Chapter 12 ~ Taken

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~ Y/N's POV ~

Time : 5.27 P.M.

It has been two days since Hoseok told me that I could come to him whenever I needed help. It has also been two days since the rest of the gang uploaded a video on their YouTube channel, BT Sonyeondan, saying that they are changing their upload schedule from every other day to every three days.

I read the comments of the video and most fans and subscribers were very understanding with this change and still continue to support them no matter what. And then there's those types of fans..

For the past two days, Jimin became very distant from everyone else especially to Hoseok and me. I'm pretty sure the others noticed too. He wasn't himself anymore. Jimin grew cold and distant. He would leave the apartment without telling anyone where he was going and he wouldn't talk to anyone. What was going through his mind?

Now, BT Sonyeondan went to a mall that was not too far from the apartment. Jungkook would occasionally send me a text either asking me if I was hungry or a text telling me that he was bored and he has no one to talk to. Which I kinda call bullcrap on honestly. He's with 6 of his friends but, meh, maybe he gets tired of talking to the same people. But then again, I am his sister. Maybe he just misses me.

Here I am, laying on my mattress just scrolling through Instagram. "Damn.. It gets boring in here.." I mutter to myself. I got off my butt and changed into the clothes Jimin gave me. Admiring myself from the mirror, I started to think of Jimin and felt like I was responsible for his recent behavior. I sigh as I walked over to my shoes. As I was putting them on, I started to think of him again. Wondering if he was at least enjoying himself at the mall.. Wondering if he was at least alright.

As I finished preparing, I exited out the front door. I had the extra apartment keys with me as I locked the door. I wanted to explore the neighbourhood and maybe walk to that mall Jungkook and the others were in.

The neighbourhood was quite nice and peaceful. There were some suspicious looking alleys that were sometimes vandalised with beautiful spray paint graffiti. I quite enjoy looking at them so every time I would pass by an alley, I would check and maybe admire it from afar.

And that's when I noticed it. At the corner of my eye, there was a man in black a few meters away from me. Then I realised, he has been following me as he keeps on getting closer and closer. Terrified, I quickened my pace. No one was around. I had to go somewhere crowded. But the only crowded place I could think of was that mall. I was nearing the mall anyway so I guess it shouldn't be a problem for long. I heard fast footsteps that weren't mine. Curious and casually, I looked behind at the road. As if I was trying to check for cars, I was actually checking for the man. He was still on my tail. He wore a black hoodie and pants. I couldn't tell who he was but he was looking very suspicious.

For a brief moment, we made eye contact and I can say that was probably the most terrifying eye contact of my life so far. I quickly looked back in front and noticed one last alley. Maybe I could hide there when he isn't looking. Suddenly, we heard a car honking as I instinctively turned my head around. The man also turned around as I thought that this was my chance. I quickly turned back to the front and ran to the alley.

I was sweating and breathing heavily for my dear life. Why was he following me? And who knows what horrible things he could do to me for his own pleasure and entertainment. I have to calm down. Even though the man could simply turn the corner and see me trying to hide from him— And I really shouldn't jinx things.

The man spotted me. "Hey, girl." He greeted me as I backed up deeper into the alley. "What's wrong? Why are you scared?"

"Stay back..! Go away.!" I pleaded as I backed up more.

"Don't you want to have some fun?" He tilted his head as I shook mine quickly. My back hits a dead end. I cursed under my breath as the man takes my wrists and pins me to the wall. "Come on.. You know you want to~ How can a lovely lady like you pass an opportunity like this?"

I struggled and tried to squirm out of his grasp but failed for every try. Suddenly, a different voice of a boy came from the entrance. "Hey, buddy." The man turns his head over his shoulder to find the source of the new voice. "That's no way to treat a lady."

"Hmph," The man's hands on me loosened as I tried to squirm again. "I'll treat her any way I want, thank you. There's no need to tell me."

"How rude of you to say such thing in front of her." The same boy commented. I peaked to check who the boy was and I was surprised to see two other boys with him. They were all wearing black clothing and backpacks. "Let go of her now or we'll have to deal with you the hard way." I heard the sound of a gun as the man turned to face them and puts his hands in the air. The boy was pointing a gun to the man as my left hand held on to my right shoulder and my right hand on my left shoulder. I kept my mouth shut just in case I might say something to trigger any of them. "Yugyeom, take the girl." The boy commands one of his friends named Yugyeom. "Mark, make sure the man receives the punishment he deserves for scaring the poor girl. And one more thing," The boy hands Mark a silenced pistol. "Make sure he doesn't go around telling people what he experienced here."

Mark nodded as he pointed the gun at the man. "We'll keep this simple," He turned his head towards Yugyeom. "Yugyeom, do wat JB told you to do and get the girl. I don't think she wants to see what's about to happen." Yugyeom nodded.

"Do we need to knock her out?" He asked as JB sighed.

"Hmm, maybe she'll get too shaky. Fine, but make it quick." As he was saying that, Yugyeom was already searching for something in his bag. He pulls out a syringe that is already filled with transparent liquid. Without throwing the bag over his shoulder, he quickly walks towards me.

I couldn't do anything. One bad move and a bullet could land on my flesh. If only C/N was here to defend me. If only Hoseok was here to tell me everything is going to be okay. If only..

..Jimin was here to protect and fight for me.

Yugyeom covered my eyes with his palm as I froze in fear. "Don't worry, this won't hurt." He shifted my head to my right as I felt a needle pierce into my skin on my neck. I felt cold liquid being injected into me as my brain instantly became dizzy. And before I knew it,

I was unconscious.


A/N: Okay honestly, the whole 'Y/N getting captured by 3 members of GOT7' thing wasn't part of my plan for the story. A few hours ago I just thought like "The story is quite boring.. Maybe I'll just add some spice into it.." And this is what happened..

Now I have to rethink the entire story again to make sure if it makes sense or the transition from situation to situation is smooth.. 😂 I hope you enjoy the story so far!

~ Tron

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