Chapter 26: Getting ready

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Everyone gathered in Roy's tent. Roy stood up and nodded at Riza. She brought a map of Ishval and put it on the table. "This is the map we have got. Ishval looked like this before the war. But times changed. I need a map, which will match with the current conditions. I assume, that there will not be many changes since the war. All of you fought in that war. I need you to recall your memories and make for me a map, where we will see, which buildings are still standing and which not. I can help only a little, because I haven't fought in many places in Ishval. But if every one of us remembers something, there should be no problems." He watched their faces for a while. They didn't seem very happy, but nobody looked like he will protest.

They came closer to Roy's table and examined the map. Then they started pointing on various spots and saying notes about the place. It took a few hours, until they got to the center of the city. Riza pointed on one tower. "I used this tower as my spot. As far as I remember, it is still there. It will be important to us to get there, so that we can use it. The problem will be to come there. The sniper can see very much. I could see this far," she showed a circle around the tower with her finger, "but many of these buildings don't stand anymore. Which means the sniper can see even more. There are none buildings around it, so the snipers are very dangerous. We will have to be extremely careful in these streets." She went with her finger through the map again. She watched her colleagues, everyone was deeply in their thoughts. Then Roy asked: "If we get close enough, do you think you could do something?" Riza nodded. "Yes. As far as my gun covers the distance, I could shoot anyone on the top of the tower."

Then they began to plan how they could get to the tower. Havoc said: "The problem is that we don't know, how many enemies there are. Therefore I think we should act as if there were many of them, so that every other option would be a nice surprise." Everyone nodded with serious faces. "Looking at the map, I think we can get to the tower, if we come from here, here and here." He pointed on various spots in the map. "There are only ruins in the other directions. That should give us a chance to see if the enemy would come." Roy came closer to the map. Major Armstrong said: "There would be a possibility of attacking the city from the south and the west. There are the most still standing buildings, which means there will be the most enemies, too." Roy bowed over the map, putting his hands on the table. "I think we can enter the city here." He pointed on the south gate. "Then we can spread into smaller groups and go to the city center with various ways, covering most of the city." Fuery looked unsure at Roy. "Sir, but are there enough men to spread to the groups?" Roy smiled at him. "It won't be a problem, if we do it cleverly."

Major Armstrong looked confused, too. "But why don't you want to enter the city in a more damaged part? The risk might be too high, assuming how many enemies could hide in the buildings." Roy shook his head. "I will not do it, because it is exactly what the enemy is expecting. The Lieutenant was right. We don't know how many of them are there. But a good strategy can often win battles, which seem to be lost."

"We will start tomorrow with the sunrise. Get ready." They left. Riza stayed behind with Roy. Roy sat down. "Captain." Riza went to the table. "Yes, Sir?" Roy watched her carefully. "It has been long, since you have come under my command. But you have a higher rank now. When we will spread in the city, I will give you command of one of the groups. I am sure you will do very well." Riza looked surprised. "Thank you, Sir." Roy nodded. "You will go directly through the main street to the city center. Just don't forget to control the buildings you will be passing. I need you on the tower as soon as possible. I will give you radio. You will inform me about everything. I will come from the east with my group. Then we will join your group. We will head together to the east. I am expecting the most enemies to be there." Riza's face remained straight. "Yes, Sir." Roy looked directly into her eyes. "You don't look very happy about it." Riza bowed her head. "I am very grateful for your trust, Sir. But my place is next to you. I should protect you. You can always get into trouble. I will be very nervous, if I don't stand behind your back with my gun ready." Roy smiled sadly. She was always the same. Always the most loyal subordinate. "I am not happy about it, too. I am glad, when you are by my side. I can be sure, that my back is safe, and I can watch over you, too. But we can not be selfish on this time. There is work, which needs to be done. We can't afford our feelings to lead us." Riza nodded. "Yes, Sir. I didn't want to protest." Roy stood up and came to her. "I know. But I think I have given answers to your unspoken questions." Riza smiled. Roy looked seriously at her. "But remember the most important order you got from me so long ago. It hasn't been cancelled. Do not die!" Riza stood straight. "Yes, Sir!"

They spent the evening in an uncomfortable silence. Riza stood at the entrance. Roy sat at his table, bowing over maps and thinking about strategy for the next day and about things, which may get wrong. None of them said that, but they knew something was going to happen. And both of them had a bad feeling about it. After a few hours, Roy stood up. "I am going to get some sleep now. Wake me up in three hours. Then you can sleep a bit, too." Riza nodded. "Yes, Sir." Though they had guards, they thought it would be dangerous, if both of them would go to sleep at the same time.

Though they were in one tent, Riza felt very lonely on that night. She watched Roy carefully, but she also heard to all the sounds, which came from the outside. A light shiver went through her body. She took a few deep breaths to calm down. 'Do not stress too much,' she said to herself, 'it hasn't even began yet.' She walked a bit through the tent. Then she looked at Roy. He didn't seem peaceful at all, but no one expected nice dreams in this place. Riza sighed and hoped, that he will not be tired on the next day.

Riza woke Roy up after three hours as he ordered. Roy moaned and looked at her. He was visibly tired. "You should sleep a bit more, Sir. You look very tired. We will need your best in the morning." Roy sat up. "No. I got enough sleep. Now get into the bed and sleep a little bit. We will need your perfect aim. I will wake you up soon enough." Riza hesitated.

She couldn't answer, because the entrance of the tent waved a bit. Riza laid her hand on her gun. But she relaxed immediately, when Havoc entered. "Sir, you will have to change your plans." Roy jumped up. "What do you mean?" Havoc came to the map, which still lied on the table. "In the night, we can watch fires in the city and estimate their approximate location. It seems, that the enemy is expecting us to come from the more devastated part of the city. We have seen many fires moving in that direction." Then he thought a bit. "Or they just want to fool us." Roy smiled. "I think it doesn't matter. The plan we have built should work. I still think that it could bring an element of surprise." Havoc nodded. "Yes, Sir. But it seems that many enemies are heading to the center of the city. Which means that you can't build small groups, or we will be outnumbered." Roy examined the map. "You are right." He was lost in thoughts. "Then I will change the plans a bit. We sure have to spread, otherwise we will be an easy target. But I will have to overthink the process. Maybe if we will come from all directions, we could surround them. That would help a lot. But we will see, what the battle will bring. I think I will act according to the current situation as always. But thank you very much, the information may have saved us." Havoc nodded and turned to leave.

Roy said: "Lieutenant." Havoc turned around. Roy continued: "Are you sure you will be alright? I want to be objective. I don't want to pull you away from the action, but the last thing I want is to get you killed." Havoc nodded. "I am alright, Sir. Recently, I have done some exercising, which helped me to get in form faster. I just have to move and everything is alright. I bet I will get enough movement tomorrow. Actually, I only have problems if I don't move enough for more than one day." Roy seemed to be satisfied to hear that. "Very well. I am happy that I will have you in the team tomorrow. Now get some sleep and tell the rest of the team to go to the bed, too. I will need all of you." Havoc saluted. "Yes, Sir." Then he left.

Roy turned to Riza. "Now, you should go to the bed, too. Captain." Riza stood there for a few seconds. Then she laid a gun on the ground and she laid next to it. Though she had her own tent, she would never sleep there. She chose sleeping on the ground and knowing, that Roy was alright.

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