Showering with him isn't bad

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Derek's pov

I see Stiles has light abs, not super noticeable but they're definitely there. He turned away from me and I saw scars, I can only assuming that it's from his past. I wasn't judging though, just looking. He took off his pants revealing his dark blue boxer briefs. "You don't have to take them off I'm sure you can manage." I said taking my shirt off as he waited. I took my pants off and looked at Stiles. His eyes trailed down my abs but he looked away when he caught himself.

I gave him a slight smile. I turned the water onto cold. I got in then I helped Stiles in. I closed the shower doors and let the water hit my back. It felt nice and I was really enjoying it, "Derek, it's really cold." He was shivering and that's all he had to say. I pulled him close to my body. I should've just turned the water to hot. I hugged him close and started to cry.

"Derek it's okay, shhh, it's okey. It wasn't your fault, it's okay I'm sorry." He was whispering and hugging me back. It felt so nice, I don't know why I hadn't noticed before. "Why do you do things with people?" I asked now curious. There was only silence so I continued. "Sexually I mean." I finished and he looked at me tears in his eyes. I was going to tell him he didn't have to answer but he spoke before I was able to. "I was raised to help that way and to give payment back like that. It's the only way to make someone happy, I guess." He was looking down now and he was crying .

I tried to hug him but he pulled away. I don't wanna kiss him but I feel like I have to. This is the only way he knows to stop crying. So I tilted his chin to look at me.
Then I pulled him close and pressed my lips against his. It was slow but not for log because I'm assuming he didn't like that. It went quick but he pulled away. "Pass me the shampoo." He said and stayed quiet for a moment. I've never been more confused but I guess it worked. "Please." He continued, I passed him what he asked for while turning the water to hot. He poured the shampoo in his hand and came close to me.

He was in front of me when he put his hands in my hair. He started to move them and massage my head with the soap.
It was so nice, I sighed a little. He got closer, until he was so close our noses almost touched. He kissed me but this time it was slow and careful.  He pushed me back until I was in the water and he pulled away. Still massaging my head while the water removed the soap. He pulled me out. So I opened my eyes to see him looking down. I grabbed shampoo and poured some on my hands. I started to do the same thing he did to me.

(Time skip )

Once we got out I gave him a towel and he took off his boxer briefs. "Thanks for helping me." He smiled a little at me and it made me feel so much better. "Anytime." I said looking at him. Why did I say that? 'Anytime' yeah Derek just invite him to shower with you instead. Oh basically did that already. Idiot.
"I'll go get your boxer briefs and you can stay in my room." I said looking at his eyes.

He nodded and I walked passed him and went into his room. I just wanted him to really smell like me. I showered him in my soaps so he smells just like me but some how it's like it wasn't enough. I don't know why I want him to smell like me but it doesn't seem like a bad idea.
I grabbed a pair of black boxer briefs from his room and walked back to mine.
I gave him his underwear. I walked to my drawer and picked out a pair of sweatpants and handed it to him then I handed him my sweatshirt.

"Does your ankle still hurt?" I asked wondering if it was better. "A little, the pain still hurts but I guess I can handle it." He said looking down. I turned around to get my clothes and when I turned back around he was already done .
I made sure my back was facing him and removed my towel. I slipped on a pair of my boxer briefs. Then slipped on some sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt.
I sat next to stiles on my bed.

"Wanna go back to sleep?" I asked because I was still so tired. He nodded slowly. I laid down and he laid next to me.
I hugged him a little and he hugged back.
He put his head on my chest and just fell asleep. I can't think of anything more than just being here, it felt kinda okay for me. I just wish I could take my mind off of things. Maybe I should call deaton later.
I closed my eyes and let sleep do its thing.

Hey guys I just wasn't to say that the ages and timings are still weird. I can't change that because of the story plot but basically this is older Derek now. The aging is still gonna be weird, I'm sorry.

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