Youre my mate

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Derek's pov

Stiles was in the kitchen moving around frantically. "Okay now Izzy Raphael and Jace." Stiles said, Stiles sighed when he finished something. Then put bread in the oven. He had more stuff in a pot. A few minutes, and everyone came out all clean and Stiles told Ethan to go in. This continued for a while until it was mine and Stiles turn. He told Scott and Issac to watch over the noodles. We walked upstairs but then realized that we only had one bathroom. "I'll shower in Scott's bathroom." Stiles said looking at Scott's room. "Aww come on, we slept together, we've also taken a shower before so we can do it again." I said hoping he'll realize it.

"Okay Fine, but I'm not taking my boxer briefs off." He said and I nodded, I can respect that. Once we got into the bathroom I took my clothes off and so did Stiles. "Why did you and Liam break up?" I asked not knowing if it was a touchy subject. "I don't really know, he said it would be better for what's gonna come but that was before you got here." He said looking at me. I nodded. "Okay well I'm fully naked." I said knowing it's because he had his boxer briefs on. "Whatever.. I'll just take mine off." He said sliding them off. He turned the water to hot and got in. I stepped in after him. "Stiles listen, you might hate me forever for doing this but I can't help myself I need to know." I said grabbing him.

He looked confused and I just did it, I pushed my lips against his. They were so soft. He kissed back and I slid my tongue on his lips asking for permission and he let me in, I explored every part of his mouth. When we kissed it was like sudden warmth. He pulled away and it felt like the warmth had been taken from me. "I'm sorry Stiles, I'm sorry for everything I did, for everything I put you through. I left because I thought I was losing myself but instead I was looking for the truth. I started having feelings for you and I thought it was a mistake, so I ran from my feelings. I came back to see if they were still here and they are." I said looking into his eyes. I felt so overwhelmed. I wanted to say all those things but I didn't think it was the right time.

He just kissed me again and it was like butterflies erupted in my stomach. I pulled him close to my body but it made things worse on my end he was so close I could feel him. He pulled away and let out a soft laugh when he looked down. "I think you got a little too excited." He said laughing louder. I smirked "You did too." I gave him a toothy smile but he just blushed. Cute. I've missed out on every cute thing he did but I'm here now.

(Warning there is mature content if you don't like it then please skip)

I looked at him and grabbed his hard on.
I grabbed mine too and started jerking the both of us off. "Oh my." Stiles gave out a soft moan that made me smile. I could've had all of this if I just would've stayed. He's beautiful. I started going faster and I rubbed my thumb on his tip and he let out a loud moan. "C-can you go faster please?" Stiles asked voice shaking a little bit. I sped up my hand motions and he released himself on my hand. Not long after I released on my own hand.

(it's over now so you can go back to reading)

"You're beautiful." I whispered to him he just blushed. "Why did you get rid of the scars?" I asked I was actually curious. "They were gross and reminded me of my past." He said looking at me. "You kept the one on your torso, why?" I asked I looked at his torso the scar was smaller but it was still there. "Because, that one you gave me." He said and I looked at him. I don't remember giving it to him but I'll ignore it. "Pass me the shampoo please." He said but I just grabbed the soap and massaged it into his head he let out a soft content sigh. I put him under the water so he could rinse off. We continued our shower then got out.

When we finished changing I looked over at Stiles then looked back at myself. We were almost wearing the same thing.
Sweatpants and a shirt mine was white his was black. We walked downstairs and right away stiles went into the kitchen to finish. Once dinner was done Magnus appeared. "Stiles!!" And "Dad!!" Were heard from the living room and Stiles ran over. He had kids hugging him. "I missed you all so much." He said happy he saw them. "Who's this?" A pair of twins asked.
"That is you're brother Derek." Stiles said smiling and they just hugged me in silence. I felt awkward. They didn't even question if it was actually me. I can't blame them since they haven't seen me in years.

"Come sit and I'll serve you." Stiles said and we all walked over to the table that was full of the pack. A bunch of hello's were being said. Stiles served everyone and we all ate. After we had food he talked to the kids and twins. Magnus then sent them home and came back. "Stiles?" I asked him since he was in the kitchen.
"Yes?" He asked  "Will you be my boyfriend? I have a strong feeling that you're my mate." I said and Stiles stayed silent. "What if i say no?" Stiles asked and I already know what is coming. Rejection, "Uh nothing, just heart break." I said lying because I didn't want to tell him about the painful death that comes with the rejection of your mate. "I'll be your boyfriend if you promise you won't leave again." He said and it made me smile.
"Stiles Micheal Stilinski, I promise I'll never leave again if you promise to be my boyfriend." I said

"Don't ever say my middle name again, also you do know we already have kids right, Babe?" He said causing my heart to skip a beat. "Yeah and I'm okay with that." I said smiling, I have a boyfriend... what does this mean for me? I don't know and I'm not sure I care. I have a boyfriend.. and kids! I hope they like me.

I've edited this.. I did not have the strength to rewrite the "smut" I wrote years ago. It makes me feel weird to write that stuff. The thought of "What if my family finds this" keeps coming to me. That's why I usually don't write smut at all. I apologize if it's bad haha.

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