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Derek's pov

"So let's get started with running around the whole preserve." Stiles said smiling. Issac and the whole pack had a huge smile on their face. Then there was a glint in Liam's eyes. "Oh baby, can we please, please, please play tag?? Please!!" He was jumping and acting like an excited puppy.
It was just tag. How exciting can that be?
"Alright we can play tag, Allison Get you're weapons ready and the rest of you humans as well." Stiles smiled and Allison ran to a room. Amber walked in.

"Hey guys I'm assuming you'll be training?" She asked looking at Stiles.
He nodded. "Today we start your training go meet Allison in the weapon room and I'll explain how tag works when you get back." He said with a smile. A few minutes later Amber and Allison came back with weapons. "I gave her a bow and crossbow because it's the easiest to use, teach or we can teach her how to use the other stuff later." Allison smiled. Stiles nodded. "Okay so when we play tag we start off by making a line right outside the house. After we do that we scatter and hide out way past the line, if You cheat I'll know, I'll yell go and we all have to run to cross the line. The rule is we're aloud to attack each other just don't kill each other. Jackson almost won last time because he waited to jumped out of a tree to attack me but I shot both his legs and ran to cross the line." Stiles laughed at the end.

"There's no shame in hiding until it's all over." He said looking at Amber she nodded. Everyone had a determined look on their face. "Everyone looks so scary because I always win and they want to beat me." He said practically reading my mind. I nodded. "That's gonna change this time Stilinski." Jackson called out and Stiles laughed. "Raphael and Simon you can watch since the sun isn't out the reason why you can't play is because you'd win." Stiles said with a smile.
They both nodded. "Magnus can't play ether." Stiles said and Magnus nodded. I'm assuming it's because he can just poof over the line.

"Shadow hunters your glamour won't work on everyone." He said and they nodded, "Alright everyone outside." Stiles said walking towards the door. Stiles tied a string from tree to tree. "Magnus yell go when I text you, Everyone run!!" Stiles yelled running into the woods. A few minutes later once everything got quite.
Magnus yelled go.

(I'll be switching povs a lot sorry)

Scott's pov

I was running and running through the woods. I stopped running and slowed to a walk this is was too easy. I was lost in thought when a whip gripped my throat.
Fuck me. I looked at who it was and it was Isabelle, I grabbed the whip and pulled her forward. That's when someone came and pushed her she flew into a tree. She was still holding onto the whip so I went with her. She let go and I got up and ran.
It was Issac. Glad he could help.

Issac's pov

I was running through the woods and saw Scott being chocked. I thought it was funny to see him flying into a tree so I rammed into Isabelle. I laughed and ran away. Until I noticed noises. They came from different directions. I looked to my right and there was Peter. I looked to my left and there was Laura I looked behind me and I saw Scott. Fuck. Why me? I jumped into a tree. I jumped from tree to tree until I was knocked down by Aidan.

Malia pov

I was running and I saw Amber running quietly. So I tackled her and she shot me with the crossbow. I took out the arrow and gave her a light scratch that distracted her so I ran. It wasn't long after that I was pushed into a tree by someone.
"Fucking bitch." I growled, I couldn't see anything because my head was pushed into the tree. "Sorry I'm trying to win." Jackson said as he snapped my leg and arm then ran away. Shit.

Stiles pov

That's it haha! I see the line. I covered myself in mud leaves and then rinsed in the pond so they won't catch my scent.
I was so close to the line when a pair of claws gripped my leg and pulled me down. Fuck. "Not this time." He laughed,
Jackson. "Oh I think the fuck not." I said kicking upward I heard a growl and turned over. I pulled out my crossbow and shot him in both legs and arms.
I turned and ran. Again I was about to cross the line when Derek slammed me against a tree. God dammit. I pulled out a dagger and stabbed his leg. Then kicked him away. Why is it that everyone must be against me today?! I shot him in his other leg with the crossbow. And I took off running.

I was so close to the line about to cut through it when I heard noises behind me. "Oh hell no! Stiles don't you dare cross that line." It was peter. "I'll get him." Jackson was right behind me when I jumped and cut the rope laughing.
"Yes!" I yelled with a smile on my face.
"Damn!" Jackson yelled. He'll never catch me! "You were close this time buddy." I said smiling. Everyone got to the house again and I looked at them. "So now we fight with each other." I said looking at them.

Derek's pov

We continued fighting for a few hours we switched a couple of times. "I want to fight Stiles!" Clary yelled angrily. "Are you serious?" Stiles scoffed. "Yes bitch." She said sounding even more angry. She never gives up. I'm actually kind of excited to see Stiles kick her ass. "Ugh, Fine." Stiles groaned but a smile still played at his lips.
"Everyone else is done for today you can stay and watch or go inside." He sighed she smiled an evil smile towards Stiles.
"Weapons or hand to hand ?" He asked
"The only weapon is the blade do you still have yours?" She asked and he pulled out the glowing blade.

She ran towards Stiles and he hit her in the back of the head and she was out cold.
"Tell someone she needs better training." He said rolling his eyes. We all got inside and Stiles turned to me "What do you want for dinner?" He asked I was so confused the only thing I said was "What?" He smiled a little probably because I look like an idiot. "I ask someone what they want for dinner and we all eat that so what do you want?" He asked again. Something easy..think, think
"Uh spaghetti I guess." I said because it's the easiest thing to make. "Magnus go get the kids and the twins for dinner please." Stiles said and Magnus disappeared.

Sometimes I wonder if Magnus ever gets tired of doing things for Stiles. He always says 'my pleasure' and is happy so I can only assume he's not. "Scott, Issac you go in the shower first and since you'll probably be showering together Allison can shower too Malia, Kira and Aidan go next." Stiles said as he puts on an apron.

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