Boyfriend Material

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Zane's POV~~
I sit on the couch of my house, Travis besides me.
" Garroth this is your fault. "
Garroth, who is currently sitting on the other couch, shrugs.
" I couldn't say no.. she was so happy. "
I groan as Travis scrolls through his phone. My mom is coming over and she thinks I'm dating someone. Not that.. I would mind dating Travis, I just.. No Zane. Ugh. Stay focused. Suddenly the door bell rings, causing Travis to look up.
I stand up and Garroth darts upstaires. Chicken. I slowly open the door to reveal my mom who's looks ecstatic. She hugs me.
" Zuzu! Look at you! You're not wearing your silly mask! "
" Oh.. uh. Yeah mom.. Just forgot. " That's the truth, I just forgot honestly. She lets go, smiling brightly.
Inviting herself inside, her eyes light up.
" You must be Travis! " She runs up to him, and he speaks while she pulls him into a bone crushing hug.
" Yes m-ma'am " I can see his soul slowly fading from his broken body.
" Oh please! Call me Zianna!"
" Hey uh mom, I think Garroth wants to see you. Him and Laurance are upstaires. "
" Okay! " She smiles brightly running up the staires. " Gar Gar~!"
" I'm sorry. " I shake my head in disappointment
" Hey, it's okay. Your mom is pretty cool. " Travis smiles brightly.
" Cool? R- "
" Zuzu! " My mom comes down the staires smiling. " Us three should go to the mall and then eat out! I want to get to know your boyfriend here better! "

Travis's POV~~
Jackpot. This is going to be great.
Zane bites his lip.
" I think that's a great idea. " I smile. Zane's eyes widen as his mother's lights up a bit more if possible.
" Great lets go! "

---- A Timeskip and a half later----

We walk through the crowed mall talking and buying things we probably don't need.
" So. " Zianna starts, looking up at  me. " When did you two meet? "
I smile, remembering the moment vividly. I was not planning on lying about anything.
" Highschool. " Ah Highschool. Zane never really noticed me a whole lot then...
" Oh? And when did you start having.. you know. " She gets all giddy. " Feelings towards each other? " I see Zane blush madly out of the corner of my eye. However, I remain calm.
" I liked Zane since highschool. " I can practically feel Zane now staring at me.
Dang, my heart is beating so fast. Probably because I just confessed I have liked Zane since highschool, and he didn't know.
" Oh! Let me guess! " She yells excitedly with a high-pitched voice. " You had liked Zane since highschool, then at your sleepover two weeks ago you two accidently cuddled. Someone took that picture, and when you woke, you realized your never ending love for one another!!! "
" Wait w- "
" Thats exactly how it went. " I interrupt Zane. Zane flushes pink and I smirk. This is amazing.
Zianna squeals loudly and fangirls a bit.
" It's just so beautiful! Zuzu got himself a boyfriend! "
I watch as Zane runs a hand through his hair, trying to figure out what to even say. I feel myself smile looking at him.
He's beautiful.

Narrator's POV~~
The rest of the afternoon was spent talking about the males 'relationship' and shopping. At the end of it all, Zianna offered to pay for dinner.
So currently the three sit in Olive Garden, waiting for their food. Zane excuses himself from the table and goes to the restroom. Zianna and Travis sit alone at the table in silence, until the peppy woman herself interupts.
" Travis? "
The flirt turns his head to face her.
" Hm? "
" You and my son aren't really dating, are you? "
Travis's eyes widen in shock.
" Well..I.. "
She smiles softly and lightly places her hand on his. " N-no.. " He calms down. " We're not.. but.. "
" You like him? "
" A lot. More than he knows.. "
Zianna smiles brightly.
" He'd know if you told him."
" How do I know when I'm ready to tell him? "
" When you think he knows already."
Travis looks up to meet Zianna eyes. When you think he knows already? Travis thinks this over in his head. What does that mean?..
Zane comes back and eventually their food comes too.

After a long day with Zane's mom, the three drive back to the house and say their goodbyes.
" I'll see you another time Zuzu! " Zianna smiles.
Zane smiles lightly. " Yeah, we will see you too. " Right before Zianna  gets into her car to leave, she smiles at the two.
" By the way Travis, you make good boyfriend material for my Zuzu. " And with that, she drives away.

Zane and Travis plop on the couch, exhausted. Not even bothering to turn on the lights in the house. Garroth and Laurance were gone for now so it didn't matter.
" Hey Travis?.. "
Travis, who lazily sits on the other end of the couch, simply stares at the dark ceiling.
" Yeah? "
Zane feels himself blush in the dark. " Did you mean what you said earlier.. about highschool I mean. "
Zane stomach flutters as he hears Travis's words.
" I meant everything I said to your mom. "
With that, Zane smiles and closes his eyes, falling into a blissful sleep.
Travis smiles as he hears Zane's breathing even out. Slowly, he moves over by Zane's side of the couch, wrapping his arms around the smaller. Zane unconsciously cuddles Travis in his sleep. But didn't Travis even mind? Absolutely not. In fact, he loved it. Running his hand through Zane's hair, he thought about what Zianna said to him.
Boyfriend material huh? Smiling, the white haired male drifts off to sleep.

(( Hey, yeahhh. This is a short chapter but.. I'm tired XD ))

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