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Stiles pov

I saw him, it was Derek he was standing right in front of me in his room.
"Derek?" I asked tears making me vision blurry. He was kissing a girl. Nothing ever changes, does it? "Derek why did you leave?" He turned around and he was wolfed out. "Because if there was one thing I wanted to do was rip your throat out!" Derek roared, "Stop! Please DEREK!

I opened my eyes and started crying, I was coughing up blood again. "DEREK!"
The pain hurt so much I had nothing else to do. All I could do is scream for him.
"DER-." Blood started pouring out of my mouth and onto the floor. "Stiles baby, what's wron-SCOTT HELP ME!" Liam was trying to help me up. He got me up but I started to have a seizure. "CALL DEATON AND YOUR MOM!" I was turned on my side but blood was still pouring out. Then the world went black.

Liam's pov

"It seems that the bond is just about to break and he's gonna need tons of help to recover from it. Once he stops bleeding he'll be left with heart ache each time, it's like a break up but worse. Someone needs to wake him up when he screams or this will happen every night." Deaton said looking at me, I nodded. "Will he ever get over this?" I asked tears making my vision blurry. "It's possible but you guys should hope he doesn't show up again, it'll be hard for Stiles to see Derek." Deaton said looking away, I nodded.

Stiles pov

I woke up and got a towel I went to the bathroom I felt weak. I turned the water onto hot. Then started taking my clothes of, I was about to pull of my boxer briefs when I heard a noise from Derek's room.
I grabbed the crossbow hidden in the bathroom floor. I opened the door carefully ready to hit anyone. But then there he was. I started to tear up.
"Stiles listen I'm sorry that-." I didn't let him finish. I didn't want to.

"Don't say sorry, you don't get to say sorry, Hale. I wake up bleeding because of you." I said tears running down my face.
"I have to leave I need time." Derek looked away and started grabbing things.
"I'm not taking all of it, you can use my clothes my shampoo. Stuff that smells like me and you can sleep in my bed, but I'm leaving. I don't plan on coming back I'm older than you and you need to live your life." Derek was about to leave when he turned back around.

"Don't say anything just go." I was looking down and I was crying so much that a puddle started to form. It seemed almost impossible but I was standing in it. What was I supposed to do now? "Stiles I-." Derek was cut off because Liam walked into the room. "Stiles bab-oh, hell no did he hurt you? why are you almost naked!?" Liam was started to wolf out so I ran up and kissed him. He kissed back and we went on for like a minute but I pulled back because I remembered who was here.

"He didn't hurt me physically and I'm almost naked because I was going to get in the shower but I heard something so I came to check and it was him." I said before more tears started spilling all over again. God I really do hate myself.
"I should be-." Liam gave him the death glare. Derek came up to me but I backed away shaking my head no. He ran and jumped out the window. I was left crying on the floor with Liam.



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