Part 8

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Elfira sat on the couch after Damien helped her clean her cut and apply antiseptic liquid on it. Eden was seen staring at the window, rolled his wheelchair close to the window.

" It's raining again. " he straightened his shoulder and leaned in close his body to the window, touching the cold glass. He sit and listened as the sound of the rain splattered against the window become more louder.

" I think you have to stay here for a while. " Eden leaned  his back against the chair.

" But, I have to get home. Grandma will worry about me." she cupped a warm mug of hot chocolate that Damien handed to her earlier.

" I can't take risk to take you home like this.  " Damien looked outside.

The rain began to fall thickly, the gusting wind carried them in wild one vertices moment and to the horizontal next. Trees and leaves move to sides as if them could tumbled for any moment. Clouds grew darker and darker, creating the forest to look more creepy as it's getting darker. 

Coldness chilled through her skin and seeped to  her bones made her to tighten close the blanket around her. 

" I will call your Grandma and tell her that you're staying here tonight." Damien took his phone and grab some cookies on the paper bag on the table before he walked to his room. Elfira always brought the cookies with her when she went to the river. She had sweet tooth,not getting them only for one day could make her gone mad. Grandma always nagging at her when she gone to the store and came back with bunches of chocolates bar and cookies.

" Don't worry we're not gonna bite you." Eden chuckled when he saw her face engraved with worried, rolling his wheelchair towards her.

" I'm glad you said that. But that's not it. I'm worried about Grandma. She's alone at home. My uncle is still at the city." she explained.

" Don't worry. She'll be okay. " his eyes then fell onto the paper bag on the table.

" Can I have one? " he lifted his index finger and wrinkled a sweet smile to her. She handed him the cookie.

Elfira looked around her until her eyes casted on the blue wooden small frame with a picture of four people smiling brightly sitting on the bench which was looked like the bench sat outside. Both Damien and Eden looked younger in that picture. Delightful smile were plastered on their faces. Their mother had a dark wavy brown hair with pools of of sparkling hazel-brown eyes. The father was broad-chested man with short black hair and dimpled cheeks. The man had a smile was just like Eden with dimples crinkles when smiling.

" We had a good time back then. This home was built by my dad and he always being picky when my mom told him to change the interior before it's not being build yet. They argued so much about small things but they always loved each other. Mom loved when your Grandma gave her roses.. I think almost every  week my mom got roses from your Grandma . She loved it so much that she could not help stop smiling and...she also writes books... "he paused. There was a glimmer of light on his eyes when he talked about them.

" I hope that they're still here. " he added.

" I'm sorry to hear about that."

" It's happened on the day we went to Damien's competition. It was big one though! Mom and Dad were so thrilled to see Damien plays on stage for the first time. Yeah.We were. It was raining heavily, just like this. " he pointed outside as his eyes were began to pool with water.

" Dad couldn't stop the car and we're... " he lowered his gaze.

" Eden, you don't have to ...."

" After that, Damien quit the academy. He kept blaming himself for what had happened. I have asked him to hire a caretaker for me but he insisting on want taking care of me. I don' t want to burden his life and his future. It's not like I can't eat on my own.. I just can't walk like normal person."

" The fact that he was being cold to you is because.. you had her eyes.. Your eyes were just like Mom. He must miss her a lot when he looked into your eyes. " Eden clenched his fist , holding in his tears. The silent screaming inside his head cause his breath to become uneven. 

She felt sorry for them. They had been through a lot since their their parents passed away.

Damien leaned his back against the door of his room, giving out an exasperated sigh . His heart is aching, he bit his lower lip and clenching his fists. Every breathe that he took seemed stuck in his lungs. Trying to hold back the seething torrent of liquid that trickling down his face. 

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