Dereks back?

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it's been a few years forget about the ages before because they're new now okay?

Liam's pov

Deaton says stiles is getting better since what's happened. Derek left for good and Stiles sort of forgot about him. The bad news is that, Derek is back and we've told Stiles about an alpha named Derek. Stiles has no idea. Stiles was sexually assaulted about 3 months ago, he's been working out and acting like normal. That's good for the pack but we can feel his sadness.

His kids are with grandma Hale right now. They should be coming back soon.
"Hey baby." I walked up and hugged Stiles from behind since he was cooking.
"Li, I missed you." He said smiling, I laughed a little since I saw him about 20 minutes ago. "Babe I was in the shower you could have joined me." I said kissing his shoulder. "Oh yeah, I'll take a shower later." He said continuing with his cooking. "Can you call Magnus please?" He asked I nodded and grabbed his phone.

Hello darling what can I do for you this fine evening?

pick up my kids if you can

of course dear

Thanks bring them here?


Thank you

anything for you dearest

                      (End of call)

"Okay, I finished with the food so imma go take a shower okay, baby?" Stiles smiled up at me. I kissed him and he kissed back, the kiss was slow and happy.
"I'll come with you." I said smiling a little.
"You just took a shower." He said laughing a little. "It's Christmas babe, I'll shower twice." I laughed with him.
"Oh yes it was just Damon's birthday." He smiled a little.

"Ironic That the baby you have shares the same birthday as Thalia Hale." I smiled down kissing his forehead. He smiled at me. Stiles was able to have his and Derek's kid but it took longer. Derek didn't want it so the baby had to heal itself. We walked upstairs into the bathroom. I looked at Stiles then took off my shirt. He took of his shirt. After we fully stripped we got into the hot water.
I kissed stiles. Then grabbed soap but he washed it out of my hands. "Sti why did you do that?" I asked, I was confused.
He kissed my lips but got super close to me.

Our bodies were touching each other.
"Baby it feels good having you this close." I whispered to stiles, he looked at me then looked down. "You don't have to do anything this is enough for me." I smiled at Stiles but he got down on his knees anyway. After our shower Stiles got a call.


Stiles this is Cora, I'm coming over for Christmas!!

I thought you were in New York?

I was but I wanted to see you and your kids and the pack!

Stiles :
alright cor see you soon

okay bye

He hung up but got another call

Laura what's up?

I'll be there in 15 minutes

Stiles :
okay bye

And continued to get calls


hey Sti this is Dustin remember?

Stiles :
oh hey Dustin what's up?

I'm coming over in 15

okay is Dane with you?


Stiles :
okay bye

And another

Stiles I'll be home in 15

okay bye

And another

Stiles grandma Gale said she might send Cara and Dale. I don't think she will but just in case it's a heads up.

awesome I haven't seen them since their 10th birthday

Magnus :
I'll be there in 15

Stiles :

And one last one

Stiles :
Scott buddy what's up?

I'm bringing my alpha Derek

okay it'll be nice to meet him

I mean I don't think you'll say the same when you see him

Stiles :
Scotty I'll be nice

Scott :
okay be there in 16 bye

"Liam do you know this Derek guy?" Stiles asked me I smelled confusion roll off of him. "I have to break up with you babe." I said looking down "Why?" Stiles looked sad and I didn't want to make him sad. "Because you would've wanted me too if you knew." I said giving him a little smile. "Fine but you know how we work now." He said with a small smile. Stiles left the room and went into the kitchen.
He fixed the table so more people could eat.

15 minutes later on que.
Cora, Laura, Dustin, Dane, Dale, Cara, Peter, and Magnus. "Twins you're so big now!!" Stiles said while giving everyone a hug. "Yeah full moons are easy now." They said smiling a toothy smile.
"Great." He said smiling back. "You can all sit down at the table." He said looking at everyone. They all nodded and walked over to take a seat. "Damon and Ben can you please sit down." Stiles looked at them with a smile they nodded and sat down.

Damon and Ben had an age difference of about 2 years. Ben was 10 and Damon was 8. Stiles was 18. Derek was 23. "Sit next to me Liam?" Stiles asked me and I nodded. A minute later the door bell rang and Stiles went to open it. Scott and Derek walked in but when Derek did he growled at stiles. Then Damon and Ben came up wolfed out. "Don't you dare hurt our dad he's been hurt way to many times." They growled at Derek and wouldn't stop.

"Baby boys please go sit down. I'll set up the food when this stranger introduces himself." Stiles looked confused for a little bit. "But dad that's our papa." They both said at the same time. With those words as if on que Stiles started bleeding out of his mouth. "Someone call Deaton now!" I yelled and caught Stiles. I held him to on his side so the blood could spill out. He was done after 2 minutes. "Sorry That happens a lot but if you're the dad of those kids. That makes you the Derek Hale that left here years ago, I think, right?" Stiles asked being super casual about it.

His heart started racing. "That would be me Stiles." Stiles looked away from Derek.
"Those are our kids?" He asked Stiles still didn't make eye contact but nodded.
"Why are all my family here?" He asked and Stiles looked at the family. "We do this for the holidays sometimes they come visit when it's not the holidays." Stiles was looking at the floor. "You can sit down at the table and join us to eat." Stiles didn't look up but Derek nodded. This is going to be a long day.

I do not take abuse lightly. I would remove it from this story. However, it is important to the plot. I wrote this 3 years ago. I didn't know much about abuse. I don't mean to offend anyone.

Becoming pack mom for the Hales.  (part2 of protecting the Hales)  Where stories live. Discover now