Chapter 41: Moving The Chessmen

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Maria Ross came very soon, after Roy sent for her. She stayed in the door and saluted. "Is there anything new?" She shook her head. "No, Sir. I haven't got any letter for about five days." Roy sighed and leaned back in his chair. He didn't get much time to think about it, because the phone rang. He picked up the receiver. "Hello?" The phone operator said: "Brigadier General Mustang, the President is calling you." "Alright." He heard a click and then Grumman's voice spoke: "Brigadier General, I got some alarming news." Roy listened carefully. "What is it, Sir?" "The building in Ishval is going very well, but it seems there are some people, who are against it." "Are there some attacks?" "Just some small, but it is getting more serious every day." Roy nodded. "I fear I can't go there now. I am busy with the organization of the special mission you have given to me. I think I will send Major Armstrong with some men to restore peace." "Of course. It doesn't matter to me right now, how you will achieve that. Just do it. I need peace down there." Roy was surprised with the unfriendly tone. "Did something happen, Sir?" He heard a sight. "The North is bothering me. Major General Armstrong is an amazing leader, but the fights are getting very bad. I don't know, how long we can hold it. Without the wall, it would be even worse. But I don't want to send too many men there now. I need to keep enough for the possibility of Creta's attack." "You can leave the Creta case to me, if you want, Sir. I can take the full responsibility for the border. Maybe I could even prevent the attack." Grumman was silent for half a minute. "Alright. The case is yours." "Thank you, Sir."

"Second Lieutenant, could you send the Major to me, please." Maria jumped to her feet and saluted. "Yes, Sir. Do you have some orders for me in the secret case?" Roy stood up. He went to the window, lost in his thoughts. He was getting nervous. Riza hasn't written anything for a long time. He hoped she was alright. "Do not forget to visit the apartment today. If there will be a new letter, contact me immediately. Even if it would be in the middle of the night. In case that there wouldn't be anything, write the Captain that she should send us a report. You know, how to do that." Maria saluted again. "Yes, Sir." Then she left the office. Roy sat down at his desk. He knew he had enough time until the Major would come. It always took him terribly long. Most likely he always met many people on the way. When Roy wanted to have him there immediately, he had to exactly say it in the order.

Roy decided to use the time. He went to the front office. Falman was sitting at his desk, writing something with a typewriter. Breda stood next to him and read some reports. Havoc was talking to some officer. The officer saluted and left. Then Havoc noticed that Roy was there. Roy waved with his hand to his office. Havoc followed him.

"Who was that?" Havoc sat down on the chair Roy pointed at. "He was one of the officers I told you about. You said you want some officers to clear the tunnels." "How is it going?" "The most of them are alright. But there are some very damaged tunnels, where the ceiling and the walls fell. It will take a while to repair those. The officer I was now talking to asked if they should repair also the tunnels near the Central Headquarters, which were damaged on the Promised Day. I told him they should do so. There are enough men working on that now and I thought it could be useful to have the full way to the Headquarters clear." Roy nodded. "Good job."

"The President called me a few minutes ago. There are some conflicts in Ishval. I am sending there Major Armstrong with a few men. I am sure he will do a good job there. The President said that a war with Creta may come before the Captain could do her job. It is becoming more likely every day. He has not enough men to cover both the borders with Drachma and with Creta. I told him he shouldn't worry about that and send men to the North. We will take care of Creta."

"How do you want to win a fight without soldiers?" Roy smiled. "There is a real fight with Drachma. That's why I think there should be as many men as possible. But we are not in a fight with Creta yet. There is a chance to do a little bit of tactics there. Don't forget that we have the Captain there. I am sure she can do a lot. She will have to slow things down a bit. And I think that I know how she could do that."

"How?" "She said she got an order to kill you. You have to stay in Central. The farther you will be from Creta the better. But we can't act suspicious or the Creta's officers will discover us and also the Captain. She has to play for time. She knows how Amestris military is. The fight in the North is very bad now." Havoc nodded. Roy watched him. "I am sorry we have to do this." Havoc smiled sadly. "That's alright. It is for the best." Roy nodded. Havoc stood up and left the office.

After a few minutes, Major Armstrong came. He saluted. "Sir." Roy waved with his hand to a chair. The Major sat down. "I called you because I've got orders for you." The Major asked: "What is it, Sir?" Roy watched him. "It seems that in Ishval is going to be a conflict. I need you to hold peace there. I can give you only a few men. There are heavy fights in the North and we need the most men there." The Major nodded. "Do you have any more information about the rebelling group?" "I don't think it is an organization. I think they are just Amestrians, who don't like Ishvalians. The civil war hit the East area very hard and there are still many people, who blame the Ishvalians. There shouldn't be any problems. But if you would need some help, you can contact me anytime." The Major stood up. "Yes, Sir. I will do my best." Roy smiled. "Very well. Just one more thing." The Major looked at Roy. "As you know, the Captain is doing a special mission for Amestris. I could need your help in that case. Even if you are in Ishval, you can expect my orders at any time." The Major saluted. "Yes, Sir."

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