Blood, Tears, And Isntagram

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!! Disclaimer/ warning: contains miscarriage and harsh words continue to read at your own risk!!

Derek's pov

"I'm pregnant." Stiles was so nervous to tell everyone. I could smell the nervousness and it was starting to make me sick. "What??" everyone was confused so he explained it and everyone said 'Okay' I'm on my way to Deatons again. I told them I was leaving to see him. "Deaton?" I called out hoping he would be here. "Derek what can I help you with?" Deaton was smiling at me even though, I know he was still hurt from earlier. "I'm leaving...or I mean, I think I should leave." I was still a little iffy on leaving.

"What? What about Ben? And the new baby?" Deaton looked perplexed. "All of it, I'm leaving it all." I said looking straight at him. I didn't say it with any emotion because I don't think I care anymore. Why do I have to take care of two kids? They aren't mine. What happens when I find my mate and she asks me how I have two kids with a boy?

"Derek you'll break the bond, that's dangerous for you and Stiles but more for him since he's human." Deaton looked at me worried. I didn't know what to say to him. "This isn't because of the child right?" he looked concerned. I shook my head. "I just need to leave and go find myself again. I'm going off to New York where Cora is." I said looking at the ground. If I don't leave now I never will.

"Don't tell them because they'll be looking for me." I said With tears in my eyes. I can't be here, everything bad happens here. "Derek I don't-" he couldn't finish because I cut him off. "You need to take care of them for me, they're supposed to be my pack. I'm Alpha now but I can't handle it. I'm leaving it up to you and Stiles." I said looking at him with expectancy. I didn't know if I should feel bad. I'm leaving them with so much to do.

"Okay I'll take care of him, but you Derek, you better know that the boy may have been broken before but now he'll be disintegrated." Deaton said looking at me.

(2 weeks later )

Stiles has a baby bump now he's been pretty happy. Deaton is here. Today is the day. I have all my things packed and I mean all. I managed to do it while the pack wasn't looking. I walked down the stairs. Stiles was standing talking to Deaton. I walked down and got rid of all feelings I have towards them for now.
"Everyone, you suck ass." I said simply.
Stiles looked shocked. I couldn't find a shit to give. I'm over it.

"Stiles I hate you, you're a whore, and I don't want that stupid abomination you have in your stomach. I don't want the child you dumb bitch, I'm fucking leaving this hell hole, peace bitches." Stiles bump was gone and he started bleeding out of his mouth and nose and eyes. Everyone was around him, This was my chance. I'm sure he'll be fine. My things we're on the roof all I needed to do is leave.

"Derek! PLEASE STAY, ILL DO WHATEVER YOU WANT DONT LEAVE ME...please." Stiles was screaming and coughing blood. I assume the thing in him is dead. I didn't want it, I called it an abomination. There's no way it survived.
"I hate you." Was all I said he was crying. I left the house everyone while everyone was watching Stiles. "DEREK PLEASE COME BACK! DEREK!" He was crying so hard I could tell.

I heard him screaming and yelling my name even as I got to the exit of the preserve. I ran. I ran so fast. I don't know if I plan on coming back.

Stiles pov

My body hurt. My head. My stomach hurt so bad. Derek's gone. And yet I'm still screaming his name. Asking for him to come back. Stupid, I know he's not coming back. Here I am Spitting up and coughing up blood I hate it. I can't open my eyes. I can hear Issac yelling at Deaton. I can feel myself being lifted.
Then I hear water running. I was put in water. "Stiles it's okay, wake up."
It was Issac, he needed me but I couldn't find myself. I couldn't help.

"Issac he's gone and it's because of me this is my fault, I hate myself." I opened my eyes but started crying again. Issac was cleaning me off and Deaton walked in. "He's gonna bleed randomly because of Derek's disappearance, so please have someone with him at all times." Issac nodded, now what? I'm actually the definition of pathetic.

(Time skip)


          Stidietoday: I hate myself,           because the words you say are true

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          Stidietoday: I hate myself,           because the words you say are true. The nice ones were of my imagination and apparently so were you.

  ScottyMcCaller: Buddy it'll be okay. I'm so sorry he gave you this false hope, he's an ass and I'll kill him if I see him stay strong.

        D3r3kHal3: I didn't ...I'm sorry but it's true. I'm gone and I won't come back they're you're pack now...

        LydsMar: leave him alone you piece of shit. This is because of you @D3r3kHal3

     D3r3kHal3: trust me it's for the best that I'm gone, I'm sorry I caused damage and false hope @LydsMar  @ScottyMcCaller

  Liam._. : Damn boy just leave, I see you out here with instagram. I'm coming for you trust me, someone will tell me where you're at. I'll be right there with you don't you dare hurt my Stiles like that @D3r3kHal3

       D3r3kHal3 : yours? No, he's not yours and I doubt you'll find someone who'll tell you. I'm gone there's no trace and I'm not using Instagram for anything I'll get rid of it.

   Liam._. : I don't think he minds me calling him mine. I'll treat him better than you ever did.
Also me and stiles aren't dating but I call him mine if I want so fuck off.

      Stidietoday : Liam I love you thank you for everything ❤️. It's okay guys I'll be fine.
@Liam._.  @LydsMar  @ScottyMcCaller

     Liam._. : I love you too babe❤️ @Stidietoday

    ScottyMcCaller: I ship this ;)

  LydsMar: same @ScottyMcCaller

Stiam might be a thing for a little while..

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