Chapter 14 ~ I Miss You

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~ Jungkook's POV ~

Of course, I instantly pick up. Was she okay? Is she going to tell us where she is? But unfortunately, I was greeted with a more.. familiar face. JB, also known as Jaebum, leader of the group of bad boys known as GOT7. A former Youtuber and friend of ours. "Why, hello, Jungkook." Jaebum gave a dark chuckle as the rest of BangTan gathered around the phone, curious of the voice. "It's very nice to see you again.."

"Jaebum! What are you doing with Y/N's phone?" Jimin quickly and loudly questioned as I turned the phone towards him so that Jaebum and him can talk it out.

"Ah.. Jimin. You sound so protective." Jimin steals my phone from my hand. "Does the girl happen to be your girlfriend? If so, it would explain that tone of yours~" Jaebum laughed at Jimin who was blushing and biting his lower lip. "Well, since you care soo much about her, why don't you say hello?" Then, the camera flips to the back camera.

~ Jimin's POV ~

It was Y/N, on her knees and her hands behind her back as she was surrounded by 6 other familiar boys. Her back was slouching and her head was looking down. A white cloth was covering her mouth, preventing her from talking while a black cloth was covering her eyes, preventing her from seeing anything clearly. The black cloth was wet around her eyes. That little shit.. I'll kill him the moment I see him.

"You.. What have you done to my Noona!" Jungkook yelled.

"You monster!" Jin called.

"What are you planning on doing to her?!" Hoseok asked loudly.

"I'm calling the police." Nam Joon threatened.

Jaebum gave a dark laugh. "Now, calm down, Nam Joon. Tell the police or your pretty little Y/N gets it from all 7 of us." He threatened back. "And I can tell you, it won't be a pretty sight~" Jaebum sang. Y/N tried to get the white cloth off her mouth and she did so successfully

"J-Jimin..? Nam Joon..?" She started. "E-Everyone? Are you there?" As Y/N stuttered, I can't help but build up angry tears.

"Y/N..! I'm so happy you're alright! Are you hurt? Did they do anything to you?" I started to ask more questions but she just smiled at the camera. That warm smile..

"No.. I'm fine, Jimin..! Don't worry about me!"

"How can I not worry about you?" I asked. How can she say that so calmly? I'd lose my shit if I were her. Y/N's so brave and doesn't want people to worry about her. She'd make a good mother one day.. "God.. Y/N, I'll get you out of there, okay..?"

"You mean we'll get her out of there." Jin corrected me, emphasising on the 'we'll'. Happy tears flowed down my cheeks, knowing that Y/N's still alive and seems to handle things calmly. Meanwhile, Jungkook was tearing up.

"Heh," I chuckled. "Yeah, we'll get you out of there..!"

Jaebum laughed at us. "How sweet of all of you, really!" He hummed as if he was thinking. "All of you make me want to consider something right now.. How about I'll call all of you once a week for only an hour to talk to this girl.. Y/N."

"Please..!" Jungkook pleaded.

"Wait," Hoseok stopped him for a moment. "Is there a catch to this? This seems too good to be true.."

"No, you'll get to see her gradually turn to our side. And you can't do anything about it. If you tell the police, heh, then.." One of the boys surrounding Y/N, Jackson, pulled out a pistol from under his jacket and poked it at Y/N's head. I'm surprised I haven't crushed Jungkook's phone yet. "This will happen."

Y/N whimpers. "J-Jimin..?"

"Yeah..?" I answered her. Everyone around me was oddly quiet and would only speak when necessary.

"You'll get me out of here.. Right..?"

"Of course..!" I instantly answered. "I'll do anything to get you out of there.!"

She smiles. "I.. Miss you."

I cried. "I miss you too.."

~ Y/N's POV ~

"How sweet, Jimin." Jaebum commented. "But unfortunately for you, we really have to go.." He gave another dark chuckle. I heard him end the call. Finally.. I let it all out as I looked down. A river of clear and liquified fear cascaded down my cheeks while I grit my teeth and occasionally inhaling deeply. Hearing footsteps gradually become louder, I slowly looked up. "Huh.." The same voice exhaled. "I knew you weren't that strong in this situation. You were just trying to put up a strong facade for a limited but long amount of time." I felt a hand forcefully grab my hair from the back of my head and pushed my head in front. More tears of fear leaked as I felt someone else's breathing on my lips. His voice was intimidating as he spoke. "Don't be afraid, Kitten. I promise we'll treat you well here." The breathing moved from my lips to my ear. "I'll make you look at the world and those boys in a different way before I hand you back to them."

"Hyung," Yugyeom spoke behind me. "Quit scaring the girl, will you? And you were the one who said told the man in the alley that what he did was not the way to treat her."

Jaebum scoffs. "Fine then. You seem like you know how. How about you take care of her then?" He lets go of my hair as my head instantly fell back down. "If I see any scratches or any sign of you mistreating her, she's going to be my responsibility and I'll treat her however I want." I hear his footsteps gradually walk away and the opening of a door.

"Sorry but we need to leave, we have other things we have to do." An unfamiliar voice said. "We'll leave you with her." More footsteps gradually faded away as I heard a closing of a door.

I hear Yugyeom sigh. I felt as the black piece of cloth over my eyes were being untied. The cloth gently fell down to my neck and I was greeted by a familiar and beautiful face. It was Yugyeom. Both of us were in a small, empty and white room that only had a door and one dim ceiling light. "I'm.. really sorry about what happened. I.. We only planned to get that man off of you before. We spotted you looking defenseless and Mark hyung.. suggested that we should help you. We didn't plan on bring you to this hell hole." Yugyeom took the white cloth and black cloth off of me.

"Then.. Can't you just let me go? I wanna go home.." I sobbed.

He nods understandingly. "I know but.. I.. I mean, the rest of us can't. Jaebum hyung told us not to or.. He'll punish us.." Yugyeom shot me a warm but sad smile. "I guess we'll have to listen to him for now." He went behind me and started to untie the rough rope that was tying my hands together. "Damn.." He started to massage my sore wrists. "C-Can I ask you something?" Yugyeom asked, slightly stuttering.

"Erm.. I guess..?"

"Uhm.. How are you feeling? After all this..?" He asked.

I giggled. "Heh.. Why are you asking?"

"I.. I just wanted to know if you're alright. You're gonna stick with me for a while so.." Yugyeom pulls me up, making me stand. He places his hands on my shoulders. "I want you to at least feel comfortable here.. And with me. I don't really trust you with Jaebum hyung.."

I smiled at him as he pulled me in for a warm and nice hug. Why do I feel safe with him? He was part of the capture of me.. Maybe I should listen to Yugyeom for now..

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