Chapter 34: Back to Central

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Riza entered Roy's office. She was wearing her ceremonial uniform. Roy was standing at the window, looking out. "Sir? It is time to go." Roy bowed his head and sighed. "What world are we living in, Captain? The world changed the way we wanted. Why can't we be happy? We are living in a world, where justice doesn't exist. I promised to keep my subordinates safe, Captain. A promise I couldn't fulfill. I couldn't keep him safe. I paid for that with his life. With an innocent life. I couldn't keep you and the Lieutenant safe. That is the price of changing the world. The victims of the change are the nicest people. The most innocent people. The death doesn't choose based on justice. It plays its own game. It takes the ones, who have the least to be sorry for. It always takes the ones, who live a fair life. And it leaves the worst sinners live. That is unfair. Everything is more or less guided by the Truth. The Truth, Captain, is a dangerous opponent. It always speaks about equivalent exchange. But despite that it doesn't hesitate to take more than it gives back. After I performed the Human Transmutation, it gave me my eyesight back. But I had to say I want to have an equivalent exchange and if the Philosopher's stone was that powerful, I want to get more. Then I was able to heal Edward and Jean. The Truth called me greedy after my request. Maybe I am greedy. But I don't think I want that much. I just want to keep people I care about safe. Sometimes I want to give up and live a nice, peaceful life. Than I realize that there is no chance of living a peaceful life for me. The only possibility is to go on. I have to fight my fight. But I refuse to watch another one of my friends die on the way to my goal."

Riza gave him a sad smile. "I am there with you, as always, Sir. All of your team is. This is the path all of us have chosen. You are never alone." Roy smiled at her. "Thank you, Captain." He turned around to see Riza.

In the front office, the rest of the team was waiting. All of them saluted. But there were others who got Riza's attention at once. "Edward! Alphonse! Winry! It's nice to see you again. I thought you were on your journey. Why haven't you told us you were coming?" Roy answered: "I informed Edward about the situation. He decided he would come." Ed added: "Al and I have made just short journeys. We came back recently to inform each other about possible prospects of what we have found out. We were just about to leave, when the General called. Of course we had to come here first. Leaving the country can wait." Riza gave him a little smile. "That's nice. Thank you for coming." When everyone finished, Winry ran to Riza. She bowed and said: "I was very sorry to hear the news, miss Hawkeye." Riza smiled sadly. "Thank you, Winry. Please, call me Riza." Winry shook Riza's hand. Ed came to Roy. "I am very sorry, General." Roy looked at him in a great surprise. Ed did really grow up. "Thank you for coming." Al did also express his condolences to both Riza and Roy.

Than they left to the cemetery. There was a grave waiting, right next to Maes.  Roy gave it a short look. It made him feel even worse, what he didn't consider possible before. He realized, that the place was waiting to take the members of his team, one after another. He had to fight a wave of dizziness, which came to him. He watched people, who were standing there. There were a few officers from Central. Fuery had no family or friends, who were not in the military. Roy's team was standing in the front. All of them watched the grave in front of them with wide eyes, serious and pale faces. There was Major Armstrong, whose huge body seemed to be somehow smaller in the moment. Sergeant Brosh had a look of pure horror in his face. He was still too young and seemed to be first now fully realizing how dangerous the job is. Maria Ross kept her face straight, but her eyes gave her feelings away. Falman tried to show no emotions, too. Not very successfully, though. Breda was shocked and sad, for Fuery was one of his best friends.

Everything still seemed to be like a nightmare, not the reality to Roy. Havoc had his head bowed, trying to get rid of terrifying thoughts. Riza starred into nothing, her face pale. She had the moment, when Fuery died in front of her eyes. Roy remembered that very moment, too. He could still feel Fuery's body in his arms, his blood running down his clothes. It was unbelievable, how unsure life was. Being careless and happy in one moment, just to die in the other. Some members of the team pulled their hats in their faces, hoping that their red eyes would stay unnoticed. Ed, Al and Winry stood next to them. They wanted to stay a bit further away, because they thought the officers didn't want to be disturbed, nor did they want to have someone from outside the military standing next to them. However, Roy explained that there was nothing wrong about it and everyone of his team liked the three of them very much. Not only that, but Ed and Al had been a part of the team for a long time. Winry was so moved, that she started to cry. Riza, who stood next to her in the moment, calmed her down, despite she had to fight tears of her own.

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