Chapter 7 ~ Fear and Rivalry

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~ Y/N's POV ~

To my surprise, Jimin got on both his knees and bowed down to me. "I.. I'm so sorry for scaring you." My eyes widened. "I'm.. So sorry for fighting against Hyung in front of you.. It was stupid of me.. Please forgive me..!" Honestly, Jimin should say that to Nam Joon.

"Jimin.." I softly said his name. My voice was filled with concern and slight fear.. "It's alright.. I just.. I forgive you but.. ..I-I..." Jimin looked up at me. His dark eyes meeting my E/C ones. He looked so.. Sad.. "..I-I don't think I can feel comfortable and safe when I'm in a room alone with you. After what happened.. It's like.. You would randomly lash out at anyone angrily.. And I.."

Jimin immediately got up, walked on his knees towards me and held both my hands. "..I'm so sorry, Y/N.. I-I.. I can change..! Just give me a chance..!" I frowned at him. He seemed really desperate for me to accept his apology and not think badly of him.. "..Please..?" Jimin gave me this adorable face. I couldn't say no.

I inhaled and exhaled. "Okay.. Fine.." I breathed out. "Go apologise to your hyung, alright? I'm sure he's expecting an apology from you-" I was interrupted by a boy hugging me.

"..Thank you so much.." Jimin whispered happily. I smiled at this cute gesture and hugged him back. He quickly pulled away from the hug. "I'll go talk with Nam Joon hyung.. And apologise to him." He gave me a perfect eye-smile that made my heart flutter before leaving the room.

~ Jimin's POV ~

Apologise to Nam Joon? No. Not today. In this game of 'Winning Y/N's Heart', there's no such thing as apologising to your rivals. There can only be one winner and that one lucky boy will be me.

As I walk towards the staircase that lead down to the first floor, I saw Nam Joon on the first floor. As if he was waiting for me. Hyung gave me an evil smirk. "What are you planning?" I angrily said. He just.. Chuckled and started to climb the stairs towards me. Soon, he was next to me and we were facing opposite directions. My left shoulder and his left shoulder were next to each other.

"Nothing.." He mumbled. "I know what you're planning, Jiminie.." My eyes widened. Did Hoseok tell him? "This is just a thought but.." I gulped. "Y/N is mine. I won't let you get in my way." Then Nam Joon said all these things that pissed me off. "In the end, she won't pick you. I mean.. She witnessed you beat me up. And, I was the first one in this apartment to kiss her." He whispered into my ear for the last thing he said. "And she enjoyed it." I gave him a low growl.

"Shut that mouth of yours or I'll happily shut it for you with needle and thread." I threatened. "I also won't hesitate to eliminate you from this game and world. I'll happily have your blood on my hands if you don't stop talking." Nam Joon chuckled at my replies.

He chuckled. "Hah.. I was just joking, Jiminie." I felt him evilly smirk. "I didn't know you are the type to resort to violence.. Oh wait." I clenched my fists so tightly until my blood leaked. "I wonder if Y/N likes your types of guys.."

I grit my teeth. "You little-"

"Another word or I'll tell Y/N about this." I kept my mouth shut. "Good boy, now if you will 'Excuse me'.." He imitated my voice from that one video we posted. "I'll be in my room." I didn't say anything. I simply walked away from him.

~ Time skip brought to you by a mochi

~ Y/N's POV ~

The time is 11.46 PM. The boys already thought of the next video idea. I heard that they are going to film some kind of skit outside. They asked me if I wanted to come with them but I insisted on staying because I get tired easily. Once the boys heard my reply, Jimin wanted to stay as well. The rest of the band were understanding as they wanted Jimin to protect me while I'm here.

Jungkook, Hoseok and Nam Joon had to go through the trouble of finding and buying a futon mattress, a pillow and a blanket for me. They placed the mattress in a huge and empty space in Jimin and Hoseok's room.

Now, I am laying comfortably on it. Hoseok and Jimin were sleeping while I'm still wide awake, thinking. I tried my best to close my eyes and sleep but I couldn't. I guess I was still afraid that C/N would come after me.. I don't want to see him anymore.. I don't want him to pretend to worry about me anymore. "Y/N?" I look up to see Jimin facing me, still awake. The bed next to my mattress was Jimin's. "You're still not asleep?" He tiredly asked. Jimin looked at my clothing.

"W-What are you looking at?" I stutter.

"Hmm.. I can't help but notice that you've been wearing your jacket all day," Jimin commented. "Doesn't it get hot?" Then I remembered the reason why I kept my jacket on, my cuts. I don't want to make Jimin worry.

"Pffft!" I playfully rolled my eyes. "I'm fine! Really!"

"Hm.." Jimin turned his body towards the ceiling. "Say.. Y/N, Jungkook said something about.. Your boyfriend, right?" I lowered my head. "Erm.. Can you tell me about him and uh.. How you two met..? I'm just.. Curious. That's all.."

Memories flash in my mind as I smiled to myself. I then remembered the day when I found out he was cheating on me. I frowned. "..I.. Don't want to talk about it.."

"..O-Oh.. I'm sorry.." Jimin apologised softly, trying not to wake Hoseok up. "How about I ask what Jungkookie was like when he was young?" I laughed as I remembered something from the past while Jimin stared at me. "Did I say something funny or.."

"Haha.. No," I silently laughed. "I just remembered something from me and Kookie's past."

"Oh?" Jimin's voice was curious. "Would you mind telling me about it?"

I shook my head. "Well, it was when we were both kids." I started. "Jungkook would imitate what ever we would do that he found funny. As a small child, we liked to call him 'Bunny'."

I spent an hour that felt like minutes talking to Jimin about our happy childhood. I guess talking really drained me because now I'm tired.

~ Jimin's POV ~

Y/N yawns. That cute little yawn. If only her boyfriend didn't get to her first. Suddenly, it comes back again. My psychotic mind. It's like another mind takes over and I don't enjoy it at all-.

I want her to be mine. Every part of her. Everything she does is absolutely beautiful. The way she talks, the way she yawns, the way she laughs and the way she smiles. It's all beautiful.

I want to be the one who wins her heart in the end. And that means taking care of competition, her boyfriend and Nam Joon. I will do anything to have her. I want her to smile at me and only me. I want her to have her eyes at me and no one else. I want to do everything with her.

She will be mine-

No. I have to stop thinking like this! It's just.. Wrong! I'm not capable or willing to murder anyone..!

Oh, but I could if I have this mind 24/7. I do not care about anyone else. No one else matters. Before, I was deaf, blind, dehydrated and cold. Now with Y/N, she is my music, my beauty, my water and my warmth. I-

I need to stop! If I don't, I will hurt others around me. Before I knew it, Y/N was already peacefully sleeping. Curious, I approached her sleeping body and slowly pulled her wrist. I slowly and gently uncover her jacket's sleeves. I have no idea how, but I sensed that something was wrong. As if she was covering something, like her arms. Sadly, I was right.

"..Oh.. My god.."

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