Another Anime Con?

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" Or what? "

At first I do nothing. What even can I do? " O-or.. " He chuckles a bit as I do the only thing I can think of. I kick him in his crotch. Hard. Blaze gasps in pain and hits the ground before disappearing completely. Zane runs over to me and I encase him in a hug. My Zane, he's okay now.

" Travis... "

" Hm? " I smile at him and he smiles back. "

" Wake up. "

" Wait wha? "

" Travis! Wake up! " I open my eyes and sit up on the couch immediately. Zane sits besides me smiling. " Trav, Aph invited us over to her place to hang out with everyone. I figured you would want to go. " I breathe in realizing the events prior were only a dream.

" Well, are you going? "

He sighs. " I suppose If you go, I will attend as well. "

" Great! " I smile happily. " Lets go! "

Time skip and a change of POV because honestly, I am real lazy.

Zane's POV~~

Travis and I have been at Aphmau's place a while now. Not much has happened yet except Kawaii-Chan talking our ears off about cats and such. Pretty average day if you ask me.

" Alrighty! " Aphmau smiles and stands before everyone. " Thank you all for coming! However, you are not only here to hang out. " Her smile brightens if even possible as she continues. " Aaron and I have noticed that there's another anime con planned in the next state over! We should all attend! "

" Hmmm. " Laurance runs a hand through his hair. " I suppose I'll go. "

" Kawaii-Chan will go! " Eventually everyone agrees.

" Great! Because.. we leave tomorrow. "

" WHAT?! " Tomorrow?!

" Yeah uh.. you should all pack! "

I now sit in my room putting things in my suitcase, alone. Putting the last of my items in my bag, I lay on my bed. Staring at the celling, I say nothing at all. Tomorrow we go to a con, again. However, this is the first time Travis and I go officially dating. I wonder if he's told anyone? I wonder why I haven't told anyone. Whatever. Tomorrow is another day..

Narrator's POV because I'm lazy~~

The next morning Zane awakes with a start. 1, He's late to meet up with everyone. 2, He had a horrible nightmare. Rushing to get dressed, he reassures himself that it was only a bad dream. Zane runs over to Aphmau's place where everyone stands waiting.
" Sorry I'm late. " He sighs, scratching the back of his neck.

" Irene, what took you so long Zane? " Laurance glares at the raven. Travis' eyes widen at Laurance's hostile tone. However, Laurance didn't notice. He was so used to speaking to Zane like this, that what Zane said next suprised him completely.

Zane looks at everyone. " Sorry.. I fell asleep. "

" Nah that's alright Zane! " Aphmau smiles brightly before jumping around happily. " Now lets go! I want to get my anime on! " Everyone agrees and splits into two groups for driving. The first group includes Aaron ( the driver ), Aphmau, Travis, Kawaii~Chan, Zane, and Lucinda ( I'm so sorry if I spelled her name wrong! ). This left Garroth ( the driver ), Laurance, Katelyn, Nicole, and Dante to the other.

- Aaron's car group -

After getting settled and seated, Aaron starts the drive. Aphmau chills out in front on the passengers side while Kawaii-Chan and Lucinda sit in the second row. That leaves Travis and Zane to the third. Zane stares out the window as the drive continues. Travis leans to his right so his elbow is resting near the cupholders on the side. From there he rests his rests his cheek against the palm of his hand, and stares at Zane.

Zane notices after a couple minutes and turns to look at his boyfriend.

" What? " He asks simply. The others in the car were all engaged in a conversation so the males were safe to talk alone. When Travis does'nt answer, Zane rolls his eyes and grabs the flirts left hand. Zane then turns his attention back to the window, smiling this time.

Aphmau smirks at the rear-view mirror seeing the whole thing before Lucinda asks another question about the con.

The car ride continues for about three hours before Aaron pulls into a hotel parking lot. He parks and turns back to all of his friends in the car. " We're here. " Aphmau and Kawaii-Cha shriek from happiness and bolt out of the car. Everyone else exits normally and meets up with the rest of the group before walking into the hotel.

After getting their large hotel room, Zane and Travis decide to skip the unpacking and go explore the con. Getting there, they see the it's not totally set up seeing at the con begins tomorrow. However, they walk through the building hand-in-hand anyway.

" So, have any ides what you're going as? " Travis smiles at Zane as they walk.

" Hmm I though about going as Chara again.. Maybe Ciel? " Travis hums and Zane nods. " How about you? "

" I'm going as Jack Frost. " Travis smirks and points to himself proudly.

" Oh? That'll look cool. "

" Hah! Was that a pun? "

" Maybe~ "

Aphmau practically runs circles around Aaron as he just stands silently in the middle of the hall.

" I saw them hold hands! " She giggles happily.

" Okay. But babe, that doesn't mean they're dating. We shouldn't jump to conclusions. "

" It's true love Aaron! "

He chuckles lightly. " Maybe so Aph. But for now, leave them be. If they really are a thing, we'll figure it out eventually. "

She sighs nodding. " Yeah.. okay. Maybe you're right. "

" Hmm since we're all done unpacking, want to check out the con? "

" Of course! "

(( Oh wowie. I'm sooo sorry for not posting in a while. Now that I'm writing on my laptop, it's harder because I don't always have it near me. However, I am glad to be posting today and hope you enjoyed the chapter! ))

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