Birthdays With You

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Zane wakes up and attempts to roll over, just to be stopped by strong arms.
" No, If you do that, you'll fall off the bed. " Taking Travis's word, Zane snuggles closer into the flirt's chest. Travis wraps his arms tight around the smaller and rests his chin on the raven's head. Smiling, he slowly brings his hand up to stroke Zane's hair.
After a couple minutes, Zane stirs again and his ringtone goes off causing both males to groan. Zane slowly reaches over and takes hi phone. One name lights up the screen.


Zane slowly answers and Aphmau's voice rings through the phone.
" Happy Birthday Zane!!! "
" Yay.. " He sarcastically cheers
" Oh, be hyped! And be at my place around three! We are going to have fun!! " She hangs up and Travis raises an eyebrow at Zane. " Since when was it your birthday today? "
" Since ever. " Zane chuckles, leaning back into Travis's chest
" Hmm, well I'll tell you what. " Travis smiles, resting his face in Zane's hair. " We will cuddle some more, then we will have lots of fun before you go to Aph's. "
" But... Why? It isn't important. It's just a day I was born on. "
Travis hugs Zane tight, almost hurt the male doesn't want to celebrate his own birthday.
" Because it's your birthday. " He comments, secretly taking a sniff of Zane's hair.
" Sigh.. fine. "
" Yay! " He lets go of Zane and stands up, stretching. Zane mentally groans from the lack of warmth.

Travis's POV~~
I pick up Zane's light body, seeing as he was too lazy to get up, and carry him downstaires. I set him down in a chair at our table and look around. Do we have any food? I look in the cabnit and only see cereal... That'll have to do.
Turning around, I see Zane is no longer alone at the table, but Dante is also sitting by him, only half awake.
" Ah, hey Dante. " The blue headed dork merely waves lazily and I make three bowls of cereal. Handing them to the guys, I sit besides Zane and eat.
Once Dante finishes eating, he goes upstaires leaving Zane and I to our cereal.
" So.. ready to go to the mall? "
He looks up, raising an eyebrow.
" We're going to the mall? "
I smile brightly. " Yep! We have a hot topic to visit. " I wink at him, knowing he hates it when they bring the store up. He flushes red and looks away.
" Y-yeah whatever. "
I chuckle and kiss his cheek.
" Come on!!! "

And 30 minutes later we were ready. I pull Zane out to my car after convincing him not to wear his mask. We get in my car and I drive towards the mall.
Halfway through the drive, Zane leans foward and turns on the radio. It starts playing ' Thunder ' by Imagine Dragons.

(( Zane is normal. Travis is Bold ))

Just a young gun with a quick fuse
I was uptight, wanna let loose
I was dreaming of bigger things
And wanna leave my own life behind

Not a yes sir, not a follower
Fit the box, fit the mold
Have a seat in the foyer, take a number
I was lightning before the thunder

Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun', thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun', thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, thunder

Kids were laughing in my classes
While I was scheming for the masses
Who do you think you are?
Dreaming 'bout being a big star

You say you're basic, you say you're easy
You're always riding in the back seat
Now I'm smiling from the stage while
You were clapping in the nose bleeds

Thunder, thun', thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun', thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder

(( Bold and Itailic- Together ))

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder

Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder

Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder

Zane's POV~~
I smile as we finish singing.
" That was amazing. " Travis smiles brightly.
" Yeah it was. " I agree, moving some hair from my mouth.
Eventually Travis parks his car in the parking lot of the mall and we get out. He grabs my hand as we walk into the huge mall.
We walk in the doors to be met with some people near the entrance. We walk by and go up to the mall map. Even though we have been here a million times, we still don't know where things are.
Spotting Hot Topic on the map, I almost cringe.
Everyone had made fun of me for liking that store so I gave in.. I quit going after a while and haven't been back since. Travis notices this action and smiles lightly.
" How about we go see if they are selling any cool t-shirts at Blasters.? " (( If you don't know what Blasters is, that's okay. It's an inside joke ))
I bite my lip, nodding and we walk, hand- in- hand through the mall. Together.

(( Yep, cute Zanvis stuff ))

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