Chapter 21: Meetings

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On the next day, Roy woke up very early. He began to get ready for the work, when he realized it was Sunday. He sighed and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. He returned to the living room with a cup of coffee. He thought about the events of the week. So much happened. In a moment, he decided what he was going to do.

He put on a warm cloak. Autumn came only short before, but every day was colder, than the day before. When he went out, the cold wind hit him hard. He went quickly to his car.

Roy parked in front of a building with a small bar. He entered the bar and went straightly to the woman in front of it. There were no customers there. Most likely there will be many in the evening. When the woman turned around, her face shone with a bright smile immediately. "Hello, Roy boy. I am so happy to see you. I have heard many rumors, you should have come visit me. I was scared if you were alright." Roy smiled. "It's nice to see you too, Madame Christmas. I am really sorry I haven't come sooner, but there were many things, which needed to be done." "Yes, I can imagine. I have heard a lot, but still I think I know only a little bit." Roy's face was serious again. "Do you want to hear about it?" She gave him a caring look. "But only if you want to talk about it. I can see in your face, that there was much bad." Roy nodded slowly. "Yes, there was. But now, everything is so fine, that I am almost expecting some problems to come." She shook her head in disagreement. "Why are you always looking for problems? Maybe it is time to have an easier life at last." Roy smiled sadly. "I don't think so. I am sure there is something big coming. But I think I should just be happy about the currant situation." Madame Christmas smiled. "I heard you were promoted to Brigadier General yesterday." Roy smiled brightly. "You don't miss anything, do you?" "I don't think so. But tell me, what from the rumors was true. I am really curious, what happened after you let my house explode?"

Roy described her everything, what happened until that day. Madame Christmas went around the bar and closed Roy in a motherly hug. "My poor, poor boy. It must have been terrible." Roy put his head on her shoulder. Though she wasn't his real mother, she has always acted as if she was. Roy never knew his real parents. But she replaced them. She has always given him so much love and support, as if he was her son. Time to time, it felt very nice to have someone, whom he could tell about everything and he knew she would understand. It was similar with Riza. But he knew he could describe Madame Christmas his feelings, too. "Yes, it was really difficult. The worst was, when I didn't know, if Riza was alright... When I didn't know, if she was alive. I wanted to be there for her. I wanted to save her, I wanted to heal her wounds somehow. But I even didn't know, how her wounds were. That was the worst on not seeing anything - when I didn't know what was going on. For example, in the final fight, I just stood there and tried to figure it out. But I was too slow and let Riza get shot. If I could see, what was going on, I could have saved her. I could have killed them on my own. If I could see, I would know her wound was bad and I wouldn't let her go there. Then they took me to the hospital. And again, I didn't know, what was going on. I asked the doctor, how Riza was. He didn't want to tell me anything.

"First I thought, that my life wasn't going to be good anymore. My team was defeated. Riza was badly wounded. I hoped she would be alright, I even didn't think about the worst scenario. But I knew there was that possibility. My another close subordinate Jean was paralyzed. Maes is dead. There was no one of my closest subordinates left. And then, I wasn't able to do anything on my own. I was frustrated. I knew I would have to leave the military. I even doubted, whether Riza would stay at my side. There are not many women, who would like to live with a blind man. It was like losing everything. Then Havoc showed me, that there was still hope. I am really lucky to have amazing subordinates." She caressed him on his back. "I am very proud of you, Roy." Roy looked up at her. "Thank you."

She smiled and put her hand on top of his head. "And how is your Elizabeth?" "She is quite good. Though hunted by nightmares." "You too. I can see you are tired." Roy shook his head. "I didn't sleep very good last week. There were many memories coming back. But I slept very good last night." Madame Christmas smiled. "It is nice to be rewarded for a good job." "Yes, it is. Yesterday was very nice. Not only because of the promotion. Havoc walked to the work. Now I really believe he could recover completely. It helped me to push the guilt away a little bit." "You don't have to blame yourself for everything, what happens under your command. Sometimes things just happen and you don't get a chance to do anything to prevent it. It isn't your fault. Those people also have their own will. They decide on their free will and sometimes there are bad consequences for them." Roy nodded. "They always say they don't regret anything. But still, I have the feeling I have pulled them through a lot." Madame Christmas smiled. "That shows the true friendship between you. It isn't that important, what they have been through. Important is, that they stayed after all of that. They put a lot of belief in you, Roy. They have given their lives for your goal, because they think it is the best they can do. Feeling guilty for the past brings nothing. You should be thankful for having amazing people around you. The best way, how you can say them thank you for everything, is to reach your goal. I am sure that would make them very happy. I am sure, it is also their goal."

