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!!WARNING: this story has mentions of miscarriage, self hate, and strong language read at your own risk!!!

(This is exactly 1 month after Gerard had attacked)

Stiles pov

"Ally! come down here breakfast is ready!" The hole pack was down here they want to eat and she's still asleep. "Stiles can Malia come over?" Derek has to ask me because Thalia put me in charge. She said she was out doing business but I have a bad feeling. I hope everything will be fine.  "No, she's gross." I said looking at him because he knew what I meant. She's a hoe and he knows it. I can't blame him since I'm pretty sure that's the only reason he wasn't her to be here.

Allison finally came down. "Stiles buddy I have something to tell you." Scott was here and I know what he wants to tell me, I know he's gay. He's my brother , I'm just waiting for him to tell me. I think now is the time, "Stiles um, I'm gay." There it goes he finally said it! "Haha! I knew it! I love you man." I cooled down a little, it had always been a secret of mine but I really wanted Isaac and him to date.

"Wha- oh and me and Issac are together." He looked down at the floor. "Haha! I also knew it!" I yelled, I'm so happy, I love them so much! They're so cute together. "What, how?!?" Scott asked like it was rocket science. "I'm your brother Scott, I know everything." I said and gave him that 'you're a dumbass' look. He just nodded. "Sti! How long are you gonna watch us?" I watched as the twins looked at me while I sat down, everyone started eating.

"Oh, until you go to sleep. I'm gonna tuck you into bed hun." I smiled at them, they turned five yesterday. "Stiles did mum say what she was doing out?" Derek asked me looking concerned, I shook my head. Derek started saying mum because he doesn't care anymore. I'm here all the time and my dad doesn't miss me. So he doesn't say 'my mom' anymore he just says 'mum'. "Oh those new pack memebers are coming back." Derek said like he forgot to tell me sooner.

A while back a pack came and I had to act like Derek and I were together. The alpha knew we weren't actually together though. I didn't see the point of acting like we were together. I killed the alphas and some of that pack went rouge on us. Some ended up staying with us. Others joined a different pack. Me and Derek found a little one. His name is Ben. He's about 3 years old. He thinks me and Derek are his parents. We both agreed to keep him.

Thalia let me start my own pack. I loved it but the Hales will always be my pack. My pack only has a little bit of people.
Scott, Allison,Liam, Jackson, Ben, a werewolf named Cole, and Carlos. Thalia had welcomed new ones named Jade, Owen, and Ryan. Everyone loved Thalia as much as I did. No wait, I love her more.
The new ones all went to Derek's grandma. So they return today although, I won't be surprised if some of them stay with her.

She great or so I've heard. "Cool, does everyone like the food?" I asked not knowing if they liked it. I'm getting good at cooking for a bunch of hungry wolves. They all nodded. Liam is the only one who stayed because Scott's technically his alpha but I'm the alpha of all of them. Although I more of just protect all of them.

Time skip to night time they're watching movies

Dereks pov

Everyone cuddled around each other. Cole, Carlos, and Owen ended up staying with Gram. Ben was cuddled up with the twins. It was a really cute thing to see. I really live all three of them. Stiles started walking towards the back door.

Stiles pov

I walked outside because something wasn't right. When I walked out I saw Gerard had Thalia. "No!" I yelled but It was to late. He had already killed her. I ran towards Thalia's lifeless body. I grabbed a hidden crossbow of the grass. I shot Gerard in the head. He deserved it, he killed the only person who loved me.
I whispered a spell, then Magnus came took Gerards body and left.

"Stiles, take care of them, all of them. I already know you will, but I had to tell you anyway. Derek is strong and he needs you. He's supposed to go to college already and you a sophomore. He needs you, he'll leave I know he will, I love you." just after that she was gone. I had only been able to bring her back for a few seconds. I howled so loud everyone can hear it. Derek ran out, I was yelling so hard my voice is raspy. I felt selfish, I had been screaming for my loss. No, I had been screaming for everyone's loss.

She treated everyone like family. I can't do this without her. She was such a great alpha, everyone loved her. Then there was me. A piece of shit who couldn't even save her life. "Stiles, shhh shh." He was holding me but I knew he was crying. This was my fault and I couldn't change that.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, it's my fault. I wasn't fast enough." I was whispering but I knew he could hear me. "It's okay you're fine. Let's go inside." We walked together when we got inside. Everyone was crying.

I was a mess, but so was everyone. "We're going back to grans." Ryan and jade said, I nodded. I wasn't going to keep them here if they didn't want to be here. "I wanna go with gran." The twins looked at me, I knew I had to send them.  "I'll go with them later." Cora smiled a little, I can't do this. I had just finished losing Thalia now everyone was leaving. Thalia said Derek would too. "We're leaving." Laura, Dustin, and Dane said all together.

I started to cry more and Derek held me closer. The only people here right now were my pack and Derek. Magnus came back and portaled them over to gran. Laura, Dustin, and Dane just left, I don't even know where they went. "Derek I know you're gonna leave to just go now." I was crying so hard it actually hurt my stomach. He just stayed quiet. I knew he was gonna leave at some point and it wasn't gonna be easy. So why not just let home leave now?

"I'm not ready to be alpha yet, do you think you could be in charge kinda like a pack mom?" He whispered in my ear, I was still crying but I understood. I know what I needed to do, I nodded. "Come on." He whispered again we were walking towards the stairs. "I'm taking him to bed we're tired." Derek looked at the pack and they nodded. Ben was already asleep, he'd fallen asleep an hour ago. Once we reached Derek's room he walked me over to his bed. He laid me down and laid next to me. He cuddled me, I cuddled into him even more. I didn't care what he thought I needed this.

Derek's pov

I am upset, Just because I didn't cry doesn't mean I'm not upset. But he needs this. I needed it too, That's why I hug him tight. That's why I cuddle him close, because we both need this. I know I'll never be the same. I am gonna leave I just... don't know when. But I know it's gonna be bad for him. The bond between us will break, but it has to be done. I can't live like this, without them. At least not yet. I haven't learned. Which is why I need to leave.

I'm older than him. I'm 20, I have facial hair I don't even look the same. He looks better. His hair is longer, but my mom was wrong, he won't be a sophomore. He'll be a junior. Goodnight, Stiles I'm sorry.

Love you all!

Becoming pack mom for the Hales.  (part2 of protecting the Hales)  Where stories live. Discover now