Crying a river of mistakes

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Narrator's POV~~
Zane walks down the street, softly humming to himself. Gene for some unknown reason got his number and texted him to come over to hang out. The raven thought this was odd, but decided to go anyway.
He stops at the front door and knocks, waiting for a reply. A few moments later, the door opens, revealing Gene, who looks like his cat died.
" What do you want? " He grumbles angrily. Zane flinches at his voice. He thought Gene and him were no longer mean to one another.
" You.. texted me to come over.. "
" What? No I didn't. " Zane frowns and slowly pulls out his phone, showing the taller the texts.
" Pfff, Haha! Seriously? You thought I sent those? " Gene sneers. " You think we are all buddy buddy now? No. You were obviously pranked bud. "
Zane looks up at Gene with broken eyes. He didn't expect to be hurt coming here. " I would never be friends with someone like you. "
Just as Gene is about to close the door, voices are heard.
" 3.. 2.. 1! Go! " Immediately several snowballs are thrown at the smaller male. Gene laughs as more and more are thrown at Zane.
The snow stops and Zane looks over, seeing the culprits. Laurance, Dante, and Garroth. Seeing Garroth do this to him, Zane only feels himself break more. They pranked him into believing Gene actually wanted to hang out? It suddenly made sense. Laurance knew about the two in highschool.
Not wanting to face the world, Zane stares at the ground, unable to say anything.
" You got pranked! " Laurance laughs maniacally as Dante joins him.
However, Garroth stares at Zane intently. What had he just done? Did it really hurt him that bad?
" Zane?.. "
Zane feels something slide down his cheek he never thought he would feel over Garroth, a tear. This causes him to start running, fast. Despite it being cold and harsh, despite his brother calling, Zane runs back to their house.
Once entering his 'home', he runs up to the only place he finds comfort, the bathroom.
He locks the door, and slides down so he's sitting at the bottom.

Zane's POV~~
I feel tears stream down my face as the front door opens. I say nothing and lean my head against the door.
" Zane? " Garroth comes up the staires and I hear other footsteps, I can only assume they belong to Laurance. " Zane? " My brother speaks again, only quieter. I can practically feel him against the bathroom door. " Baby brother I'm sorry. " I feel myself shake my head.

He isn't sorry.
None of them are.
They wanted to hurt me.
And I deserve it.
I mean nothing.
I am nothing.
I deserve to be messed with.
I deserve to die.

I hear him sigh and walk away as I open the drawer. Pulling out a razor, I feel guilty. What will Travis think? I can't help it..
I bring the razor to my wrist and sit against the cabnit.

One for being an idiot.
One for being a loser with no friends.
Two for being gullible.
One for giving in.
And one for still being alive.

Setting the razor down, blood drips from my wrists. I just watch for a moment before hearing voices outside the bathroom door.
" Zane? " Travis. Why is he here right now?
No. No. Nononono. I suddenly feel panicked as I look around. It's too late to clean this up.
I hear someone picking the lock.
" Zane, I'm coming in there. "
No please..
Before I say anything, the door opens, revealing Travis, Garroth, and Laurance all standing there. All looking at me.
Travis rushes down to my side, seeing the blood and Garroth's eyes widen with tears. I feel more tears run down my face as Travis attempts to clean my wrist.
I feel him saying something, but hear nothing. I can only hear my loud thoughts and feelings.
" Zane. Are you listening? " Travis lifts his hand up to my cheek as I look at him. I shake my head and he sighs. " Please don't do this.. " He hugs me tightly and I slowly hug back. Garroth runs back to his room and Laurance suddenly looks sad. What's his deal? Didn't he want this?...
He walks away which leaves Travis and I alone. He cleans up the bathroom and wraps my wrists before leading me to my room. I say nothing the entire time as he lays me on the bed and wraps his arms around me.
I finally move, and hide my face into his chest.
" Zane.. " He whispers. " Please.. " His voice breaks slightly only making me want to cry more. " Please don't cut again. "

Travis's POV~~
I hear him give a shaky cry and I hold him closer, refusing to let go.
" I'm sorry. " His words feel broken and I feel myself start to cry as well, hugging him tighter. " I'm so so sorry. "
" Me too. " I cry out. " Me too. "
We stay like that for a good five minutes before we both calm down.
" I love you. " I speak softly, running my hands through his black, soft hair. " I love you too much to loose you. "
Zane looks up and our eyes meet, his stills red from crying. What made my Zane cry?..
" I love you too. " We both lean in and share a kiss before going back to cuddling.
The rest of the day was spent binge watching different shows and laughing nonstop at dumb things. No one came and interupted us, which I was thankful for.
Smiling, I hear Zane's breathing even out. He's asleep. Looking, down, I brush some hair out of his face so I can see it. He's beautiful.. whoever made him cry will be sorry. I'll ask him tomorrow.. but for now, he should sleep. And so should I.
Slowly, I pull the sheets over us and sink lower into the bed. I then shit off the t.v. and cuddle closer to Zane. He moves and lies his head on my chest again making me smile. I love him so much..
Closing my eyes, I let myself fall asleep.

(( I'm sorry :( That was sad ))

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