It isn't magic, it's love.

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(( So uh I got bored and updated my book again so hereee))

Zane's POV~~
" Was it like, magical? "
" Well uh, no? Yes... maybe? "
Aphmau had come over to discuss ' the kiss ' Travis and I had shared five days prior. She had immediately made herself at home and asked weird questions no normal person would ask. The short potato herself groans from the other couch.
" No, Zane. Ugh. " She thinks for a moment before answering. " Did you feel 'sparks' fly? Or uh, really happy? " What does this even mean?!
" I suppose.. I felt happy? Yeah. " Honestly, it wasn't the whole truth, but was I really going to tell Aphmau it felt like the entire world stopped around us and his lips tasted warm and like true happiness??? I think not.
" Uhggg! You're impossible! "
I shrug, before unpausing 'My Little Horsies'. We watch for hours, and eventually Aphmau goes home. Garroth and Laurance are out at the mall so I'm alone for a little while longer.
I sigh, standing up. Tomorrow I go to the carnival with Travis.. why did I ask him?
I stare into the mirror in the bathroom upstaires we have. I look like actual shit...
I slowly open the drawer, a razor coming into view. Oh please no.. I can't help but to slowly pick it up..

One cut for being disgusting.
Another one for falling for someone.
A third for being Zane fucking Ro'Meave.
Four for being a nuisance, and a loser.

I sigh, putting down the razor. I know if Garroth were here, he wouldn't like it.. I quickly clean and wrap the cuts, then walk into my room. I'm tired, too tired to eat, and too tired to think.
Once I get in my room, I immediately get into my bed, taking my mask off. Night world... See you tomorrow I guess...

Travis's POV The next day~~
I wake up, yawning. I'm really tired.. but.. I have my carnival date with Zane! Ah! I can't believe he asked me! Okay Travis calm down.. It's just the carnival! Mhm yep, just a normal day.
Okay, maybe not so normal. It'll be fine though, I know it will. Without getting a chance to have another thought, my phone buzzes. I reach over and check it.

Zane❤💖💕😍: Hey. Want 2 go to the carnival @ 3?

Okay so maybe I did put his name as that.. don't judge me.

Travis🐑: Yeah! That works! 😋😁
Zane❤💖💕😍: Cool, see you then.

At three huh? Great, that gives me six-ish hours to get ready!

Narrator's POV because we all know that nobody wants to wait six hours for the gay to start, we need it now.

Travis and Zane get ready. Zane stares into the bathroom mirror and slowly lifts his mask to his face, before stopping.
He watches himself for an extended period of time, before slowly putting down the mask.
No. He thinks to himself. I don't need it. Travis has always been the same, let's just have fun. Zane might have gone giddy for a couple seconds, before calming down once again.
" Okay... " He speaks aloud, looking into the mirror. " Is he going to come here? Or should I pick him up? " He thinks for a moment or two before sighing. " I suppose I could get him and uh- " Suddenly, the door bell rings.
After a couple seconds, a voice calls upstaires. " Baby brother! Travis is here! " Oh Irene.. Zane looks into the mirror then at the mask one last time before taking a deep breath. I got this.
Travis steps into the boy's house, seeing as Garroth asked him to.
" So. " Laurance starts, standing by Garroth. " You and Zane going to the carnival? "
" Yep. " Travis shrugs, fixing a bit of his hair. He then smirks at the two boys in front of him. " Are you two going together?~~ " Laurance and Garroth blush madly as a chuckle is heard from the staires. Zane comes into view, smirking. " See guys? Someone else understands. Garrance is for real. "
Laurance's blush fades as Travis's grows. " Oh wow, Cyclops without his mask? How unusual. " He smirks.
Zane rolls his eyes, grabbing Travis's arm. Travis continues to blush as the raven pulls them towards the door. " See ya gays later! " He calls.
Garroth replies in a weak voice. " You mean guys? "
" Nope. " Zane smiles brightly ( Which makes Travis's blush only grow ), and pulls Travis out the door with him.
Travis coughs awkwardly, shaking his head as they walk away from the house. " So uh. "
" Hey, sorry. " Zane scratches the back of his neck.
" No, no, its okay. " The white haired boy smiles.

Zane's POV~~
We decided to just walk to the carnival because it was close. The walk wasn't much, just us making jokes every now and again about Garroth and Laurance. It was quiet, but an okay quiet.
" Hey, want to get some cotton candy? " Travis pulls me out of my thoughts right as we walk inside of the entrance. Cotton Candy?.. Hmm. " No thanks, but feel free to get some for yourself. " I really shouldn't eat extra food..
He hesitates, before going to buy some. After a couple minutes, he comes back with some and we decide what rides we want to go on.
After hours of fun and joking around, we sit down at a picnic table. It's getting dark, so the carnival lights are turning on.

Travis's POV~~
" Should we go one the farris wheel before leaving? " I suggest as tenses up.
" I don't know Trav... I'm not a big fan of heights. "
" Hmmm come on.. I'll be there to make you feel better if it gets scary. " I persist. The farris wheel is the most romantic part of these things.
He hesitates before agreeing.
Before I know it, we are riding on the farris wheel, making small talk. The lights are really, really pretty against the night. It makes me happy I'm here with Z-
Suddenly, the farris wheel stops. It stops completely. But we didn't stop normally. Holy.. I look over to see that we are at the very top. Geez.. I feel Zane tense up besides me as a speaker can be heard.
" We are experiencing technical difficulties with the farris wheel. However, it will be in working order again shortly. All passengers please remain calm and refrain from rocking the carts. "
Oh my Irene...

Narrator's POV~~
Zane takes several short breaths. He, Zane, was afraid of heights, and was now stuck on the top of a non-working farris wheel. He was terrified. What if they fell? What if the ride never works again?
He breathes heavily, tearing up and scratching his arm. Travis notices all these actions, and wraps his arm around the raven protectivly. Zane tries to calm down as Travis pulls him into a hug, whispering things into his ear.
" Shhh, It'll be alright Zaney.. The ride will start back up again and we can get off.. Everything is fine, we're okay. " Zane slowly calms down, his breathing gets slowly as he attempts to apologize.
" I'm... sorry Travis. I know I'm being dum- "
" You're not being dumb, it's okay.." Zane looks up at the casanova, just to be met with Travis's eyes.
Travis looks at Zane's face, observing every single detail. The freckles, the blush, his eyes, and finally, his lips. The white haired flirt leans in slowly, still holding Zane. Zane slowly leans in as well, closing his eyes. They close the gap between them and kiss.
The world around them must have completely stopped. There was no noise, no interruptions, no sadness, no broken farris wheel. Just them, just the two of them.
This isn't magic. Zane thinks to himself, slowly wrapping his arms around Travis's neck. Travis immediately wraps his around Zane's waist. This is love.

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