Chapter 12: A sign of danger

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The next morning, everything was the same as before. Roy and Riza arrived together to the work. Luckily, they haven't met anyone who would ask them why they came together. Normally, Riza was always the first one to come. They reached Roy's office and sat down to their tables. Both of them were able to hold they relationship strictly professional in the work.

They were signing documents, when Havoc came. "You are pretty soon in the office today, Colonel." He said surprised. "I think maybe I'll leave a bit sooner today." Roy answered. Then Havoc turned to Riza. "How are you feeling, Lieutenant?" He asked. Riza smiled. "Much better than yesterday. I followed your advice." Havoc smiled happily and looked at Roy. He didn't look as good as Riza. Havoc could tell he hasn't slept very good. Riza looked at Havoc. "And what about you?" Havoc turned back to her. "It's getting better with every day." Roy watched him. He considered if he really wanted to ask the question, but he needed to know. "How's your rehab going?" Havoc's smile faded for a second. "I think it is going good. I can walk on the whole length of the bars and back." Roy smiled. Finally some good news. "That's amazing. You are really fast." Havoc smiled gladly.

So about a week passed. Everyone worked very much. Roy could work for long now. His hands started to hurt first on the end of the day. His handwriting became better readable, too. Havoc came to work every day, but he couldn't stay for as long as the others. He went to the hospital to make his rehab every afternoon. Riza was healing well, too. The wound on her throat was almost fully healed. The one on her chest began to close at last.

They were doing some paperwork, when an officer came to bring Roy his mail. "Colonel Mustang, Sir. This letter was given to me from a stranger. He said you will be very interested in what is written there. There is no name on the envelope, but the stranger said I should give it to you as soon as possible. That's all, Colonel, Sir." Roy thanked him and waved his hand. The officer left.

Roy opened the envelope. The letter was written with an unfamiliar handwriting. With a bad feeling, he began to read. His eyes widened with every word he read.

'Hello Colonel Mustang,

I will not tell you my name. Let's say we have met before.

Probably you are feeling like a winner now. Your actions lead to the murder of Fuhrer King Bradley. You tried to spread chaos in a good working country, just to become the Fuhrer. But don't think, that your rebellion has stayed unnoticed. There are still many, who hate you for the death of Fuhrer King Bradley. We are watching every step you make. We are behind every corner. We know every action of you and your subordinates. We know you spent this night with Hawkeye. We are watching all of you. We are going to defeat you. But we want to see you suffer before. I know you care too much about your subordinates. I am coming for those who are close to you, Mustang. I will take care of them. As soon as they aren't in a good state anymore, I will bring you here, so that you can watch them die, one after another.

See you later'

"What is it, Sir?" Riza asked with concern. "It seems we were too optimistic with the forming underground networks. There is someone after us. Which means I will go everywhere with you until the danger is eliminated." Riza looked at Roy, trying to keep a strong look in her eyes. "We are not yet prepared for battles, Sir. Isn't there a possibility to give this case to another team?" Roy shook his head. "No, because the danger doesn't concern the whole military." Riza understood quickly. "Which means it has to do with our team. Probably someone who is missing Bradley." Roy nodded. "We have to make some plan. We will start tomorrow. Havoc left already. I hope we can take this as a warning and we still have some time. Pass a message to everyone." "Yes, Colonel." Riza left the room as she went to find everybody from the team, telling them to make sure to be there by tomorrow morning.

When Riza left, Roy was lost in his thoughts. He wasn't concerned about her now. She was in the Headquarters, which meant there were many officers there. The military was on their side now, meaning she was safe. At least he hoped so. His greatest concern was what the letter said. 'I am coming for those, who are close to you, Mustang. As soon as they aren't in a good state anymore, I will bring you here, so that you can watch them die, one after another.' Who is it? A person? An organization? What exactly do they want? Do they want him dead? Or do they want to make him do something using his subordinates as hostages? He will not give them chance to do so. He will protect Riza with his own hands. The others got the message of danger form her. Roy was ready to act at any moment.

Roy was still thinking about how is he doing to fix things up, when Riza entered the office. "Colonel, shouldn't we warn Havoc?" "Sure. I will call him. He might be in the hospital at the time." Roy reached to the phone. "Hello? ...Colonel Roy Mustang .... yes the hospital please..." After about ten minutes, he finally reached Havoc. "What's up, Colonel?" Havoc asked. He knew something serious must have happened, when the Colonel was calling him at this time. "Someone is after us, Havoc. They want to capture my subordinates. Be careful. Do you have your gun?" "Of course I do. I have learned from the Lieutenant, that she never leaves her home without a gun. Seemed like a good idea to me." Roy smiled. "Should I send someone to pick you up? I don't think it is safe to be alone now." Havoc laughed. "You have become even more protective of your subordinates than before, Colonel. I'll be alright." "Great. See you tomorrow, then." "Yeah, see you."

"Alright. Now we have to think, how we could find out, who is our enemy and what he is up to." Riza thought for a while. "Why don't we use me? I could work as a bait. They will capture me, but there would be someone watching, so that you will know, where their place is." Roy looked horrified at her. "I would never sacrifice you, nor any other of my subordinates. If they find out they are being watched, they could kill you. There must be another way." Riza wasn't satisfied, but she was thankful at the same time. "Than we will wait and see how patient is our enemy." "That's exactly what we will do. There is no other way. I don't think they will work any soon. It hasn't been long enough to build a good functioning team. If they act too soon, they would give us an advantage." "Based on the plan to capture us, it sure is an organization. Maybe we aren't in a best shape right now, but we would still be very difficult to get captured by only one person." Roy nodded. "Yes, you are right."

After work, they walked together to Riza's apartment. Without many words, they ate the dinner and went to the bed. Neither of them said that, but they were both scared and enjoyed the closeness of the other one. Both of them felt the danger was close. They just didn't know, where it will come from. But it was to come very soon.

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