Part 15 : Fallen Wings

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A few weeks later..

Eden felt his head pulsate in hot aching wave when he wake up from his sleep. He sighed up an exasperated breath as he awoke from his sleep. He pressed his lips in a firm line while grinding the back of his teeth.The shapes and furnitures in the room were hazed to him. He winced as if to sharpen the view. He brushed his sweaty hair, resting his feet on cold floor. Everything around him was still blurry. He took a weakened steps towards the window after puling of IV needle on his wrist. A sharp pain felt zapped inside his head. He swallowed.

It was dark in the room, Eden could not see clearly as his sight was like foggy air  surrounded him. As he moved his hand touching the vase near to the window and it fell over to his bare feet. He winced in pain as the broken pieces of the vase cut his skin.


Damien ventured back to the room went his ear caught a sound of an object broken from Eden's room. He left the empty jug in the room he was and rushing to the room without looking back.

He pushed open the room and saw a dark figure near to the window. Eden was on his feet, groaning in pain. Damien bolted to him when he saw that.

" Eden what's happened?! What are you doing?!" Damien lifted Eden's head . He looked over his body to see his feet was cut by broken pieces of vase.

Eden kept winced as his body shook in pain not because of the cut but of his head. He felt like someone was poking him with the needles inside his brain.He scrubbed his hands over his face and muttered things. " It hurts a lot ... It hurts ..Mom ...Dad.." his grey eyes welled up and tears streaking down his pale skin, his lips trembled. 

Damien could not bear to see this any more since a week ago Eden kept having seizure and now this. He tried to hold in the pain in his throat as his eyes was hit with strung hot liquid.

" Shh...I'm here Eden... I'm here.. " he wiped out the blood from his feet with cloth and then hugged Eden as he whispered the words to him to calm him down. It has been a week Eden acted like a man suffocating in  pain and yet he could nothing to do except calling the doctor to check him up.He knew the fact that there's nothing more that he could do for him. Staying beside him was the only thing that he could do. His shoulder was wet with Eden's tears but he did not care any more. He wanted to get up to call for the doctor but Eden shook his head,grabbing his shirt begging so that he would not leave him. At that moment he noticed he could not feel Eden's warm breath on his shoulder any more. The last tear trickled down Eden's sunken cheeks. Damien hugged the body again and sobbed.

"What are you doing Eden? Wake up! Wake up! Don't you dare to leave me!" his eyes shifted to Eden's cold body again and became glossy with tears. As he blinked the tears dripped down the eyelids and slid down his cheeks. His heart sank once again. Eden was leaving him alone.

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