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Derek's pov

"The surprise is them." Magnus smiled while a portal came in with people.
"MAGNUS ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" Stiles was yelling in excitement. He jumped on the blond one with different colored eyes.
The blond one kissed him and he kissed back. They were basically making out. Gross. "Jace." Stiles said when they finally pulled away. "You were and are the best, I missed you." He hugged Stiles tight and Stiles hugged him back.

"I don't think Clary is gonna like you kissing him." A guy with dark hair said.
"Alec why did you-." Jace didn't have enough time to finish talking Stiles immediately pushed him away. "Why didn't you tell me you had someone you just kissed me??" Stiles looked terrified.
"Sti Babe It's-." Again Jace didn't have enough time to Finnish. "Don't call me that, Magnus is this-." Stiles didn't get to finish because another portal appeared.
Out came 4 people. A girl in red with long black hair. A girl with red hair. And 2 boys with dark hair and pale skin.

"Raphael!! Izzy!" Stiles hugged the boy named Raphael then the girl named Izzy?
"You..who are you?" Stiles looked puzzled as he looked at the other two people. When they didn't answer Stiles pulled out his whip. "I said who are you!" He yelled looking angry. "I-I'm Simon ." The other pale boy said. "Hi." Stiles said more calm like, but looked at the girl with red hair in anger. She took out a blade and stiles whipped it out of her hand. She ran to kick him but he pulled out his crossbow and shot her in the arm.

It looked like he missed her stomach when he said "Tell me who you are or this time I won't miss." He looked dead serious and he had this cold look in his eyes. "Clary Fairchild." She said holding her bloody arm. "Oh you're with Jace" he said looking back and she nodded. "How do you-." She was interrupted by Stiles.
"Get her healed up Magnus please." He nodded. "So Alec how's life been for you?"
Stiles asked looking at him. "Great actually." He smiled and looked at Magnus, Stiles caught it and winked at Alec.

"We have the same whip." Izzy said
"Yes Isabelle, it was a gift from Magnus. Said it would make me feel closer to you guys and it did." He smiled, he never said that! "Okay, so why are you here?" Stiles asked curiously. "No, we won't tell you until you tell us who you are and why the fuck you shot me." Clary said sounding angry. Stiles laughed. "I can put up the tough act to ya know. I'm the best shadow hunter there's ever been sweety, so don't put up the tough act because I'm better at it." Stiles said with a smirk.

"Best shadow hunter there is my ass, guys is he serious?" She laughed a little. They all responded with "Yeah." Then Jace spoke up. "He is the best and the one that ever will be. He's made up runes just like you but the one you draw are the old ones that he's already discovered." Jace said with a smile towards Stiles. "But he doesn't have the blood." Clary looked scared and confused. "Actually he has a little bit that was injected into him a long time ago. His body didn't reject it. He kinda makes more now." Alec looked sad when he said this.

"Sorry." He said looking at Stiles.
"It's okay." Stiles looked at him with a smile. "Simon and Raphael are vampires, everyone. Everyone else is a shadow hunter, besides Magnus." Stiles said looking around. "Shadow hunters these are my baby wolves by pack ." Stiles smiled. "Everyone up and in line formation." Stiles smiled.

"Jace, Isabelle, Alec, Simon, Raphael, and Clarissa. This is my baby Issac." He pointed to Issac. "This Is my best friend Scott." He points to Scott. "My Babe Liam." Liam gave Stiles a kiss on the cheek so everyone knew that was Liam.
"Kira Is a fox." He points to Kira. "Malia is a were-coyote." he points to Malia.
"that one that won't talk and is in black is Derek." Stiles points but doesn't look at me. "This is peter." Peter gave stiles a hug. "The feisty one, Erica." She smiles.
"He doesn't talk much but this is Boyd." He smiled at Boyd.

"Cora, super happy." He winks at her.
"Laura, super sassy." He smiles
"Dustin, always down to fuck." He winks.
"Dane, super responsible." He smiled
"Lydia, a banshee." She smiles
"Jackson, super arrogant." Stiles laughs a little. "Allison, the hunter." She gave a smirk. "And last is Amber, she's human but she's got a big heart." She gave stiles a hug. "I can tell everyone except the broody one here loves you." Alec smiled Stiles frowned a bit but gave a small smile.

"I hope so." Stiles have a small laugh.
"So, we actually came because there's a demon looking for you here." Jace looked at Stiles. "Magnus why didn't you just tell me? I could've taken care of that." Stiles looked a little annoyed. "Because then they wouldn't be here." Magnus rolled his eyes. Stiles gave a laugh. "I don't want my pack hurt." Stiles looked at everyone. He was serious. It amazes me how he can go from happy to serious that quick.

"And they won't the demon wants you not them." Alec looked at him and gave a nod.
"Okay so Magnus stay here with them and we'll take care of the demon, can I have a blade?" Stiles looked at anyone who was willing to give him what he needed. Clary shook her head no but Alec threw him one. Stiles caught it and it lit up.
"Magnus take good care of them please." Stiles looked so worried and scared Magnus nodded his head. "I'll put up wards." Magnus smiled and Stiles nodded.

"Okay pack listen to Magnus while we're gone okay?" Stiles looks at everyone and they nod.
"Alright lets go get that demon."

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