first? Just let me sleeeeep."
"But Joel doesn't know I'm back."
    She climbs on top of me, her head rests between my neck and the pillows. She sighs heavily.
     I laugh to it, though I love how warm she is, I really want to see Joel again. Check in. See if he wants to help me.
"Damn it Valerie. Just let me sleeep."
"But we can sleep later."
"You warm. I'm tired. We sleep now. I be happy forever. It's good. It's fine. That can wait. But fuck, let me sleep."
"But fuck." I laugh to it.
"No. You're perverted."
     I'm not. I wouldn't go there with Ninfa unless she asked and even then I would find it... weird. But it reminds me of Joel because technically that's what he does? I don't know boy on boy things much.
"I'm not."
"Nn." She's falling back asleep.
"Nin..." The urge to poke her and tickle her awake is strong. I love her giggles.
"If you tickle me, I swear I'll knee you and won't take the pain away."
    As if she reads my mind. The words are almost poison spilling out. Scary anger.
"Fuck, Nin. Please don't."
    She moves enough and presses her knee to my dick. The fear of that pain grows.
"You already kicked me. Which woke me. You are the mean one here."
     She groans loudly. "You know I don't mean to kick in my sleep."
     I'm slightly scared right now because of her threat. But I can't change because I did just wake and ...morningwood. So I'm stuck this and she knows that.
     I sigh. "I'll let you sleep."
     It's like once you give someone the permission or grant them their wish... well.. She gets up and doesn't sleep.
"You knew I was going to get up if you were."
"You're so terrible, Ninfa." I laugh to her.
     She grins and throws my clothes at me. She gets dressed and I do too but it's a little... hard.
"I could help that."
"You couldn't. You'd make it worse, love. We know this would only lead to one thing and trust me when I say, you wouldn't be walking."
"Hm." She says in a laugh.
    Obviously she hasn't noticed the slight wobble in her steps. I shrug it off and finish getting dressed before her. As I walk out she jumps on my back like a monkey.
"Um. Hi, minxmonkey."
"You will carry me."
"Sure. But you have to hold on. Need arms for Dakota."
"Of course."
   Her legs wrap around my waist tightly and arms around my neck loosely. I can't help but smile to it.
     Walking to Dakota's room, met by Misty. Her protected other than I. I need to add to the wall of memories and future existence. I will soon, soon.
    I pick her from her bed and she fusses. She looks so much like Ninfa. So much like me. She's so damn beautiful.
"She's beautiful, Nin."
"I see so much of you in her eyes. It's amazing."
    Dakota just looks up to us. For a minute she just fusses but settles down as I head down the stairs.
"She got a diaper bag?"
"By the door, yeah."
    I grab a few premade bottles from the fridge and still manage to hold Ninfa and Dakota in the process. I feel fucking awesome right now. I feel like a good being. Supermom.
    I grab the bag and teleport to Joel's. In the living room and on computer. He doesn't notice us.
"Hey bro."
"Sup, bitch."
"If Dakota's first word is a curse word, I'm blaming you."
"Yeah cause you're a goodietooshoes."
"Most definitely not." She jumps down carefully so not to knock Dakota on accident.
"So. Valerie." Joel looks in shock.
"The devil is here to pay a visit." I smirk.
"How are you here?"
"Dakota's cries caused me so much pain. I focused on it. Then felt Ninfa crying. So. Focus on pain, make a doorway out. Yay pain."
    I sit on the couch next to him. He takes Dakota quickly after putting his laptop away. He rocks the fussing and wiggling babygirl.
"I have a question and feel free to say no."
"Hm?" He keeps rocking Dakota and she begins to fall asleep.
"I need a helper. Someone who knows me enough to help. I want you as a partner thingy with leading."
"You know I would help you with anything. But it's a crazy thing to think about going there. I still hate myself for that week I was working with Lucifer. It was the worst birthday gift I had ever given you and I'll always be sorry."
