Youre gay?!?!

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Derek's pov

I honestly can't believe my family have been hanging out with him, "So how often do you come see Stiles?" I asked looking around the table while everyone ate silently. "Often we come here almost every week or weekend." My family smiled at stiles and he smiled back.
"We have pack days and nights so we spend them here or out at the mall. It depends on who chooses the activity." Stiles said looking down at his food.

"And the rest of the pack stays here everyday, Scott's mom and my dad often visit." Stiles heard the door bell ring and got up. He took a crossbow from his pocket and got ready to shoot. But when he opened the door Chris Argent stood there waiting. "That's not a very nice way to greet your dad is it?" Chris asked smiling. Stiles dropped the crossbow and hugged Argent. I growled on accident and Chris shot me the death glare. "Stiles why is he here?" Chris sounded like he was about to murder someone.

"I don't know." Stiles said glancing at me.
"Last time I checked, this was my home so that's why I'm here." I said rolling my eyes a little, "You left years ago and hurt my son. This is no longer your home, you left him with the responsibility of taking care and training your pack. He still had to deal with bleeding out everywhere and having seizures." Chris looked like he wanted to strangle me. I was so confused what did he mean? "Dad just sit down and let's eat." Stiles said walking over to the table. There was awkward silence when Magnus spoke up.

"Babe I've got a surprise for you." He smiled widely at Stiles. "Oh Magnus you didn't have to." Stiles gave a small smile.
"I know you've been down lately and I wanted to cheer you up, plus it's needed here I'll explain later my dear." Magnus took a bite out of his food. "Dad can we spend the rest of Christmas with Coach?" Damon and Ben asked. "Um yes, you both can but after you eat, you open your presents here okay?" Stiles looked at them sternly and the kids laughed.

"Yes dad, Coach says he has a surprise coming just for you." They smiled at him.
"You tell you're uncle to return it." Stiles told them and they nodded. "Cora, it's been a while since we've seen you, still having boy trouble?" Chris asked Cora with a smile. She nodded slightly "and girl trouble." Chris' eyes went wide. "Cora are you?" She nodded nervously. "Haha I knew it! Damn boy, Cora I'm happy for you, you're bisexuality comes out every now and then." Stiles smiled at her and she smiled at him.

"I'm happy for you as well." The rest of the pack said all together. She laughed then looked at me. "Don't worry about him Cor, when has he even been here to criticize your other decisions?" Stiles looked at her and smiled softly she smiled and nodded. Ouch. She's my sister I should be able to speak. After we finished eating we all went to the living room. "Damon and Ben these are from Scotty." Issac said with a smile. They opened their gifts.

"Dad what is this?" Ben asked I looked down at the same time Stiles did he glared at me a little. It was a picture of me and Stile holding Ben when we first found him. Stiles smiled. "It's a picture of me, you, and your other dad when we first found you. That's the first time you called us dad." He looked down and Ben started to smile while tears ran down his cheeks.
"When you were still happy and he was still here." Stiles pulled Ben into his lap.

"I'm happy now too, we don't need him but baby, he's here right now. You can talk to him if you want." Stiles smiled at him and wiped his tears away. "But he hurt you." Ben was getting angry. "Ben baby calm down we don't want you to lose control." Bens eyes started glowing blue.
"Ben calm down, I'm okay now and it's okay. We have a beautiful family, you'll be able to go with Coach in a little bit okay?" Stiles smiled and hugged him close.

When Ben pulled out of the hug he had a smile on his face and his eyes were back to a hazel color. "Okay good, Damon baby what'd you get?" Stiles asked smiling. He looked over at the present and Damon smiled. "It's a picture of me, you, and Ben making a mess while making cookies." He giggled a little. "Baby boy, that's amazing." Stiles laughed a little. "Guys." Damon interrupted he looked nervous and Stiles felt it too.

"What is it baby? Remember you can tell us anything ." Stiles smiled sweetly.
"Dad, I think I'm gay." Ben looked down and started tearing up. "Oh baby hey, shhh it's okay why do you think this?" Stiles hugged Ben "I like this boy in my class." Ben was still looking at the floor.
"Hey, that's okay. You know, take time to figure it out because you could still be bi or something along those lines." Stiles smiled and Ben nodded. "Thanks for understanding dad." Ben smiled and hugged Stiles tight. "No problem." Stiles smiled at Ben.

"Damon are you guys gonna take a portal or do you want Coach to pick you guys up?" Stiles asked, "I wanna spend Christmas with grandma." Damon smiled.
"Oh, are you sure?" Stiles asked "Yeah I'll call you if I need something." He smiled at Stiles and Stiles nodded. "Portal them please Magnus." Stiles smiled. "By babies call me when you're ready to come home." Stiles hugged them both. Then the were gone with Magnus. Then Magnus came back. Alone. "I made sure they were safe dear." Magnus hugged Stiles. "Thanks Babe." Stiles smiled at Magnus.
"Now for that surprise...."

Can someone please let me know if this story is still confusing? I'm editing it and I want to know if I'm gonna have to rewrite it or edit it again.

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