Chapter 17: Chance

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"Sir, the Fuhrer wants to talk to you." Roy looked at a young officer, who stood in the door. His voice was shaking with nervousness, for he was not used to talk to such high ranks. He was most likely just out from the military academy. Roy thought about what he was doing in his age. He was fighting in Ishval. On that time, it wasn't talking to the higher-ups, what bothered Roy the most. He was thinking about survival. It didn't matter very much, what the higher-ups thought about him. It began to matter first, when he decided to climb to the top. The voice of the officer brought Roy back to the present. "Do you want to visit the Fuhrer now, Sir? He said you can come, when it is the best for you, Sir." Roy stood up. "I can go now." The officer bowed and left.

"What does the Fuhrer want? Do you think some new underground network was discovered?" Roy shook his head. "I have no idea. I am going to visit him now to find out." Riza smiled. "It would be nice to get some work finally. We have been sitting in the office for far too long. I think everyone is getting nervous from all the paperwork. Some disruption would be really good." Roy came to her. "If it is so, how are your wounds?" "It's alright. I still can't run for as long as before. But the wounds are closed and shouldn't reopen anymore. Only my lung needs a bit time to heal properly. But the doctors say I can do anything I need." Roy smiled. "That sounds great. Then, let's find out, what is waiting for us."

Roy headed to the Fuhrer's office with Riza behind his back. When they arrived, the officer in the front office gave Roy a sign that he might come in. Riza waited there. Roy knocked on the door and entered the office. "Sir, I got your message." Grumman lifted his sight from some documents he was reading. "Colonel Mustang. Welcome. Please, take a seat." Roy sat down on a chair in front of Grumman's table. "I am glad you came so quickly. How is your team?" Roy smiled. "It is getting better. Everyone trains a lot, according to their abilities. Second Lieutenant Havoc makes his rehab every day. I think he exercises very much. There is progress every day. Lieutenant Hawkeye feels better, too. Her wounds closed finally and she is ready to join a mission. It should be safe now."

Grumman looked very satisfied. "That's amazing. Now I can tell you, what I wanted to. I've got some work for you and your team. You can take your time until you will do that. You can wait until everyone will be ready. You always said you wanted to rebuild Ishval and take the Ishvalians back to their holy land." Roy nodded. "Yes, Sir. I still think what we did during the civil war was terribly wrong. Now we know, that the reason for the war was to create Philosopher's stones. It was a war caused by the Homunculi. The Isvalians were innocent. We killed the most of them. The only way, how we can say sorry is to repair at least one part of the damage we have caused." Grumman watched him carefully. "You still haven't come over the war." Roy shook his head. "I think it is terrible to live with the feeling, that you have killed innocent people." Grumman sighed. "You were too young back there." Roy shook his head. "I would feel the same about it, if the war was now." Grumman looked at him. "You are still very young. But you have got very much experience." Roy looked confused.

"Speaking of Ishval, I think that the war was wrong, too. I decided I want to rebuild the city. I think it could help in the strategy for the whole country. I want to repair the damage, though I don't feel as guilty as you. Maybe I have seen too much killing of innocent people before. But I think rebuilding Ishval may also help us economically. The Ishvalians live at the peripheries of the cities around Amestris. They have no work to do, which is bad for them and also for the country. We can give them work and money for it. We can give them a place to live. And we can show them, that not all Amestrians are bad people."

"That sounds amazing, Sir. May I ask, how are you planning to do that? Who will take the lead?" Grumman smiled. "I need a leader with amazing people around. I need a reliable person with a strong team. You have the full authority in this case, Colonel. I am expecting you will do a great job. You will rebuild Ishval and take its citizens back home. And you will hold the peace after it is done. We cannot afford another civil war. The country is devastated enough. I am sure you can imagine that there are many people, who still think the war was reasonable. They will try to attack the Ishvalians again. It could end up with none of them living anymore." Roy nodded. "I understand. There will be a lot of work to do. I will not disappoint you, Sir." Grumman smiled. "I am glad to hear that. I will give you your orders soon." Roy stood up and saluted. "Thank you, Sir."

Riza waited in the front office impatiently. When Roy opened the door, she knew there was some work coming. Roy said only: "Let's go." They went quickly to his office. The other team members were working in the front office, when they came. All of them looked at Roy. He just waved his hand to the office. They entered after Roy.

"I just got orders from the Fuhrer. He ordered us to rebuild Ishval. It will take long and it will be dangerous. All of you have fought in the Ishvalian war. All of you have seen the damage we have caused. All of you were parts of the killing machinery. Now, we got a chance to repair at least part of it. We can take the Ishvalians back home. They live in very poor parts of the peripheries of all the big cities around Amestris. That is not what they deserved. The only reason, why they live like this, are their red eyes. I refuse to watch it anymore." All the team members watched Roy happily as he spoke. Riza reacted as first: "That will be amazing. I am looking forward to repair the damage I have caused. I can help the children, whose parents I have killed. It will not erase what I have done, but at least I can do something for the people I have hurt." Breda nodded. "Yes, you are right. We promised we will protect the people of this country. Now we can really do that." Falman smiled, too. "It will be nice to finally do something to help the people without having to kill others." Havoc nodded with a sad smile. "It will sure be amazing. It would be nice to be a part of it." Roy looked at him. "The Fuhrer said we can take as much time as we need. I will wait until all the members of my team are ready. I would not take the Lieutenant to a mission now, though she says she is alright. I will not risk anything anymore. Take your time, Second Lieutenant. We will start, when you are ready." Havoc's cheeks got red. He looked straight into Roy's eyes. "Thank you, Colonel." Under that look, Roy was sure that he gave Havoc another motivation to get well soon.

When everyone left, Roy and Riza stood in the middle of the office. Riza smiled sadly. "I have killed so many... Now, I can help their families. This is like becoming another chance to live. We will be considered human... We will consider ourselves human. I haven't been so happy about an order since I have joined the military." Roy came to her and closed her in a protective hug. "Yes. I am really looking forward to do that."

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