Ending relashionships and training

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Derek's pov

We ate dinner and I went upstairs to my bed. Stiles asked Magnus to fix it to my size and he did. Everyone was really nice.
"Hey it's Derek right?" I heard a higher pitched voice. I turned around to see Clary. "Yeah, that'd be my name." I said with a straight face. "Why is that guy all over Jace?" She asked sounding mad.
"He's not all over Jace, you are." I said and chuckled a little bit. "Okay, you're not wrong but I know he's jealous and I wanna tick him off even more so if you don't mind." She said getting closer to me I took a step back and shook my head no.
"Jace!!" I yelled really loud so I know someone would hear me.

She kissed me and Jace walked in when I pushed her back. "What the hell!" He yelled Stiles ran in here, it took seconds. "Jace What's wron-that bitch." Stiles said rolling his eyes. "After everything Clary, I didn't expect you to leave me for a stranger you just met." He said looking hurt. Stiles was starting to run at her when Jace grabbed him. "Stop she's not worth it, at all." Jace told him and Stiles stopped, then he ran at me when Jace grabbed him again. Stiles was now crying.
"Stop, he's not worth it ether." Stiles nodded. "I'll sleep in the attic with Jace you two have fun." Stiles gave a small smile still crying. He grabbed Jace's hand and left the room.

"Aw fuck." Clary looked down. This piece shit. I hate this bitch. "Great, you just fucked up any chance I had left and it wasn't even my god damn fault this time!" I growled a little. "Whatever, I can have you now." She said coming closer again. And she's gross. Yeah, no. "Um no go sleep with Simon and leave me alone, bitch." I was mad. I thought I had collected myself after all these years. I come back here and was rude to Stiles. Things start to get better and boom everything is ruined. This time it wasn't my fault!

"Fine." She said and left the room. I walked out of the room and walked into the kitchen where Stiles and Jace were holding each other. "You are one fucked up man you know that?" He said sounding mad and sad. "She kissed me saying she wanted to get Stiles mad and jealous. I pushed her away because I'm not sure if I even like girls anymore." I said looking down. "I told her she was going to sleep with Simon and she said fine." I said looking up at him this time.
"So this was not your fault it was hers?" He asked and I nodded. Stiles let go of him.

"Hey Baby you sleep with Derek, okay?" Jace asked and Stiles nodded. I walked back up to the room the pack was already asleep. "Hey I'm gonna head to bed, if you need anything let me know and don't make too much noise if you're gonna-you know." Ethan said while heading to the bathroom. "That's not gonna happen." I said looking at Stiles that was just entering the room. "You can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." I said looking down at the floor. "We slept together last night we can do it again come on." Stiles smiled a little and laid in bed. Stiles laid on the right side and looked at the wall.

I laid on the left and waited. Stiles fell asleep and shortly after started snuggling against me. He's always cold. Without noticing I started taking pain away. It hurt so fucking bad. I didn't know what it felt like when I was gone but I got a little taste of it now. "What do you think you're doing?" Stiles asked and pulled away from me. "It was an accident, I didn't know." I said turning to face him. "Listen, I get that it could've been an accident but you continued to take the pain." He said sighing. "I was just curious." I said still looking at him and he nodded. We laid back down and Stiles still snuggled into me. I put my arms around him and we fell asleep.

(In the morning)

I woke up to an empty bed and looked around. He probably went to check on Jace or something. I went to the bathroom and stripped from my clothes.
I turned the water on and got in. I rubbed soap on my body then rinsed, I did the same to my hair. Once I was out of the shower I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I walked to my dresser and grabbed a pair of black boxer briefs and a black tank top with gray sweatpants. I grabbed a pair of black socks put them on then walked downstairs. When I got downstairs the pack was eating breakfast and Stiles was working out.

He didn't have a shirt on but I'm pretty sure Magnus gave him a glamour. "What's going on?" I asked looking around confused. "We're eating while he's working out when we finish eating and he's done we have a training day." Issac said looking at me. I nodded. "Okay well I'm just gonna have coffee." I said going into the kitchen. I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down. The pack finished eating and I waited for what's gonna happen next. They all ran upstairs. "What's happening now?" I asked and waited.
Stiles started doing pull ups. "They're changing." He said and after he said that Scott and Issac showed up shirtless.
Scott has sweatpants and Issac had basketball shorts.

Most of the girls had shorts or workout pants with a sports bras, few of them had a sports shirt on. The guys had either shorts or sweatpants and we're mostly shirtless. "Alright so let's start with the first thing ...

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