Leaving for sure

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Derek's pov

I woke up and Stiles was gone. I sighed and got up. I went down stairs to find Stiles pouring coffee in a mug. He handed it to me, "Thank you." I said smiling a little he nodded in response pouring himself some coffee. "I'm gonna go see Deaton later, will you be okay with just them?" I asked hoping it won't be a 'no'
But he nodded and I smiled. That's one thing I liked about Stiles he could always take care of himself. The unexpected then happened when he ran to the bathroom and puked.

I ran up to run his back. "I'm taking you to Deaton." Is all I said, I let him finish and rushed out the door. I was caring Stiles bridal style. I ran all the way to the clinic. I was starting to panic this was all so sudden and weird. I got inside to see Deaton talking to Argent. I can't care for him right now, "Help!" I yelled, I watched as Deaton rushes stiles on to the metal table. He laid Stiles down, "What's wrong with him?" Argent and deaton asked at the same time.

"He puked randomly after taking a sip or his coffee." I said sounding really concerned. I don't have time to sound like I don't give a shit about him. I need to care. Deaton left and came back with stuff he would use for an ultrasound. This got me confused and got Argent pissed. Guys don't get pregnant why does he need that?
Deaton put the gel on Stiles' stomach.
He looked at the computer and looked at me.

He turned it off quickly and wiped the gel off of Stiles. "Derek are you having Uhm...sex with Stiles?" He sounded awkward. "What?!?" I asked confused and slightly pissed. Why the fuck would I have sex with Stiles? I'm not gay! I did kiss him though..still not gay. "He's pregnant." Deaton said this with an emotionless face.
"What?" I was so confused guys can't get pregnant! Plus I never! NEVER FUCKED HIM! I didn't have time to speak Argent slammed me against the wall. A grunt escaped my lips.

"YOU! YOU SON OF A BITCH ILL KILL YOU!" He was yelling at me. "Stop! We didn't have sex, I can't be pregnant!" Stiles tried to yell but it sounded weak. So weak, but then again, when doesn't he?
"What?" Argent was confused, "Well now I know Stiles and Derek's child is not because they had sex." Deaton said calmly. "What?" We all said really confused, how am I the father of a child that came out of nowhere? I shouldn't be responsible for it.

"Okay so usually stuff like this happens between a strong enough bond. Usually with an alpha and a pack mom in this case Stiles acts like a pack mom and is the protector of the Hales. So they have a bond that is strong enough for, I guess pregnancy, since Derek is now alpha. If they don't want this child Derek can say he doesn't want it and if Stiles will agree the baby will go away. If stiles doesn't agree on his half it will strongly hurt the bond between you two." Deaton looked at me and Stiles. Fanfuckingtastic.

"Deaton if I have this child is it considered mine or what happens?" Stiles was still confused but seemed a little.. happy. Yeah, no. I'm definitely leaving.
"Well the baby is supernatural so it'll be born soon like December 20th." Deaton was smiling and I knew why. It was my moms birthday. I started to tear up.
"Derek are you okay?" Stiles got up and hugged me as I started crying. Deaton smelled of confusion. I look up at him.
"She's gone." Is all I had to say I could tell he wanted to cry.

I knew he was in love with my mom.
"And it's because of an Argent." I was crying harder now. "Shh, don't worry Der I took care of him, he's gone now it's all okay." Stiles was whispering in my ear and I smiled a little he always knew what to say he's almost... He's almost perfect. No. NO HES NOT AND I AM LEAVING. I'm leaving for sure. "Thanks." Was all I whispered. "Thanks doc but we should be going now." He smiled a little and Deaton nodded.

"The baby bump should kick in about 2 weeks." I said he looked scared a little.
"Can I adopt a baby boy this weekend?" Stiles asked me like I cared. "Yeah." I said nodding a little. "The thing is I need a significant other, even if we aren't together. Ben already thinks we're his parents so could you sign the papers as the other dad?" Stiles asked looking a little more nervous this time. "Sure." I said smiling a little. I smelled happiness roll off of him.Cool we'll go in 4 days." He said still smiling.

(Time skip to home.)

"Ben!!" Stiles was yelling with a smile.
"Popa!!" Ben was smiling when Stiles took Ben into his arms, they laughed.
"Scott!!! Everyone get down here!" Stiles was yelling covering Bens ears because of the supernatural hearing. Once everyone was down and sitting in the living room.
"I have an announcement." Stiles said he didn't seem so happy anymore. "One of them is that Ben is officially being adopted." Stiles paused a little. "The second thing is...."

Becoming pack mom for the Hales.  (part2 of protecting the Hales)  Where stories live. Discover now