Chapter 8-Lying

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Chapter 8-Lying

 (Beth’s POV)

 I enter my house from school and my parents look up at me as soon as I walk into the kitchen.

‘Mum? Dad?’ I ask sounding hopeful.

‘So when exactly were you going to tell us that there were paparazzi outside our house?’ mum asks.

‘They are snapping pics of Katie Price who’s staying in a holiday home over the road. They are just nosey about everyone else business in the area. Don’t worry, I got the 20 question yesterday morning but the got the message when I spilt my coffee on their cameras.’ I say sounding surprisingly convincing that even I’m beginning to believe myself.

My parents nod in acceptation and I silently sigh with relief.

‘I have a feeling they won’t be searching round here anymore.’ I state.

‘How would you know?’ dad asks, his eyes squinting.

‘Just a gut feeling.’ I reply.

‘You sure you don’t have a tummy bug, my dear?’ mum questions while touching my back lightly.

‘I don’t mum, don’t worry. If I did, I got rid of it just this morning!’ I declare while beaming with happiness.

I hide up in my room most of the night so my parents don’t suss me out. I’m currently listening to Maroon 5 on my laptop while spread across my bed.

I feel tired after a while and I lie back so my head is resting on the pillow.

The pillow where Ryan laid…

The pillow that smells like him…

Why am I doing this to myself? I’m supposed to hate him! I do!

I can’t help seeing him in my mind while absorbing his scent.

This can’t be normal, right? What the hell is going on with me?

I feel my eyes begin to drift closed; his aroma seeping through the pillow and into my nasal cavity.

My phone buzzes indicating a text message making me jump from my peaceful state of mind; not that Ryan is in my current peaceful state of mind or anything…

That’s when my heart sinks… the contact name that just text me is none other than…


I open it up; scared of what it says, how he got my number, and how my phone magically knew his?

‘I want my clothes back; along with an apology-Ryan’

I roll my eyes, yep I still hate him! Should I reply… then mum opens my bedroom door.

‘We’re going to bed hun, see you in the morning’ she informs me.

‘Ok, mum. Night, love you’ I reply.

‘Love you too, sweetie.’ She smiles through the sentence then closes the door.

I return back to the text and sit in silence thinking to myself for a while.

Even if I did reply, what would I say? How would I word it?

‘The only apology you’re getting is a letter from the condom factory that was wrongly addressed to you instead of your parents-Beth’


I instantly regret sending that.

Wait… no I don’t…

Yes I do… it was really harsh…

Wait it’s supposed to come across as harsh.

What the hell is my mind going through right now?

After what felt like a four hour debate in my mind, my phone buzzes again. I pick up my phone and open the text.

‘Very funny, stop being such a bitch. All I want is what is rightfully mine-Ryan’

Then I know exactly what to put back.

‘All I want is for you to get the hell out my life; I didn’t want you in it in the first place-Beth’

This is the whole discussion we have through the whole night:

‘Same, I wish I never met you. All you’ve brought me is trouble-Ryan’

‘Good, least we can finally agree on something-Beth’

‘I just my designer clothes back, they are one of a kind-Ryan’

‘The only thing that’s one of a kind is your ego and personality mate; because no one wants it!-Beth’

‘I’m done with all these nasty comments from you, you’re not half the person I am!-Ryan’

‘Oh I beg to differ, my friend. You’ll get your clothes back don’t worry… in a shredder!-Beth’

‘You wouldn’t dare!-Ryan’

‘Try me!-Beth’

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