Maybe more than a Crush

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(( Hey, Sorry I haven't updated. Believe it or not, I have been busy XD heh. ))
Zane's POV ~~
I get ready with my normal sweatshirt and mask, then walk down the staires.
" Hey baby brother! " Garroth cheers. " What are you up to today? "
I shrug. " I have work. " Garroth drops the smile a bit.
" Oh that sucks. "
I shrug again. " Well uh.. see you later. " I walk towards the door.
" Wait. " I hear Gartoths say as Laurance enters the room. I turn and raise an eyebrow. " You coming to the carnival on saturday? "
I bite my lip under the mask. " Uh yeah. I.. I invited Travis. "
Laurance now looks surprised.
" Travis? You? " He says it in a calm, not-as-mean-as-before-way. I nod slowly, and walk out the front door. Laurance was nice for once and I didn't want to ruin it by continuing to talk.
Dang it.. Low self esteem again. Really wish I had the time to.. nevermind. I unconsciously scratch my wrist and keep walking. I see Travis by himself sitting in the driver's seat of his while car. I'm glad he's taking me.. I wish I had talked to him more in highschool as well. He's nice, you know?
I smile under the mask, and open the passengers side, getting in the car.
" Hey. " I huff, it was cold.
" Hey! " He smiles his normal.. beautiful smile.
" Uh, should we go? " I ask, looking out the window.
" Yep! He smiles, and starts to drive.
We get to the cafe and Travis pulls to a stop. " I uh.. I'm going to drop you off, I have to get something. But I'll be back! Okay? " I nod slowly, before stepping out. He waves slightly before driving away. I bite my lip and walk into the cafe. Time for work..

Travis's POV~~
I drive away from the cafe, already wishing I was back with Zane. Wow.. I get lonely easily.
Anyway, I drive down the street and stop at the coffee shop we had our little 'date' at. I figure Zane will appreciate a hot chocolate while working. It's cold and work is boring.
I smile at the lady working and order a medium hot chocolate. After I get the drink and pay, I rush out to the car and start driving. I want to get back to Zane.

Narrator's POV~~
Travis drives to the cafe and parks. Smiling, he walks into the cafe. Once he enters, he searches for Zane, who is taking a blonde lady's order. After taking the order, Zane looks up, spotting Travis. He motions for Travis to follow as he walks into the kicthen. They walk inside and Zane hands KC the order, before turning to Travis.
" Hey. "
" Hey. " Travis smiles, before handing Zane the hot coca. Zane raises an eyebrow, taking it. The white haired casanova smiles again.  " I got you hot chocolate. " Zane's eyes widen a bit.
" You.. You didn't have to do that.. " Travis nods. " I know, but I did. " Zane bites his lip under the mask. " Hey. " He looks over his shoulder at KC. The pink haired mefwai turns to him. " Want to trade? " KC smiles, nods, then walks out of the kicthen.
" Have fun! "
Travis raises an eyebrow, confused. Zane smiles, walking farther back onto the kicthen.
" Now I work kicthen duty, so I can work and talk to you! " Travis's eyes light up.
" Really? Yay! " Zane gives at light chuckle at the older boy's excitement.

Zane's POV~~
I smile and take off my mask. I'm comfortable around Travis enough by now to take it off. Wait... did I just think that? Ugh really Zane?! I shiver at my thoughts and start to bake some sweets. As I do, I hear Travis hum to the song playing in the cafe. I smile as he sings the words. Dork.

" I'm sorry I don't understand where all of this is coming from. I though that we were fine.

Your head is running wild again. My dear, we still have everything. And it's all in your mind.~

You've been having real bad dreams. Oh, oh, used to lie so close to me. Oh, oh, there's nothing more than empty sheets-"

I smirk slightly and start singing along to the female part.

" Between our love, our love. Ohhh, our love, our love.

Just give me a reason, just a little bits enough. Just a second, we're not broken, just bent, we can learn to love again!

Oh it's in the stars. It's been written in the scares on our hearts. We're not broke, just bent, we can learn to love again~  "

We both stop and start laughing. that was too funny. I blush slightly, and continue to bake the sweets. But I'm no longer focusing on the sweets, No. I only have one thing on my mind, well, person. Travis.

Narrator's POV~~
Zane's shift at the cafe eventually comes to an end. Travis, being the cute lil bean he is, happily offers Zane a ride home.
Zane, being him and not wanting to walk home in the cold, agrees.
They turn on Christmas music in the car and sit in a comfortable silence.
Travis pulls into the guy's driveway ( Minus Dante, and Travis, duh ) and smiles.
" Uh, see you tomorrow or something. " Zane smiles, getting out of the car and pulling his mask up.
" Yeah, heh. " Travis smiles, watching Zane leave, already missing him. He places his hands on the steering wheel, but doesn't move the car. He couldn't, and he wouldn't. At least, not while he had this cofidence.
Without another thought, he opens the car door and catches up with Zane right before he enters his house.
" Hey- wait! " Travis calls, running up to the raven haired male. Zane turns around and raises an eyebrow.
" I.. you f-forgot something in the car. "
" Oh? " Zane shakes his head slightly. " What was it? "
Travis, feeling completely full cofidence, grabs Zane's wrist, lowers his mask, and pulls Zane into a kiss. Zane gasps a little, before melting into the kiss. Neither wanted to let go, but Travis didn't want to ruin anything. He pulls back and smiles brightly down at the shorter boy, before running back to his car and driving away..
Zane blushes and sits down on the porch steps. Maybe he was taking a liking to the casanova.. and maybe.. just maybe, It was more than a crush.

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