Hot chocolate date?

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(( Might be a bit angsty ))
Zane's POV~~
The car ride is silent. Real silent. I look to my left, Travis is just staring at the road. You know, in this light, he looks pretty. Oh wow, my gay is showing. I take a deep breath and look back out the car window.
" Hey Zane? " I hear Travis whisper, as if talking louder will shatter every silent thing on earth.
" Yeah? " I answer just as quietly.
" I uh, I know Aph is having that sleepover tonight and yeah. Um. " He pauses, " Are you going? "
Sleepover? Ohhh, that's right. Apt is having a celebration sleepover for moving into the new neighborhood. Heh, she makes me smile.
" Uh, I might. Why? "
" Oh. " I see him blush out of the corner of my eye. " I just think you should. It would be fun, ya know? " Travis smiles.
I nod as we pull into the cafe parkinglot. " Thanks for the ride." I smile, getting out of the car.
" Anytime Zane. " I see Travis smile. " Anytime. " I feel my stomach flutter.
Ignoring the feeling, I walk towards the cafe. I feel Travis trailing behind as I open the front door. Oh wow, it is busy. There's people left and right sitting down to eat.
" Hey Zane~Kun! " Kawaii-Chan greets as I walk in. " Oh! Hi Travis~Kun!"
" Hey Kc." Travis smiles as I nod.
" Zane~Kun, Aphmau is in the back making some more sweets! You can go back there or help waiting tables! "
" Hmmm. I'll wait tables. " I decided and walk to the back to get changed.

Travis's POV~~
I watch as Zane walks to the back with his outfit.
" Can Kawaii~Chan get Travis~Kun a table? " KC smiles brightly at me.
" Oh. Uh sure KC. " I nod and she leads me to a small booth. After I sit down she smirks.
" I'll let Zane~Kun be your waiter. Nya!" She fangirls a bit at the end.
" Okay?... " Crap. Does she know I like Zane? KC leaves and Zane comes out of the back with his butler outfit on. Cute~ It's only too bad he doesn't take off the mask. I bet his face is beautiful.
I get pulled out of my thoughts to see Zane walk up to my table.
" Alrighty Trav. What do you want? " I didn't mention the nickname because honestly, I wanted him to say it again.
" Uh, I'll have a peice of the strawberry shortcake and some water. " I smile. I know it's like 10:30-ish in the morning, but the longer I stay here, the longer I see Zane. He nods and walks away.
    After waiting only a few minutes, the water comes, and Zane goes to take someone elses order. I see him walk up to a table when he started talking to him.

Zane's POV~~
I walk up to a table where a firey red haired male sits. He's a werewolf with different color eyes. I smile. " Hello sir, what would you like? "
    The werewolf looks at me before smirking " The waiter. " I blush and hear growling from behind me. What is that? I shake my head. " H-heh.. Okay.. I meant on the menu. "
" Hmm there's probably nothing better but I'll have a peice of the vanilla cake. "
I smirk. " Wow, quite boring huh? " He just chuckles. " You won't be saying that in my bed. " (( Woah Blaze calm it down please hahaha ))
    I blush again before hearing a crash. I jumps and look behind me where a glass cup lays shattered on the floor. I look up to see the one and only Travis, he must of dropped his water. Annnd theres glass all over the floor. Mmm.
    I walk over and wince as I step on a bit of glass. " Uh..Travis are you okay? "
He's quick to answer. " Yes! Yeah, sorry. A-are you? " I sigh, noding. I then use a napkin I'm holding to pick up a bit of the glass. Travis's eyes widen and he grabs my wrist. I wince. The cuts.
" Woah! Zane! Don't do that. You could get hurt. Here...Uh go get Aphmau or Gene and I'll make sure no one steps on this, okay?.. " I nod slowly then leave to get Gene.

Travis's POV~~
Okay not going to lie, that was wrong of me to purposely knock my glass down. But I was afraid that guy was going to ask Zane out and I couldn't have that. The red haired male walks over to me.
" Hmm are you okay? " I look up at him glaring.
" Listen. " I start, trying to stay calm. " Zane, is mine. Got it? " The guy raises an eyebrow.
" The cutie in the butler outfit? "
" Yes. " I state firmly.
     Before he can say anything else Zane comes out with a broom and Gene with a dustpan.
   " Travis, can you back up so we can clean this? " Gene asks, looking at all the glass. I nod and step back. I see the red head looking at Zane again, I growl.
    After the two clean up the mess, I sit back down at the booth.
" Zane I'm sooo sorry for knocking the glass over. " I apologize for like the 100th time. I really do feel bad. Zane sighs, smiling through his mask.
" Its fine. "

Kawaii~Chans POV~~
    I saw the whole thing. Hehe! Travis totally likes Zane! I watched  the whole time, Zane getting hit on, Travis purposely dropping the glass, and pretending he didn't. It was so cute!! My ship is becoming real!
    Zane walks away from the booth and eventually the werewolf leaves. Thank Irene. Wait.. Zane picks up a peice of paper left behind by the guy! Its...Its A number!! No! He's ruining my ship!!! Grrr. I will get my ship to sail... maybe Aphmau's sleepover will help get them together!!

Zane's POV~~
    Right now its 3:30. That's right, I worked past lunch and I have a very bad headach. A couple ordered a birthday cake then attempted to convince me that it was supposed to be a strawberry cake. Like...what? Sigh. I'm really tired and not in the mood.
    I walk out from the back with my regular clothes on. Then, I see him. Travis, sitting in the same booth that he was hours ago. He...he stayed?
    I raise an eyebrow and walk over to him, confused. He's on his phone playing a game.
" ...Travis? " He looks up and immediately smiles.
" Hey! You done working? " I nod slowly.
" Cool! Want to go to the coffee shop with me and get a hot chocolate? "
" Oh...uh...sure. " He smiles, and we leave the cafe. Wow

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