Roy nodded. "You are right. I should work hard and become the Fuhrer. Then I can do a lot for them. I will be able to get peace for this country. Even though it is a suicide mission. Riza always says: 'A hero in time of war is only a murderer in time of peace.' I think as soon as I will restore democracy in this country, they will kill me. But I think it is worth it." Madame Christmas shook her head. "We will see, if it will cost you your life." Roy looked at her in disbelief. "You have a plan." She laughed a bit. "Did you really think that I would let my boy go to his death?" Roy smiled, too. Then she looked at the clock. "It's lunch time. Do you want something to eat?" Roy smiled. "A little lunch would be nice. Thank you."

After the lunch, Roy stood up. "Are you leaving already." "Yes. I want to visit one old friend of mine. But I promise you I will come again as soon as possible." "Of course, Roy boy. Take good care of yourself and your Elisabeth!" Then Roy left.

He drove through almost empty streets of Central. There were only a few people walking in that weather. Roy parked in front of the cemetery. He walked between the gravestones, his coat dancing around his legs in the wind. He stood in front of Maes' grave. As he stood there, he still needed to fight back tears. "I can't believe you missed all of this. I am sorry I haven't come sooner. I am sure you understand. There was so much, what happened since the last time I was here. We defeated the homunculi, but I am sure Riza told you about it. Thank you very much for sending her back to me. You saved my life doing so. I didn't think I could go on with my life without her. I still can't understand how I can go on without you, either. All those years we spent together.

"After Riza came back, I was the happiest man in the world. Not long after, Dr. Marcoh gave me a Philosopher's stone to get my eyesight back. I was able to heal Havoc and get Edward's alchemy back, too. Edward lost his alchemy, when he brought Alphonse back. I am sure you would be very happy for them. You helped them very much and they will never forget that. Actually you helped us all very much. I don't think we would be still alive, if you hadn't found out about the danger military was hiding. We payed a too high price for it, though.

"After everything was over, we started working hard again. But it is impossible to get through things without problems. On one day, I got a letter from some organization, which said my subordinates were in danger. Havoc was taken hostage not long after, but we saved him and we also destroyed the organization. And just yesterday, we all got promoted. You said the next time we meet, you want me to be Brigadier General. You could be a Colonel now. You should have seen all those happy faces. We still have to get used to the new titles.

"There is still very much coming. We got orders from the Fuhrer. He wants to make us to the elite team of the military. We will look for organizations, which are on Bradley's side and we will eliminate them. I can't wait to do that. Then I will have a safe position, when I become the Fuhrer. But in the close future, there is another job, which has to be done. We will rebuild Ishval and restore peace. I remember how we felt during that war and after it. I am sure you would be happy about this, too. You would be a precious help in the team. To be honest, I still don't know, what I should expect, when we come there. I didn't want to see the destruction I have caused anymore. But now I think it is the best thing I will ever do. Though I am sure it will not be easy. I have a feeling, there will be some major problems. I even think there is something coming. I don't know, when and from where it will come. But I am sure it will come. We miss you here. Not only as a friend. You were a very important part of the team, too. I know I was always angry about you speaking constantly about your family. But now I miss it, too. And we have missed you in our mission on the Promised day. Everything could have caused less pain, if you were there.

"I really can't believe you missed all of this." Then tears finally escaped his eyes. It wasn't only for Maes. It was also for everything, what happened. Everything hit him hard now. He lost his best friend, he let his beloved woman to get almost killed, he let his friend to be taken hostage. He will have to protect them better in the future. He stood there, tears running down his face. The wind was becoming stronger. It was going to rain again. Roy took a few deep breaths to calm down. He found a sort of an inner peace, when he talked about everything. Even more, he had a feeling of talking to Maes. He will have to be much stronger. But that will not be a problem with people who trusted him and whom he could trust. He smiled and was about to leave.

Roy almost jumped, when he felt an arm wrapping around him. He didn't have to turn to know, who was it. "How did you find me?" Riza's answered with a silent voice: "I knew you are here." She looked at the gravestone. She thought about her meeting with Maes. It was very nice, but also somehow chilling. She looked on the sky. There were grey clouds coming from all sides. "We should go. I think it is going to rain in a few minutes." Roy nodded and smiled on her. "Let's go."

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