Chapter 18 ~ Jaebum's Anger

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~ Y/N's POV ~

Right when we left the room, Youngjae stopped dragging me by my wrist and walked casually with me to who knows where. It was a silent trip. The only sounds I heard were our footsteps and their echoes. Heck, I think I even heard our breathing. "So.. How's Yugyeom treating you?" I jumped a little from his sudden question. Maybe he wanted to break the silence..

"Erm.. He's treating me right." I sighed and I turned my head towards Youngjae. Noticing that I turned to him, he also turned to me. "What does Jaebum want to talk about..?" Youngjae shrugs.

"I asked him but.. He didn't really reply to my question."

I bit my lip a little and looked down. I don't know if I should really ask this question. "What.. Are you guys? Like.. A group of some sort?"

Youngjae rubs the back of his neck. "Hmm.. Think of us as.. 'Good guys gone bad'. I guess that's what Jaebum hyung wants for us." I felt a hand rest on my shoulder that was away from Youngjae. Thinking it was someone else, I checked who it was. No one was there. Then, I realised Youngjae had his arm around my shoulder. "I'm sorry if it's too much but.. Can you do a favour for me? And maybe for all of us?" Honestly, my mind thought of other things when he said that, I don't know why. Blame the author.

I hummed a 'sure' hum. "Please don't always think of all of us as.. Bad boys." He sighs. "We're just.. Forced to be this way. We still have a handful of care and good in us. It's just.. We, mostly Jaebum hyung, have.. A dark history. That made us like this."

I hesitated to ask. "W-What dark history..?" Youngjae silently laughs at my question, as if it was a joke.

"Now, I don't go around spilling our personal information easily." He puts his hand on my head, gently rubbing it. "You'll have to earn it." Then, we both stop walking. In front of us was a door that leads to some kind of meeting room Yugyeom showed me last night. "You can wait here until Jaebum hyung tells you to enter." Youngjae begins to walk away from me.

"H-How about you? Where are you going?" I asked, curious. I turned to him who was a few steps away from me.

"Back to sleep!" He smiles as walks back to his bedroom. I turned back to the door. It was dark brown, probably made out of a certain type of wood. While waiting, I made my lips and mouth go in a straight line. I swear I think I look like a turtle when I do that. Suddenly, I heard footsteps from behind. Was it Youngjae? Maybe someone else? I felt as I was forcefully grabbed by my shoulders. I was quickly spun around and I was pushed forcefully towards the door. My back now against it. I quickly looked at the person who suddenly did this to me. Jaebum.

"J-Jaebum..?" Jaebum stares into my eyes. I stare back into his. His forehead and mine were almost touching. Jaebum had a serious look on his face. I gulped a ball of saliva nervously. His eyes started to scan my face.

"Hmph," Jaebum scoffed. "I guess he does know how to take care of you. Pfft." He grabs my wrist and opens the door with his free hand. Jaebum drags us both in and closes the door behind us. It was a white room with no windows. Like what Yugyeom showed me last night, it was some kind of meeting room. I turned around to face Jaebum.

"S-So.. What did you want to talk about..?" I nervously asked, scared.

"You don't have other questions than that?" He answered me with a question, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I'm going to talk to you about why you're here and why you should stay here."

I gulp down a ball of saliva. Jaebum places his palm on my back. "Why don't you have a seat? We'll talk about this right now." He guides me towards a chair and pulls it out for me to sit first, acting like a gentleman. I gently sat down on the chair and Jaebum walks over to the chair opposite me. He was now seated at the other end of the long table and I was seated at the other. Jaebum had his elbows rested on the table, his back was slouched and his hands were together.

"Now, first topic." He started. "Why you're here." I bit my lower lip, a little nervous. A felt a drop of sweat trickle down my forehead. Under the table, I had my hands and feet together. My hands sweating a little. "You see, Bangtan and I.. We used to be friends, allies, almost family. But something unfortunate happened. As you might know, GOT7 used to be part of the Youtube community as well. But to the fans, we just suddenly.. Stopped uploading. But to Bangtan, many.. Things happened."

I gulped. I was hesitant to ask but I asked anyway. "Wh-What happened..?" Jaebum slammed the side of his fist on the table, making a sound similar to thunder and silencing me immediately. I jumped at the sound and his sudden move.

"That, I can't tell you." Jaebum stood up and casually walked over to me. He turns my chair towards him and towers over me. I look up at him and he looks down on me. "Next topic, why you should stay here." Putting a finger under my chin, Jaebum lifts it and smiles. "You will be very useful to me. After all this time, I've been waiting to get back at Bangtan for what happened. Trust me, sweetheart, if you obey me, I'll give you a reward. Disobey me and you'll never see Bangtan and your brother again."

Damn it.. I can't just sit like a puppy and let this guy say such things to my face. Slap! Without hesitation, I slapped his left cheek and his head turned to the right. My hand left a red mark on his cheek. Something tells me that I'm going to regret doing that. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my younger brother and his friends." Jaebum didn't say a word but a smirk slowly formed in his lips.

"Well, you're a brave one, aren't you.." His evil smirk turned into a dark frown. "Take back what you just did right now." I didn't say anything. Before I knew it, Jaebum's hand was on my head with a handful of my hair. I felt one or three strands were pulled out. I grab his hands with my own two hands to tell him to stop. "Take. It. Back. Now."

"Never..!" Even though my eyes were crying due to the pain, I won't let him say those things to Bangtan. Suddenly, the room door opens. We both turned to who was at the door. It was Jackson. Jackson looked at us both in surprise. He didn't do anything until I mouthed the word 'help'.

Jackson immediately ran to us and pushed Jaebum off me. "Jackson..! You know what happens when you try and anger me.!" Jaebum yelled at Jackson and Jackson pulls me closer to him.

"I don't care what you will do to me. I had to help Y/N! She looked so defenseless.." Jackson yelled back at him. Jaebum was speechless, like he didn't know what to say next. He stood up straight and cleared his throat.

"Have it your way. Send her back to bed and come back here when you're done with it." Jaebum glares daggers at Jackson. "Don't keep me waiting, or I'll double your punishment." I watch as Jackson gulp down saliva and nodded. He rests a hand on my shoulder and guides me to the door, leaving Jaebum alone in the room.

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