Dereks a good pillow:)

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Stiles pov

I ordered pizza for the pack. We always had to order a lot. We eat like animals... well, the animals do. Haha, "So I ordered pizza is anyone gonna want salad?" I asked knowing at least one person will.
"I'm trying to watch my figure so me." Peter gave a goofy grin with what he said and we all laughed. "Raphael, Simon I know you can't eat what can I get you?" I asked them I need to know if I need to kill something. "Animal blood." Simon smiled at me and I nodded.

"Uhm yeah I guess I'll have that too." Raphael looked a little weird. "I can get you blood from the hospital or something if you drink human blood." I gave a gentle smile at him and he nodded. "Please." He said and I nodded. "Magnus pick it up and teleport it here, then teleport out of the hospital. Walk in and tell Melissa what happened and why you needed to do it." I said smiling and he nodded. "I'll be right back, wait Simon come with me." I said while taking my bow out of the cabinet. We walked outside.

"So what kinda animal?" I asked him.
"Anything." He said, I hear a crow fly over us and I shot it. "There you have it, you're bird. Imma go in and make salad if you need more let me know." I said smiling and he nodded. I went into the kitchen and started cutting lettuce when someone sat at the island. "Stiles, I'm sorry about Laura and what I said." Derek sounded sincere. I looked over to Laura mostly to see if he was telling the truth and she nodded. I smiled at Derek. I looked in his eyes then away because it was painful for me.

"It's okay don't do it again." I said smiling. "Okay and I'm sorry for what I said before I left I didn't me- Stiles your nose is bleeding." He said sounding panicked. I walked over to the sink.
I was getting a little dizzy but I grabbed paper to clean myself up. "Continue, it happens a lot." I said trying to sound not in pain because my head was killing me.
"I didn't mean anything I said before I left, I'm sorry, I was a dick. You're not a whore, you're better than that. You're such a good person, thank you for being the alpha." He sounded like he meant it and I didn't need to know he was telling the truth.

"It's alright." I said removing the paper and smiling. I cleaned myself up and washed my hand. "Stiles you were bleeding yeah?" Raphael was right in front of me. "No look the blood just arrived." I said smiling, he shook his head and walked closer. Ugh. I grabbed my whip and through him towards the blood.
And he started drinking. Simon came in a little later. "Sorry I took long I found another bird." Simon smiled and I nodded. I gave him a hug.

"What's-." I cut him off. "I know it's hard being who you are, because you think you're not normal but you're a very good person. You are capable of doing amazing things so don't hide yourself from us." I whispered I know he was crying when he was outside. You could see that he had tear stained cheeks. "How did you-." I cut him off again. "I just know, I've gotten good and because we all feel this way at some point. You're amazing Simon, know it and don't let anyone tell you different." I whispered then pulled out of the hug and smiled at him. He smiled back.

I went back to the kitchen and started cutting up things for the salad. Once I was done I put everything into 2 big bowls.
"I don't know what dressing you guys want so I have almost all." I said with a small laugh. I look up to see Derek smiling? What's he smiling at? "What are you smiling for?" I said with a small smile. "Oh nothing, nothing." He smiled a little. "Hey I know you vampires can't eat but if you want you can still join us." I said smiling and winking towards Simon.

The pizza and Magnus came at the exact same time, I opened the door and the pizza guy had a hard time carrying all the pizzas. I always have to order a lot of because these wolves eat a lot. "Hey Issac, Scott, Liam help." I yelled. They came running to the door. I handed each of them some pizzas and they walked away.
The pizza dude looked relieved. "Here." I handed him money with a tip. He counted it with wide eyes. I gave him a wink then closed the door. "Alright table, wolves, hunter, vamps, and the rest." I said with a small laugh. We all ate and Liam was happy with a big adorable smile on his face.

"Liam baby you have sauce on you face." I said with a little chuckle. He pouted and tried wiping it off. I reached over and wiped it off for him. He smiled at me, "So who's picking the movie today?" I asked,
"Oh! Oh! Me! Me! It's my turn!!!" Issac was like an excited puppy. I love him.
"Yes Izzy, it's your turn."I smiled and he nodded with a big smile. (pronounced eye-zzy like Izzy but pronounced differently)

"I pick the movie Annabel creation!" He yells with a laugh. "Fuck you." I said with a small smile. "Oh come on! it's my turn to pick." Issac said with a pout. "Whatever." I said rolling my eyes. The pack all sat down but I had to go get something. When I came back everyone was paired up. Except grumpy wolf because Amber left. I guess I'm stuck with him. The whole pack had blankets just...not me. Huh. I sat down next to Derek which was awkward because it was a two person couch and he's kinda big so we were almost touching.

The movie started and I was already scared. A little while later a jump scare came on and I actually jumped onto Derek. It was an accident! "So-sorry." I didn't look at him or back at the screen I was scared. "It's okay." Was what Derek said before I got really warm and my eyes started closing. I was falling asleep fast. I can't control it.

Derek's pov

Stiles fell asleep on me. It actually made me really happy for some reason. I've talked to Deaton about mates and stuff. I'm not sure I'll ever find one, I've never felt the pull. Stiles shifted a little so both his legs were on ether side of my legs and his head in the crook of my neck with his arms loosely around my neck. I smiled at him a little. Man if only I hadn't left, what would of happened? I wrap my arms around him and put my head on his shoulder. I breathed in his sent. It was sweet, it was nice like lavender and honey. It was so nice, almost intoxicating.

I smiled into his shoulder. I looked over that te whole pack. All the pairs.
Then there's Peter. Now all these pairs are like this because they feel comfortable around each other. I mean obviously Scott and Issac are mates. So are Malia and Kira. Everyone else, who knows? I mean I feel like Laura likes Simon, but he's a good kid. The movie isn't over yet it's about half way.

I rested my head on Stiles', Shoulder and breathed in his sent. Then I let my eyes close. I think.. I think I missed him.

Lydia's pov

I noticed that Stiles fell asleep on Derek in the beginning of the movie. Then halfway through Derek fell asleep on Stiles. The movie was over now and I got up to turn the tv off. Some of us were still awake. So I took this moment as a great opportunity to take a picture to show how cute they look. *snap* Boom! I'm gonna keep this, just like we kept the photos of them holding Ben and of Stiles holding Damon.
They seemed okay now, hopefully it stays this way and Derek doesn't leave again. Kira got up and took a picture too.

And soon all of us were doing it besides the shadow hunters. I smiled but then I stopped because Derek woke up. "Stop taking pictures." He groaned. "Okay just go back to sleep, but lay down or you're gonna hurt your back." I said smiling and he laid down carefully because he didn't want to hurt Stiles. Stiles was still on top of him and was moving around probably to get comfortable. He groaned a little. But went back to sleep. This is it hopefully!! I want to see both my alpha and Derek happy .

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