Chapter 13 ~ Jungkook's Disbelief

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~ Taehyung's POV ~

All of us are were walking back home with paper bags filled with new games, clothing and a few groceries. Jimin had his emotionless face that looks slightly pissed off on as everyone continued to cheerfully talk around him. Meanwhile, I was next to him in his right. "Jimin ah?" I looked at him, concerned. "What's wrong? You seem.. Different.. For the past two days.."

Suddenly, he abruptly stops on his tracks as he holds on to my left forearm. Everyone else also stops in their tracks while they stared at a wide eyes and clearly horrified Jimin. "Jimin ah?" Yoongi called his name. No reply. "Are you alright?" Jimin's grip on my forearm loosened. I took this opportunity to pat his back as the rest looked at each other.

"Jin hyung," Jungkook called to our oldest hyung. "Do you think Jimin hyung has been a little off lately? Do you think he's alright?" I turned to Jungkook, who had genuine concern for his hyung.

Jin looked down. "I.. I don't kno-"

"Y/N." Jimin spoke after being quiet for a long time. His eyes still wide. "Y/N.." I pat his back. What's happening to him? "Y/N.. She's.. I don't think she's alright." Jimin tilted his head up a little. "She's in danger."

Nam Joon instantly straightened his back. "Jimin ah.." He muttered. "What made you say that?" Jimin runs a hand through his hair and leaves it on his head.

"I.. I-I don't know.." Jimin closed his eyes as he breathed in and out slowly. "I just.. Feel it.." Jungkook pulls out his phone and messes around with it with one hand.

Hoseok looked over at his phone. "What are you doing?" Jungkook held his phone to his ear.

"Calling Y/N noona." We quickly made our way back home. Jungkook keeps calling Y/N but she wouldn't pick up. He also seemed worried ever since Jimin felt that Y/N is in danger. I mean, Jungkook's worry is explainable. They're siblings and one of them should know when the other one is in trouble. But Jimin? They're not even related in any way. Why am I thinking about this? "She's not picking up all of the calls."

"M-Maybe she's asleep?" Jin stuttered a little, nervous. Jungkook shrugged as he looked like he was scrolling up. Probably through the texts they sent to each other.

"She said that she might go out of the apartment and explore the neighbourhood.." Everyone except Jungkook and Jimin let out a sigh of relief.

"Then maybe it's just that!" Hoseok cheerfully said. "Maybe her phone died or something. She'll be back later." He gave all of us a happy smile.

Jungkook looked down. "Yeah but.. It still.. bothers me though.." He looked at all of us. "Maybe.. I'm just feeling things.."

"No." Jimin instantly denied. "What I'm feeling is real. Y/N is in danger. I'm telling all of you right now! She's-"

"Okay, you know what, Jimin?" Jin finally spoke up as he stops in his tracks, causing all of us to stop with him. "I'm getting really irritated with your recent behaviour. And I'm sure everyone else is too. Ever since Y/N came, you haven't been acting like yourself. What is this about, huh? First, you beat Nam Joon up and then you became cold and distant towards us. And now you're trying to tell us that Y/N is somehow in trouble? Don't give me this kind of bullshit. " Jin scolded. Everyone except for Jimin widened their eyes at him. We didn't expect him to curse at Jimin.. Jimin looks down, probably ashamed of himself. I looked over at Hoseok. He seemed like he wants to say something but he's just trying to bite his tongue and not spill anything. Maybe I should confront to Hoseok later..

"Jin hyung," Yoongi looks at Jimin before looking at Jin. "I think you need to calm down a bit. I'm not on anyone's side but I understand Jimin ah's worry here. It really shows how much he cares for Y/N." Jungkook looks at Yoongi as the rest looks at Jimin. "Jungkook also said he felt almost the same thing as Jimin, am I wrong? And that the feeling bothers him? How about we just calm down for a moment here and get home quickly?"

Hoseok sighed. "I agree with Yoongi hyung," He turns to Jin . "What do you think?"

No response. "Well, if that's the case," Nam Joon started. "We better get going then, maybe four of us walk around the neighbourhood asking people if they've seen her while the rest stay at home just in case she comes home." Of course, our smart leader made a decision.

"Alright." Jungkook nodded. We all quickly went home, hoping that Y/N is safe.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Jungkook's POV ~

Jin, Yoongi, Nam Joon and Taehyung were the ones chosen by Nam Joon himself to go out and search for Y/N. It has been 30 minutes and we still haven't heard from them. She also hasn't returned home.. I kept pacing back and forth in the living room as Hoseok and Jimin sat down on the sofas staring at me. But I didn't care.

Thoughts started to swim in my mind. What if Y/N doesn't come home? What will I tell Mom and Dad? How do I say this to her friends? Suddenly, we heard the front door creak open. Like an excited kid in a candy store, I ran to the front door to check who it was. Jimin and Hoseok just calmly stood up. Sadly, it was just the rest of the crew.

Nam Joon was the one in the front door as everyone else gathered behind him. "Did you find her..?" I hopefully asked. Maybe they found her and she's just right behind them all..

He lowers his head. "We.. Couldn't find her.." My eyes widened as I stepped back. "J-Jungkook.. I.." Nam Joon stuttered as his eyes began to water a little.

"That's.." I began to slowly shake my head in denial. "I refuse to believe that she's gone! She's out there! All of you aren't looking hard enough!"

"What's going on here?!" Hoseok came out of the living room with Jimin.

"Is she.. Gone..?" Jimin asked. He sounded like he was hoping Y/N came home.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry.. I really am-" I cut Nam Joon off again.

"No." I grit my teeth as tears started to flow. "She'll come back.. I'm sure of it-" This time, the vibrations of my phone cut me off. Talk about karma since I kept interrupting my hyung. Instantly, I whipped my phone out my pocket.

A video call from '❤️ Noona ❤️'

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