Chapter 11 ~ I will be your Hope and Angel

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~ Jimin's POV ~

I came back with long-sleeved clothes for Y/N. I approached Jungkookie and asked him where she was. "Oh, she's in your room." He replied as I nodded as a thank you. When I got to the room, Y/N instantly looked at me in fear.

"J-J-Jiminie..!" She nervously stuttered. "W-What are you doing h-here..?" I pulled out the clothes from the brown paper bag that I was holding.

"I bought them..? Remember?" Y/N remained silent.

"..Why?" She asked softly. I tilted my head in confusion. What did she mean 'why'? "Why kill C/N..? Why?" Y/N looked at me with raged and sad eyes. "Answer me, Jimin! Why?!"

I clenched my fists. Why does she still care about that dead corpse? That's it. I'm tired of being the old and sweet Jimin. I want to show Y/N who's boss and who she REALLY belongs to. I remained silent. "Answer me! Why did you kill—" I drop the clothes and the bag as I quickly lock the door behind me and run towards Y/N. Pinning her down on the bed, one of my hands cover her mouth as the other one hold both her wrists above her head.

"Y/N, listen to me. I am no longer the Jiminie you used to know." I whispered into Y/N's ear. "I want every part of you to be mine. I don't want to share with anyone else. I don't care whose blood I have to spill. If it means keeping you safe." I stared into her terrified E/C eyes. Beautiful. "If any of the members know of this and what really happened to C/N," I chuckle. "I don't want to spoil too much.. But I'll let you think about that." I let go of

I let go of Y/N as I sat on the bed. She immediately cried while she was still lying down. "J-Jimin.. Y-You're scaring me.." While she said that, someone else came into the room and probably heard what Y/N said. Not to mention she is also crying.

~ Hoseok's POV ~

I walk into me and Jimin's bedroom while the rest went to quickly edit the video. All I saw was Jimin seated next to Y/N who was crying. "..J-Jimin.. Y-You're scaring me.." She muttered. Oh my god, what did he do this time? Jimin turns to me.

"H-Hyung..!" Y/N also turned to me.

"Hoseok!" I extend my arms out to Y/N, giving her the idea to run towards me. Away from Jiminie. Y/N instantly got up and ran towards me for a hug. "I'm so relieved you're here..! I—" She immediately stopped herself from saying anything else by covering her mouth. Did Jimin tell her to not say anything about something?

I pat her back as I turned to Jimin who was giving me a death glare. "Jimin." I angrily called his name. "What did you do?" I quietly scold. Then it hit me. C/N's body had stab wounds on it and Y/N cried about how Jimin was scaring her.. Did.. Did he.. Murder C/N? I widen my eyes at Jimin. "You... You did it.. Didn't you?" I asked for confirmation. "You.. You killed C/N." Y/N's grip on me tightened. My face showed disappointment, shock and disgust.

"..I.." Jimin started as I cut him off.

"Jimin," I mumbled. "I'll talk to you later, but for now.. Please leave." My heart cracked a little when I said that. "I know you might want to hurt me right now. But, I know very well it's best for Y/N if you would leave."

Jimin looked down. "I thought we were on the same side, hyung."

"What are you talking about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm only doing this for Y/N's sake! Can you not tell if she's afraid of you? Do you not care about how she feels? Is that it? Do you just want her all to yourself?!" I kept questioning him as my voice gradually became louder and louder. "If you're trying to win her heart, let me tell you. If I am Y/N in this situation, I wouldn't think about even being in love with you." Y/N turns to Jimin as they both lock eyes. Her eyes began to water as his shoulders slowly dropped.

"Y-Y/N..?" Jimin's eyes showed worry for Y/N. But she just turned back to me. Tears started to flow down her cheeks.

"H..H-He's right.. Jimin.." Y/N stopped for a moment before continuing. "I think.. I don't think I can feel.. Safe with you anymore.."

~ Y/N's POV ~

"I don't.. I don't think I can feel.. Safe with you anymore.." Jimin bit his lip as he avoided eye contact with me and Hoseok.

"..I.. I see.." He stuttered as his eyes squint a little. "I'll.. I'll be outside then.." And with that, me and Hoseok watched as Jimin left the room.

Hoseok sighs as he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry about that, Y/N.." He opened his eyes as he frowned at me. "I wish this took a happier turn for you and.. Maybe a fortunate turn for C/N.." I looked up at him. Hoseok's eyes were filled with genuine worry and concern. It made me feel more secure and safe. Unlike.. Jimin..

"..I.. Wish C/N was here.." I wished. But.. It willnever come true. "Everything's my fault, Hoseok.." My eyes started to tear up just thinking about C/N.

Hoseok shushed me up as he cupped my cheek and wiped the falling tear with his thumb. "Shhh.. Don't say that, Y/N.." This.. Feeling.. It felt so.. Familiar.. "What made you think that..? Huh..? Come on.. Tell me.."

C-C/N.. I sniffed as I wiped away my own tears. "Heh.. It's funny.." I chuckled as I faked a brave smile. "C/N used to say to me those things before when I was dealing with problems.."

Hoseok smiled at me. "Heh.. Well, I'm really sorry Y/N but.." He looked down but smiling a little to himself. "I'm not really interested in you yet but.." Hoseok stares into my eyes and giving me a reassuring smile. "If you have any problems, issues and things you want to talk about but not have the courage to tell anyone else or if you are in trouble and you need help, listen to me when I say this,"

~ Jimin's POV ~

As I placed my ear against the door, I listened carefully to their conversation. "I'll be your hope and angel, okay?" I hear Hobi say to Y/N.

I heard Y/N softly chuckle and giggle. "Th-Thank you.. Hoseok.." Then, I heard two fabrics press against each other. They hugged. Does Y/N not feel safe and comfortable with me anymore..? I softly sigh, trying not to blow my cover. I slowly walked back to the rest of the gang, discouraged.


I want to take his place. But.. I don't want to hurt my friends anymore. Not after what happened to Nam Joon. Maybe I'll just.. Let it go..? If I can, that is..


A/N: Eyoo ladies and gentlemen! I'm really sorry I haven't been updating to schedule.. Some days I just don't find the motivation to update and write.. I'll try to stick to my word and finish this book. No matter what happens and how many chapters this book will take! ❤️

I hope you understand!

~ Tron

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