"I know, Joel. But I'm not asking you to torture. Or kill if it's not necessary. I'll do the heavy lifting, I just need you there when I can't be there to help. I'll train you in fighting and you can be the general. You can't die so there isn't a worry."
"How would I come back?"
"I have a way."
"As long as I can come home to my husband, I will help you."
"Thank you."
"How come I can't?"
    I turn to Ninfa. Confusion crosses her eyes. An almost hurt confusion.
"Because you're my love. My angel. And if you enter hell, your grace and light will be taken away. I can't lose you, who you are, just so you can help me."
    I can never allow her to be stripped of her beauty. Of who she is. A reason I love her soul so much. A reason I would hate myself if she ever lost that..
"I can't risk it."
    I lean over and kiss her cheek. "I love you too much."
"So you don't love me?"
     I feel slightly weird. I do him as a brother, yeah. It's just.. weird saying it to others.
"I do.. I just need you because you're the only other I trust with my life."
     He sighs. "I understand. I'll be there when you ask of me."
"Answering the devils call."
"Just because you have the title doesn't mean you are. You can be a better leader than he was."
"Don't worry. I will be... for her."
    I lightly brush my finger over Dakota's cheek as Joel passes her back to me.
"For my family. Ninfa, her, you and Luke. For my family."
     Ninfa lays her head on my shoulder and I can tell by her light breaths that she is falling asleep. Maybe I went too far? Pushed too much? Took too much?
"What do you guys have planned for dinner? Would you like to stay?"
"That would be nice. Have to ask the sleeping beauty though."
"That's fine." Ninfa mumbles.
"Why's she so tired?"
      All I can do is blush too much and he instantly knows. I don't have a problem admitting I took her everything. Just get a tiny bit shy when I'm put on the spot about it.
"Nice job, Valerie." He offers a highfive and I shyly take it.
    Ninfa bursts out in laughter, which makes me jump slightly cause I swear to fuck she was asleep.
"In my sleepy defense, it was really fucking good."
"Val. Stop pushing your luck. Too tired."
"Fine, fine."
    She takes Dakota and lays down with her. Dakota safely lays between the couch and her on a pillow. She's safe, asleep in her mother's arms.
"You're happy again, Valerie. I love you like this."
"I've never been this happy in all my life. To have my family. Right here. My brother. My wife. Our daughter. I love my family."
    His hand lightly squeezes mine. I can't take my eyes off of my wife, my daughter and my heart all wrapped up in one small cuddle. He sighs.
"Help me cook?"
     I put a protective barrier over the building and a cloaking spell. No monster will get in. I lightly kiss Ninfa's cheek.
     Softly whispering in her ear. "I love you."
     Walking into the kitchen to Joel at the stove. We begin cooking and Luke walks in. Interesting to think he's just been hanging out with his clan because there nothing to fight.
"Nice to see you back, Valerie. I'm sure Ninfa is happier."
"I would hope so. I sure am."
     As we finish making dinner we actually have a family dinner. Ninfa feeds Dakota before she begins eating. I offered to do it but was rejected.
     We head home and I can't get the smile from my face.
"You're doing diaper."
    There goes the smile. I take Dakota and begin changing her. I hate this.
    Having issues getting it right causes Ninfa to laugh. I finally get it. It's so difficult.
"Second child, I promise I'll get it."
"That, my love, is all up to you."
     I mean, I do want a good sized family. And maybe in the future, future we can have more kids. Cause we do have forever. So like in 100 years we could again. It's funny to think about.
    I put Dakota down for the night. Misty curls up by the crib. Her guardian.
    I lift Ninfa and she giggles. I start to slowly walk to our room.
"What are you doing?"
"Taking milady to her chambers."
"I want a shower."
     I make a turn into our bathroom and close the door behind us. She jumps out of my arms and starts getting undressed. Her bare body causes an instant arousal.
    I turn to start the shower. I feel myself becoming hard... to.. Her body.
"I want you." She speaks from behind me.
     And it all begins again.

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