Part 10

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Elfira climbed the bed after she washed up. Staying in house in the deep forest with two guys is not really a brilliant idea but she had no choice and seems Grandma already giving permission to Damien for her to stay at the house. 

The room was spacious but dark and have a  rustic feeling. The white curtain was a linen, the kind of white untouched and devoid of dust. There was a black finish wardrobe with two doors and a small black couch sat neatly below the window with a medium height of book shelves.

Her eyes casted on the drawer that left open a bit, she wanted to push closed the drawer when she saw some bottles of medicines in the drawer she pulled the knob and took the bottle. Bottles of empty painkillers bottles rolled in the drawer.  

" Eden got bunches of painkillers. " She bit her lower lip and put back the bottle in the drawer. She drown her head into the pillow letting herself rest her weaken body on warm and soft bed as the night grew older. The sound of heavy poured down against the whirled leaves and the asphalt floor keep louder. A bolt of thunder kept booming and seamed to crack the air.

It was kind of Eden to offer her to sleep in his room . They said their parents's room was a bit dusty for her to sleep there so Damien offered to sleep in his room at first but then there was a small debate between Damien and Eden.Eden insisted to let her use his room and said that he wanted to spend time with Damien so that Damien gave up. They looked kind of cute arguing over small matter. She thought.

 Elfira looked faraway to the ceiling when she thought about Eden's story and him crying was the  thing she wasn't unexpected to witness that evening. They had shrimp linguine Alfredo as dinner. Damien was a good cook. She had never love pasta much but his cook was kind of great and she was astonished with the fact she could finished the pasta.

Elfira switch off the mid-century modern table lamp beside her before she finally fell asleep.

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