Chapter 40: Shock

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"I heard you had to kill some prisoners from Amestris. That must've been terrible." Riza looked at Kate, who was walking next to her. They were on their way to the work. Riza had to admit, that she was looking forward to see her after a longer period of being alone. Kate had some duties which separated them for a long time. Even though she had to be careful about what she would tell her, Riza liked Kate and enjoyed her company. She was very optimistic and caring, always giving Riza a nice smile, which said 'everything will be alright'. Now she was watching Riza with compassion. Riza gave her a bright smile. She began to be really good at it. 'Maybe I should consider making a career as an actress,' she thought sarcastically.

"No, it was relatively okay, really. The first one was a bit unnatural, for it was the first soldier in Amestris uniform I have killed. But then I got somehow used to that. The others were much easier. Now I think I could handle even more of them." Kate smiled happily. "That's good. You never know, when you will have to kill more of them. It is much better, when you are prepared and don't have any major problems doing that." Riza smiled back. "Yes, I think so. Do you think the Colonel is planning anything?" Kate nodded. "Yes, sure. I don't know, if I am allowed to tell you, but he is already considering tactics to attack Amestris. The reason why he is sending an army to the border now is purely tactical. He will keep the men there for a while, then he will bring them back. Like that, Amestris won't be alarmed when the real attack will be about to come."

Riza didn't show the shock. 'Roy was right. They are coming much sooner than they should.' But aloud, she said: "That's amazing. I mean, it is coming much sooner, than I thought." Kate nodded. "That's good, isn't it. You can take your revenge. You will also prove your loyalty and then we will be really colleagues and maybe we will be in the same office." Riza laughed. "Don't be so optimistic. My rank is much lower than yours." Kate gave her an encouraging smile. "That isn't a problem. I don't know, how it was in Amestris, but here in Creta, you can go through the ranks really fast. You only have to be good. And you are pretty good. I heard everything about the test. I think the higher-ups wouldn't be happy that I am saying this, but we have no better sniper here." Riza watched her curiously. "Really?" Kate nodded. "Yes... And that is one of the reasons, why I think that you will be very high very soon. Which rank did you have in Amestris?"

Riza bowed her head. "I was a Captain back there." Kate didn't hide her respect. "Oh, that's amazing. I am sure you started very young." Riza smiled sadly. "My military service started in a civil war. I wasn't even out from the military academy. But they needed snipers. Lots of snipers. Some say that I was just too good and had to go to the war. I wouldn't go that far. They just needed all the hands they could get." Kate looked empathic. "That must have been terrible." Riza sighed. "Yes.. It was terrible. I was sixteen, when I started killing people. They wanted to put me out there sooner, but you can't go to a war before sixteen in Amestris. So, I got an order to join the war as a birthday present." Kate looked sad also for Riza. "I am so sorry. When I imagine that when I was sixteen, I went out with my friends and had nothing to worry about. You were on the battlefield, fighting for your life. In Creta, we would never send kids to the war." Riza smiled happily. "That sounds very nice."

Slowly, they reached the military headquarters. Riza knocked on the door of the Colonel's office. "Come in!" Riza waved with her hand to Kate and entered the office. She closed the door and saluted. "Sir!" The Colonel showed her to the chair in front of his desk. Riza sat down and waited for him to speak. He watched her very carefully. "You did a good job in showing your loyalty a few days ago. To be honest, I didn't expect that you would shoot those men." Riza nodded with a little smile. "Thank you very much, Sir."

The Colonel gave her a cruel smile. Riza felt a chilling wave go through her body. She knew that smile. He was going to order her to do something terrible. "As I said, I was satisfied to see you doing the last job." Riza nodded slowly. "But now, I need an ultimate proof that you are on our side." Riza watched him, keeping her face without any emotions. "You said you loved Mustang." Riza nodded again. "And I promised you that you will get the chance to kill him." He made a pause to let Riza react. "I am looking forward to do that, Sir." The Colonel seemed to be satisfied with the answer. "Sadly, I can't let you kill him yet. We need him alive." Riza could almost hear the stone falling from her heart. "But I heard Mustang wasn't your only friend in Amestris. I heard that you were very close to some Lieutenant, whose name is Jean Havoc. You spent much time also with Lieutenant Rebecca Catlina. And then also with all the men around Mustang." Riza nodded. "Yes, that's right."

It had no sense to lie. She didn't show the fear, which was coming up her body. "First, I will tell you, what your old friends are doing. It seems that they are not as stupid, as I thought. They are moving to the borders. That means they still have some spies here. Which is one of the reason for this final test I want to order you.  We will use that it seems that some of Mustang's men still trust you. Then you can prove me that you are with us. I have just a little job for you." He paused. Riza overcame a wave of dizziness. She knew where he was going. "What job?" The Colonel gave her another of his cruel smiles.


Dear Jacqueline,

I am sorry I haven't written you earlier. I have been very busy for the last few days. I did not have to kill another men so far, but there were some things to do around my training in order to improve my skills.

Lately, I have spent lot of time with Kate. We are starting to be very good friends. Not as good as with you, of course. About a week ago, we made a picnic. Both of us cooked very good food. We went out today, too. Here in Creta, we have normally two free days a week. It is only approximate, for the free days aren't regular here. Sometimes, you have to work ten days in a row and then you get two or three days off. And sometimes, there are only three days in the work, and then you get one free day. It is a little bit confusing at first, but then you can get used to that. In the end, you get more free time than in Amestris, which is very good. I am already planning, what I will do on my next day off. I always have to plan well before the day off comes because I always meet Kate early in the morning and we go right to the place we want to visit.

I hope that you are fine. For the last time, you wrote you are beginning to feel much better. I hope it is still so and you will be able to come to me very soon. I think very much of you, my dear Jacqueline. I wish you much health.

Many greetings on Maria

Your Riza.

Roy lowered his right hand, in which he held the letter. Havoc brought it only one minute ago. Now he was standing in front of Roy's desk in his office. "When I read it, I thought I was missing something. I could read a lot, but it is written with a little bit other style, than normally." Roy nodded. "I see..."

Havoc coughed. "What do you think?" Roy read the letter again. "There is a hidden message." Havoc looked at him with surprise. "How? And how do you know?" Roy pointed on the letter, which was on his desk. "She underlined the signature. Before she left, we made up a new system of delivering secret messages to use in case, that it wouldn't be possible to hide it with another way. It is a bit riskier." Roy started to count the words. "Here we go... First paragraph, the first and the second word word in the second sentence..." He went on through the whole letter, writing the words down on a piece of paper. When he finished, he closed his eyes and bowed his head. "What does it say?" Roy shifted the paper to Havoc. It said: I have to kill Jacqueline. You have ten days. Plan well.

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