Chapter 8: The Human Transmutation

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After a few days, Roy was moved to Riza's room. The main reason was that it was easier to guard only one room. Because of their actions, everyone expected that there was a possibility of an attack on them. Their guards weren't from the team, but they stayed in the corridor the most of the time, which left Roy and Riza enough time to talk to each other. Even the doctors agreed, because it showed to be better for Riza. They noticed, that since Roy visited her every day, she was healing much faster. There was some way she knew he was there, even if she was unconscious, and that gave her more strength than any medicine.

The first few days of their room sharing weren't very interesting, even though both of them were happy to be together. Most of the time, Riza slept because of the fever. She even fell unconscious several times. It was much worse than on the day she woke up. The state she was in was costing her very much energy. She was weaker with each day. The doctors were very worried about it. They gave her many various medicines. Roy spent most of the time sitting next to her bed. When they were alone, they held their hands.

On one day, Roy came to Riza's bedside again. He sat down on a chair. He laid his hand on Riza's and sighed. He couldn't bow his fingers again. The doctors said he will have to exercise as soon as his wounds heal. Until then, it should be normal that his fingers moved sometimes better, sometimes worse. Through the bandages wrapped around his hand, he could feel heat coming from Riza's hand. She had a terrible fever again. It was almost as if her body was burning. The fire Roy trusted so much, was acting against him in the last time. He felt a slight movement. "Roy..." Riza said with a weak voice. Roy smiled. Then he felt Riza's hand bowing his fingers, so that he could hold her other hand properly. Riza took a few breaths, before she could speak. "What... are we going... to do next?" It was always the first think she asked, when she woke up. Roy gave her a gentle smile. "We will heal now. Then we will go on with our work." Riza let out a sob. "I am... so useless for you now... I can't do... anything for you..." Roy shook his head. "It isn't true. Right now, I am happy, that you are here with me." Riza sighed. Roy wanted to take her in his arms, but he feared it would make her wounds worse. "I am... very happy, too. I want to... stand by your side again." Roy smiled. "For now, it is the most important, that you heal. Get some rest now. I am right here." Riza pushed his fingers gently. Then she fell asleep again.

Short after, Havoc entered the room. "How are you two today?" Roy shook his head. "The Lieutenant is quite bad today. Her fever has been very high for too long. It cost her  a lot of energy." Havoc nodded. "I see. And what about you?" Roy laid his hands on his legs. "I can't move my fingers again." Havoc sighed. Roy went on: "But the Lieutenant concerns me more. My hands should be alright as soon as the wounds heal. But the wound on her chest isn't healing now because of the infection. It is still bleeding badly." Havoc understood Roy's concern. "It may take a while, but I am sure she will be alright. If she hadn't died until now, I doubt she could. She just needs time. She would never leave you alone here." Roy thought about what Riza told him, when she woke up for the first time. She had been dead. But she came back, despite all of the circumstances, which were against her. Havoc most probably didn't know, how right he was.

Days passed in the same scenario. Roy spent most of the time next to Riza's bed. Her fever was going down at last. Havoc came to visit them every day. They began to plan together, what they will do, when they are back in charge. Even though no one said it, they knew that their enthusiasm was a little too big.

It was almost impossible to put a good functioning team back together. They will have to figure out, how they could have the work done. Roy and Havoc will not be able to go on a mission. Riza will need a long time to recover, too. Then she will probably have to do most of Roy's work.

But nothing of that spoiled their joy. They were happy to be together again. Planning the future was a way to not think about their current situation.

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