A Party For Two?

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The day went by quicker then Zane would liked, but with Travis it didn't seem to matter. They sit listening to music while Travis drives the two to Aphmau's. When she invited Zane, it was only to him. Travis decided that meant he should not stay himself because that would be weird.
Dropping Zane off at Aphmau's, the peppy girl happened to be outside as well.
" Hey Zane, Travis. " She smiles brightly.
" Want to both come in? "
Zane gives Travis a small smile as the two step out of the car.

Travis's POV~~
" I mean, I can if I won't be in the way. "
" No, actually you being here makes this better! " She smiles. Oh. Heh.
" Uh, okay then. " She nods and we all walk inside, immediately greeted by several people. Everyone randomly jumps up and yells " SUPRISE! " I can only assume it's for Zane and his birthday.
His eyes widen unexpectedly. I guess he thought no one really likes him so this was a shock.. Oh Zuzu.. I love you.
He smiles an almost fake smile and looks to everyone here. " Thanks guys. "
If you are wondering, Dante, Garroth, Laurance, Aphmau, Katelyn, Aaron, Kawaii-Chan, and Lucinda are all here. So like, everyone on our street.
" No problem." A few say as Aphmau starts playing some music. I guess this was a secret suprise party. Zane bites his lip as he walks towards the kitchen.

Zane's POV~~
I walk towards the kitchen in hopes to get a cupcake, when I'm stopped by several people.
First it was Laurance.
" Hey one-eye. " He starts. Irene I hate that nickname. " Happy Birthday I guess. "
" Gee, thanks. " I reply slowly and go around him.
Then it was Kawaii-Chan.
" Hey Zane-Kun! Kawaii-Chan was hoping to wish you a happy birthday! Have a good one! "
And finally, Katelyn.
" Hey, Zane. Happy Birthday or whatever. " I nod and walk away. I'm not sure I even want the cupcake anymore.
Sighing, I walk upstaires of Aphmau's house. I'm not much of a party person and some people are.. damaging my mood.
I look over to see an open window in their bedroom. Walking over, I climb out the window and onto the roof. Since its almost winter, it's already dark.
Despite it being cold, I stay. Pulling my knees to my chest, I sigh. They don't really mean it you know.. all these people. The only ones who care are Travis and Aphmau.. maybe KC too.
The others don't mean it though. I guess it shouldn't bother me, but I'm sick of saying I'm used to it.
I slowly unwrap my wrist and carefully touch one of the cuts his my finger. Man, these are all me saying I'm used to it in the form of pain.
Biting my lip, I stare at the almost visible moon. I miss a lot of things..  I pull my mask up further, hearing someone step onto the roof as well. The figure stops and I can feel them staring at my back.
Suddenly, arms snake around my waist and someone rests their head on my back. Travis.
" Hey Travis.. "
He says nothing and we sit in silence.
Then, he moves to sit besides me, keeping one arm around me. With the other hand, he grabs my wrist, lightly rubbing his thumb over my cuts. He.. doesn't seem upset.
I lean my head on his shoulder and smile. I don't feel upset anymore when he's around. I don't feel numb and I don't feel damaged, I just came happy. I never knew I needed him until I did..
Smiling, I look up at him. His green eyes stare into mine and he slowly lowers my mask.
Suddenly, his lips are on mine. I kiss back and the flirt himself smiles. We pull back, both if us blushing. He chuckles and we look back up at the moon.
" Guess we will just have our own party of two up here then. " He chuckles again and takes off his sweatshirt.
" Huh-? " In one quick motion I'm suddenly wearing my boyfriend's sweatshirt.
" We wouldn't want you to freeze to death. " He smirks, draping his arm over my shoulder.
I smile and roll my eyes, once again resting my head on his shoulder. 
Today was a good day.

Narrator's POV of the next day~~
Zane wakes up slowly, taking in his surroundings. He can immediately tell he's inside his house because of the walls.
The raven goes to stand up, just to hear a small whimper. Looking behind him, Travis looks up at Zane whining about the lack of warmth.
He chuckles at the needy male and takes his mask off. Yawning, he runs a hand through his hair.
" Zaneeee. " Travis whines. " Come back~."
Zane blushes but shakes his head.
" Nope, I have work today, We have to get up. Or at least I do anyway. " Travis gasps and stands up, smiling brightly.
" I'll take you! "
" Of course you will. "
Travis giggles and runs off to the bathroom to get ready.
Unfortunately he runs right into Laurance.
" Travis? What the? "
" Oh, sorry Laurance! "
" That's okay.. Why are you in our house? "
" I was having a sleepover with Zane. " The flirt shrugs.
This causes Luarence to smirk. " Are you two dating? "
" Maybe. Are you and Garroth dating? " The brunette blushes madly and looks away.
" Maybe. "
" Righttt~ Well I'm taking Zane to work in like 20 minutes so.. " He smirks at the brunette. " Play nice and wear protection. "
He leaves to go into the bathroom, leaving Laurance on the other side, eyes wide. 
" T-Travis! "
Travis giggles like the child he is.

20 minutes later.

Zane sits in the car with Travis as they blast Imagine Dragon songs.
Zane smiles to himself and looks out the car window. Waking up next to this flirt is something the raven could definetely get used to. Even if it meant sleeping longer then he should.

(( Huehuehue ))

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