Chapter 36: Arrival

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Riza sat in the train heading to Creta borders. She looked out from the window. The country was changing very quickly. The train went through the forests, which built one of the most beautiful part of Amestris. The trees were very high and close to each other. There were many animals there, too. Majestic deers stood around small lakes, lifting their heads with beautiful antlers, when the train passed around them. Riza watched the deer families. She imagined the luck she could have had if she had a family of her own. She imagined Roy as a father, playing with their children. That thought may be the one, which will keep her alive in Creta. After the Promised Day, she thought she was prepared for everything. She thought there was nothing, what could surprise her. She thought she finally got strong enough to accept everything. But now it was like the end of the world. She knew very well, that there was a very high probability it was her last journey. She didn't fear death. She wasn't afraid for her own. She was afraid for Roy. She watched the country lost in depressive thoughts. 'Don't be fool,' she said to herself, 'this is not the end. This is only a part of the long journey.'

The forest ended slowly. The country changed to the desert. There was nothing around, only sand. The same as in Ishval. Riza stopped looking out of the window. She read the letter from Roy, which Havoc gave her the other day. She read it over and over again. It gave her hope. There was a solution of everything there.

The train began to slow down. That meant it reached the Creta borders. Riza took a deep breath. She pulled a lightener out from her pocket and she burned the letter. In a short time, three of the Creta's officers entered the carriage she was sitting in. She was the only one passenger there. The officers watched her carefully. One of them said: "Your passport." Riza began to search for her passport in the luggage. She tried to look very angry and brokenhearted. One of the soldiers froze. "I know, who she is. She is a Captain in the Amestris army!" The two others looked confused. "What? How do you know?" The other answered: "Remember the First Lieutenant showing us the most dangerous soldiers of Amestris? This is the Hawk's eye! The sniper!" Now the two others froze, too. They watched Riza very carefully, as she searched for her passport. One of them said with fear in his voice: "Do not try to do anything! Or we will kill you!" All three of them pulled out their guns and pointed on her. Riza forced herself to laugh. "Don't be silly. If I wanted to do anything against your country, I sure wouldn't come by train." She finally found her passport. The soldiers examined it very carefully, keeping an eye on her. "Why are you traveling to Creta?" Riza shook her head. "I would like to tell it to your higher-ups. I think they will like it." One of the men nodded. "You sure will get a chance to meet at least one of them. If someone refuses to tell us the reason of their journey, we have to take him to the Colonel." Riza nodded. "Very well."

The office of the Colonel was very small. There was a flag of Creta hanging on a bar in front of the window. There was not much furniture. In front of a huge desk, there were two chairs. There was only one big bookcase with many books, which were ordered in a nice queue. The Colonel sat at the desk. He was about forty years old. His eyes were cold and merciless. He stood up. He was very high and he had an athletic figure. He didn't have muscles as Major Armstrong, though. But Riza was sure he had enough strength to could kill her with his bare hands if he wanted. She looked in his eyes with a determined and self-confident look. He watched her carefully. "What are you doing in Creta, sniper? Do you want to be a spy for Amestris here?" Riza shook her head. She answered with a straight voice with a little anger: "No, Sir. I am here to help you. I was high enough in the military to know that your country is the greatest danger for Amestris. As the Lieutenant, I was very close to Mustang. We were close to each other. Not long ago, he proposed on me. I was very happy, I said yes right away. But then, just one day after that, he said he hates me and doesn't want to see me anymore. He said there was another woman in his life. In that moment I decided I want to destroy him. I thought joining you was the best way to do that. I can help you. I know much of the strategy of the Amestris military. I can also offer you my sniper skills. I have always been supposed to be the best sniper in Amestris. Now I can use it against them."

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