Chapter 11

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"Who are you and what are you doing here? "


Everyone is silent at the moment.  They are currently looking at the girl, who was spying on them a while ago, eating the sandwich that Ayako made as their snack.

The girl, age wise, must have been around the twins age. She's petite like Mai and Masako and she has a shoulder length curly hair with a very unique eye color - Violet.

None utter a word until our very loveable narcissist spoke.

"So why were you spying on us? You never get to answer my question? "

Mai glared at Naru. "Naru, it would have been much nicer if you asked for her name first and then that. "

"I have no intention of being nice to someone who's habit is to spy on someone. That is what you call not being nice, Mai. "

"So her name is Mai? "

Everyone's attention returned on the girl.

"You can see her? " Yasuhara curiously asked.

"Yes. I thought I was hallucinating at first but I saw you guys talking to her and I got curious. That's the reason why I've been spying on you all. "

"What's your name then?" Monk asked.

"My name is Yuki Toshiki. I'm working as a part-time model here. "

"Then you know this people? "

Naru showed her some pictures. It was of Riko Ishida, Erika Kishimoto, and Michiko Uemura.

The girl nodded. "They're my seniors. I sometimes work with them and they're also the top three most sought after models on our agency. "

"Really? " Mai gasped.

She nodded again and then looked at her.

Mai took a step back. "W-what? "

"I'm so curious why you, a ghost, can easily mingle with these people. How are you doing that? "

"You seem to know a lot about ghost. Who are you really? " it was Gene's turn to question the girl.

"Well, I'm able to see ghost ever since I can remember and that's the reason why I'm taking Parapsychology as my major in the university, but this is my first time seeing a ghost freely talking to, not just one, but a couple of human beings. This brings out my curiousity. Do you think I can join your team while I observe her?"

Spook from the girls statement, Mai hid behind Naru, which the latter did not object, but gave a chilling stare towards the girl in front of him.

"Mai is not a rare specimen that you can just observe."

Now everyone is looking at him.

Gene then chuckled. "And who are we, my dear brother, to judge. We are also observing Mai in the pretense that we are to help her move on to the afterlife? "

Naru did not deter. He kept his eyes on the girl.

Yasuhara was not able to hold his smirt and commented.

"Ahhh, big boss is being protective of his girlfriend. "

That earned him a glare but he just laugh from that and high-five Monk.

"I can help with the investigation you know. "

All of the attention was back to her.

"I know most of the people around and I'm knowledgeable with paranormal stuff. I'm a good addition to your team. "

Naru thought for a while and looked at his twin, who nodded.

Sighing. He agreed.

"Alright, let's see what you can do. Help us with the investigation. "

Ghost Hunt AU: Mai Lovely GhostWhere stories live. Discover now